The screens being shiny and not having any matte coating on top has its technical aspects as well, but the primary reason why you will barely find any matte screens in mainstream tech these days, especially with smartphones and touch screens all around us, is product image. Luckily for avid computer users, matte alternatives and anti-glare products exist to combat and offer competition to the sometimes painful to use shiny screens. Here are some solutions to help with the gloss and shine of modern-day screens.
Anti-glare monitor filters are usually thin layers applied on top of the glass surface of the monitor to help prevent glare, shine, color shift, etc. Modern-day manufacturer of such filters however, offer a variety of anti-glare filter solutions for PC monitors, laptops and even smartphones. Filters these days are manufactured from polycarbonate or acrylic plastic, giving the screen that matte finish without compensating with image quality or clarity.
The filters are thin and easy to use and apply. Room lights and windows reflect very clearly on glossy materials. Glare has been repeatedly shown to cause fatigue and eye strain. Additionally, glossy surfaces have the extra issue of smudges and finger magnetism. Touch a glossy screen and oil from your fingers shows quite obviously. Dust similarly has a tendency to stick to glossy screens, so they need considerable maintenance to keep clean.
Having said that, if you can REALLY control lighting in your environment and make sure no light sources reflect onto a screen, then glossy offers the better image rendition.
In those scenarios a glossy screen can work. In the real world, matte monitor surfaces are the only practical and rational way to go. Matte monitors employ plastic surfaces made of different polymers that undergo an etching process. Select the perfect screen-guard for your phone. Sanand is our contributing author for the section of Mobile devices. He is a power user and likes to the use and test the smartphones to their fullest potential. He loves Apple devices for their simplicity but also cannot help himself from appreciating the flexibility and raw performance provided by Android flagship phones.
Thank you for this well thought article. I have been having an internal dilemma about which type of screen protector to use but with your writing I now know which one to use. Your email address will not be published.
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Glossy displays tend to look better in stores where there are no bright lights to cause glare, but you may want a matte display if you plan on using the display in a bright room. In the below image, you can clearly see the difference — both in color and glare — between a matte Dell display on the left and a glossy Apple display on the right.
You may also be buying a laptop that you intend on using indoors and out of direct sunlight, so you may prefer a glossy display with more intense colors versus the matte display and its anti-glare coating. Maybe you want a matte display for the increased flexibility, or maybe you want a glossy display for the more vibrant colors. The differences are due to much more than a glossy or matte coating. Actually using the different types of displays in your day to day life is the best way to really know what you want — and, even then, you may prefer different types of displays in different situations.
These people may just be used to matte displays, but they still have a real personal preference. This is a complicated choice. Browse All iPhone Articles Browse All Mac Articles Do I need one? Browse All Android Articles Browse All Smart Home Articles Customize the Taskbar in Windows Browse All Microsoft Office Articles What Is svchost. Browse All Privacy and Security Articles Browse All Linux Articles