What is the difference between a trochanter and a tuberosity

What is Tubercle — Definition, Structure, Examples 3. Typically, the tuberosity is a moderate prominence to which the muscles and connective tissues are attached. And, its function is similar to that of a trochanter. Basically, trochanter is a large prominence on the side of the bone to which the largest muscle groups and most dense connective tissues are attached.

Examples of tuberosity include the greater tuberosity of the humerus , tibial tuberosity, deltoid tuberosity, and ischial tuberosity. Figure 1: The Greater Tuberosity of the Humerus. Discussing them further, the greater tuberosity of the humerus is a prominent area of the humerus at the top of the bone. It allows the attachment for two large, powerful rotator cuff muscles — supraspinatus and infraspinatus. Perhaps, it is known as the greater tubercle along with the lesser tubercle.

The tubercle is a small, rounded prominence to which the connective tissues are attached. Examples of tubercle include the lesser tubercle of the humerus. Here, the lesser tubercle is the more prominent protuberance than the greater tubercle and is situated in front, directed medially and anteriorly. Figure 2: Tubercles of the Rib. Usually, the tubercle is an eminence on the back surface of the ribs at the junction between the neck and the body. Its articular areas provide the articulation with the transverse processes as well as the ligaments.

However, tubercles are much more prominent in the upper ribs than in the lower ribs. Tuberosity refers to a moderate prominence where the muscles and connective tissues are attached. But, tubercle refers to a small, rounded prominence where the connective tissues are attached. The tuberosity is a rough, elevated surface, but in contrast, tubercle is a small, rounded process.

This is composed of a hard, grayish, or yellowish, translucent or opaque matter, which gradually softens, and excites suppuration in its vicinity. It is most frequently found in the lungs, causing consumption. A trochanter is a tubercle of the femur near its joint with the hip bone. In humans and most mammals, the trochanters serve as important muscle attachment sites.

In anatomy, a tubercle literally 'small tuber', Latin for 'lump' is any round nodule, small eminence, or warty outgrowth found on external or internal organs of a plant or an animal. Published: 19 Mar, Tubercle noun anatomy A round nodule, small eminence, or warty outgrowth, especially those found on bones for the attachment of a muscle or ligament or small elevations on the surface of a tooth.

Trochanter noun anatomy In vertebrates with legs, the end of the femur near the hip joint, not including the head or neck. Tubercle noun botany A small rounded wartlike protuberance of the roots of some leguminous plants; the lip of certain orchids, cacti. Trochanter noun In some arthropods, the second segment of the leg, between the coxa and the femur. Tubercle noun pathology A small rounded nodule forming the characteristic lesion of tuberculosis. Trochanter noun One of two processes near the head of the femur, the outer being called the great trochanter, and the inner the small trochanter.

Tubercle noun A small knoblike prominence or excrescence, whether natural or morbid; as, a tubercle on a plant; a tubercle on a bone; the tubercles appearing on the body in leprosy. Trochanter noun The third joint of the leg of an insect, or the second when the trochantine is united with the coxa.

Tubercle noun A small mass or aggregation of morbid matter; especially, the deposit which accompanies scrofula or phthisis. Trochanter noun one of the bony prominences developed near the upper extremity of the femur to which muscles are attached.

Tubercle noun a swelling that is the characteristic lesion of tuberculosis. Trochanter noun any of a number of bony protuberances by which muscles are attached to the upper part of the thigh bone.

Tubercle noun small rounded wartlike protuberance on a plant. Trochanter noun the small second segment of the leg of an insect, between the coxa and the femur. Tubercle noun a protuberance on a bone especially for attachment of a muscle or ligament. Trochanter A trochanter is a tubercle of the femur near its joint with the hip bone.

Tubercle noun a small rounded projection or protuberance, especially on a bone or on the surface of an animal or plant. Tubercle noun a small nodular lesion in the lungs or other tissues, characteristic of tuberculosis. Tubercle In anatomy, a tubercle literally 'small tuber', Latin for 'lump' is any round nodule, small eminence, or warty outgrowth found on external or internal organs of a plant or an animal.

Tubercle Illustrations. Popular Comparisons. Adress vs. Comming vs. Label vs. Genius vs. Speech vs. Chief vs. Teat vs. Neice vs. Buisness vs. Beeing vs. Amature vs. Lieing vs. Preferred vs. Omage vs. Finally vs. Attendance vs.


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