If there is a vacancy in the Iowa General Assembly , the vacant seat must be filled by a special election. The governor of Iowa is required within five days of a vacancy in the General Assembly to call for a special election. If the vacancy happens in session, the governor must call for an election as soon as possible with a minimum day notice. All other special elections require a day notice as long the election does not happen on the same day of a school election.
If there is a vacancy in the Kansas State Legislature , the governor is responsible for appointing a replacement, and a special election is held if the vacancy occurs before May 1 of the second year of the officeholder's term. If the vacancy occurs after May 1 of the officeholder's second year, the governor is responsible for appointing a replacement, and that person serves out the rest of the term.
See sources: Kansas Stat. If there is a vacancy in the Kentucky General Assembly , a special election must be held to fill the vacant seat. The governor must call for an election if the General Assembly is not in session. The presiding officer in the house where the vacancy happened must call for an election if lawmakers are in session.
See sources: Kentucky Rev. If there is a vacancy in the Louisiana State Legislature , the vacant seat must be filled by a special election. An election is required if there are six months or more left in the unexpired term. The presiding officer in the house where the vacancy happened must call for an election no later than 10 days after the vacancy occurred.
The presiding officer must determine the dates for the election along with all filing deadlines. The person elected to the seat serves for the remainder of the unexpired term. See sources: Louisiana Rev. If there is a vacancy in the Maine State Legislature , a special election must be held to fill the vacant seat. See sources: Maine Rev. If there is a vacancy in the Maryland General Assembly , the governor is responsible for appointing a replacement.
The governor has 30 days after the vacancy to make an appointment based on the recommendations of the political party committee that holds the vacant seat. The political party committee has up to 30 days after the vacancy to submit a list of recommended candidates to the governor. If the party committee fails to act within the day deadline, the governor has 15 days to appoint a person from the political party that last held the seat.
See sources: Maryland Const. If there is a vacancy in the Massachusetts General Court , a special election must be conducted to fill the vacant seat.
The election must be held on the next regularly scheduled date on the election calendar. See sources: Massachusetts Gen. Laws Ann. If there is a vacancy in the Michigan State Legislature , the governor must call for a special election to fill the vacancy. When conducting a special election, the election should be held whenever the next general election is scheduled. If the vacancy happens after the statewide primary election, the leaders of the respective party organizations in the district can submit a list of nominees to be voted on by party leadership.
The nominee must be voted on no later than 21 days after the vacancy occurred. See sources: Michigan Const. If there is a vacancy in the Minnesota State Legislature , a special election must be conducted to fill the vacant seat. It is up to the appropriate elections authorities to conduct an election as soon as possible.
A special election must be held during the next general election if the vacancy has more than days left before the unfilled term expires. If the vacancy happens in legislative session, the governor must call for an election no more than 35 days after the vacancy occurred.
If there are less than days left in the unfilled term and the Legislature is out of session, the governor must call for a special election as soon as possible so the winner of the election can take office when the Legislature reconvenes.
See sources: Minnesota Cons. If there is a vacancy in the Mississippi State Legislature , a special election is required to fill the vacant seat. The governor must call for an election no later than 30 days after the vacancy happened. After the governor sets the election date, the counties conducting the election must be given at least 40 days notice before the election. All qualifying deadlines are 30 days before the election.
No special election is held if the vacancy happens after June 1 in an election year. See sources: Mississippi Code Ann. If there is a vacancy in the Missouri General Assembly , the governor of Missouri must call for a special election without delay. The election mandate is sent to the county that first established the legislative district.
See sources: Missouri Cons. If there is a vacancy in the Montana State Legislature , the board of county commissioners that represent the vacant seat must select a replacement. The secretary of state must notify the board of county commissioners and the county central committee of the political party that holds the vacant seat no later than seven days after the vacancy happened.
The county central committee has 45 days after receiving notice from the secretary of state to provide a list of candidates to the board of county commissioners. The board must select a replacement no later than 15 days after receiving the list of candidates. If the Legislature is in session, the selection must be made no later than five days after receiving a candidate list.
Any person selected to fill a Senate seat serves until the next scheduled general election. See sources: Montana Const. If there is a vacancy in the Nebraska State Legislature , the governor is responsible for appointing a replacement. If the vacancy happens sixty days before a general election, the replacement must serve the remainder of the unfilled term until a new representative is elected and sworn in during the next legislative session.
If the vacancy happens more than 60 days before an general election, the replacement serves the remainder of the unfilled term before the next general election when a new representative is elected. See sources: Nebraska Rev. If there is a vacancy in the Nevada State Legislature , the board of county commissioners in the county representing the seat must decide on a replacement. The board of county commissioners must select a person from the same political party that last held the seat when making its decision.
If the vacancy happens before the next legislative session and an election for county officers is scheduled, no replacement is named. See sources: Nevada Const. If there is a vacancy in the New Hampshire General Court , a special election must be held to fill the vacant seat.
To fill a Senate or House vacancy, a town or city in the district must first make a formal request to the governor and executive council for a special election. The governor and council will approve or deny the request within 21 days and then set the filing deadline and election dates. See sources: New Hampshire Cons.
If there is a vacancy in the New Jersey State Legislature , the vacancy will be filled by an interim appointment by the county leadership of the political party that holds the seat. The office will be on the ballot in the next general election, unless the vacancy occurs within 51 days of the election.
If that is the case, the appointment would stand until the following general election. See sources: New Jersey Const. IV, Sec. If there is a vacancy in the New Mexico State Legislature , the board of county commissioners is responsible for filling the vacancy.
The governor will choose a new member from the list provided by the county boards in the district where the vacant seat is located. The governor is not required by law to appoint a member of the same political party as the last incumbent. For a vacancy in the office of United States senator, the governor shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy.
That appointee shall be of the same political party as the person vacating the office and, except as provided in subsection D of this section, shall serve until the person elected at the next general election is qualified and assumes office. If the person vacating the office changed political party affiliation after taking office, the person who is appointed to fill the vacancy shall be of the same political party that the vacating officeholder was when the vacating officeholder was elected or appointed to that office.
If a vacancy in the office of United States senator occurs more than one hundred fifty days before the next regular primary election date, the person who is appointed pursuant to subsection C of this section shall continue to serve until the vacancy is filled at the next general election. The salary of the appointee commences when he has qualified and taken his oath of office.
January 13, Honorable Charles W. Dear Sir:. By letter previously acknowledged you have requested our opinion on the following questions:. Our answer to your first question is "yes" providing there is a special session of the legislature called by the governor. Our answer to your second question is the salary will commence when the appointee has qualified and has taken his oath of office.
Page 2]]. A few states require the governor to appoint a replacement of the same political party as the previous incumbent. Typically, a replacement holds office until the next scheduled statewide election.
From the Congressional Research Service :. Alaska, Oregon, and Wisconsin do not allow the governor to make interim appointments; state laws require a special election to fill any Senate vacancy.
Oklahoma also requires that Senate vacancies be filled by special elections, with an exception. If the vacancy occurs after March 1 of any even-numbered year and the term expires the following year, no special election is held; rather, the governor is required to appoint the candidate elected in the regular general election to fill the unexpired term.
Arizona and Hawaii require the governor to fill Senate vacancies with a person affiliated with the same political party as the previous incumbent. Utah and Wyoming require the governor to select an interim senator from a list of three candidates proposed by the state central committee of the political party with which the previous incumbent was affiliated.
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