Sorry, No data match for your criteria. Please refine your filters to display data. Related Terms Business Technologist. Digital Assets. Digital Finance. Fusion Team. Internet Speed Test. Remote Control. M2M communication is communication between two devices or machines. In industrial contexts, M2M communication can occur between machine tools, sensors, and other information systems. Given that both IIoT and M2M involve communication between networked entities, there can be some confusion between the two.
The distinction is this: IIoT refers to the broader system of connected, communicating devices, while M2M refers to direct information transactions between two devices. So an RPM sensor measuring the spindle speed on mill sending data to an edge device, for one, would be an example of the machine-to-machine communications that furnish the industrial internet of things.
Manufacturing networks are adopting decentralized models. Previously, network architectures in manufacturing were centralized. All information generated on the shop floor was shuttled to a system that controlled the entire network. The tides are turning, however. Wireless connectivity is the norm, and manufacturers have embraced the cloud.
Decentralized networks are important for M2M. Instead of having to run a wire from the PLC to a device, a wireless sensor can send information directly to where it is needed. When scaling connected devices security can be a concern.
However, M2M devices often come with built-in security features like encryption. Since communication is only between two devices, it is possible to have end-to-end encryption, which means someone with malicious intent would have to gain access to one of the devices directly. Even then, password protections and firewalls can create a robust secure M2M communication.
Machine to Machine M2M refers to a wireless or wired network setup that allows devices of the same type and ability to communicate freely.
This type of system can be used in a variety of ways and has advanced over the last few decades with the creation of global Internet and IP network systems, facilitating enhanced and efficient communications over long distances and between large numbers of devices. M2M technologies typically use sensors to capture data that is fed through networks, providing critical input to various types of machines that perform different tasks.
Although a broad term, M2M usually refers to the use of these distributed systems to control industrial or manufacturing equipment. One such system is telemetry, which uses radio waves to facilitate this type of communication between devices.
Those discussing the history of M2M systems may point to the evolution of new smart meter utility systems, automotive technologies and the integration of more intelligent networking systems with a broader variety of machines and appliances. The emergence of new models, like Web-distributed software, is also helping M2M technologies evolve and gain ground within manufacturing and industrial industries. By: Justin Stoltzfus Contributor, Reviewer.
By: Satish Balakrishnan. Dictionary Dictionary Term of the Day.