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Veggicurious Join other followers. It is not the easiest place to locate but well worth the effort, it's not far from the Rialto Bridge. This bar has been open since Drop by and have a drink and a snack. It is small and there are very few seats but you are there for a drink not to stay all day or evening.
We had read several reviews before going to Venice. The cantina sounded very interesting but hard to find. In fact we had no trouble at all in finding No problem. Interesting place with lots of copper pots hanging from the ceiling. Nice selection of wines and cichetti A nice stop for a quick standup lunch. Own or manage this property? Claim your listing for free to respond to reviews, update your profile and much more.
Skip to main content. Sign in to get trip updates and message other travelers. Review of Cantina Do Mori. Cantina Do Mori. Improve this listing. Ranked of 1, Restaurants in Venice. Reviews about this recipe This recipe does not currently have any reviews.
Member Rating Average rating of 0 by 0 people. Categories Pasta, baked Italian Main course. Already a Member? Sign In Email or Username. Took me all day. I finally realized there was no way for me to get caught up on all my bible study homework. I missed last week due to the severe flu, then next week I am out of town to visit family and friends in Oregon.
So I am not doing this series. So I had a little free time and I decided to make up some ravioli to keep me satisfied through the long work night ahead of me. I made the pasta dough like yesterdays.
This time with so much ease it was scary. I then stopped and read my new Batali book Babbo for a bit. He had an interesting recipe in there for ravioli but it called for cow brains. I decided to make my own filling. I used 2 lbs mortadella for those who don't have that, just use 1lb mild italian sausauge and 1lb hot italian sausauge. Moderate heat and covered it.