Learn more about Sappi's frequently asked questions involving Deforestration , Reforestration and Afforestration here. Skip to main content Skip to navigation. Reforestation Deforestation Afforestation. Learn more about Sappi's frequently asked questions involving Deforestration , Reforestration and Afforestration. Reforestation What does reforestation mean?
Deforestation Deforestation definition What does deforestation mean? Afforestation Afforestation definition What does afforestation mean? Click to see full answer Keeping this in view, is afforestation and reforestation the same? Reforestation refers to planting trees on land that was previously forest whereas afforestation refers to planting trees on patches of land which were not previously covered in forest.
However, these new trees will never create exactly the same ecosystem as the original forest. Secondly, what is the difference between silviculture and afforestation? Silviculture is the practice of controlling the establishment, growth, composition, health, and quality of forests to meet diverse needs and values while afforestation is just the planting of trees to establish a forest on the land that was earlier not forested.
When the plants or trees are cut down, it is called deforestation whereas when the plants or trees are grown or planted, it is called reforestation. Deforestation has a negative affect on the environment whereas reforestation has a very good affect in the nature. Afforestation programs have been used to expand the forest resources in Brazil, Chile, New Zealand, and other countries. Growing trees take water from the soil and release it into the atmosphere. Tree leaves also act as interceptors, catching falling rain , which then evaporates causing rain precipitation elsewhere — a process known as evapo-transpiration.
Afforestation can be done through tree planting and seeding, naturally or artificially. Similarly, reforestation can be considered a form of afforestation. Reforestation is the alteration of a non-forested area to a forested area through tree planting and seeding. Tackle climate change. Increase spending on flood defenses. Protect wetlands and introduce plant trees strategically. Restore rivers to their natural courses. Afforestation is the effort to plant trees in barren lands so as to create a forest.
Similar to afforestation, there are several beneficial impacts of reforestation on our environment. Still, creating a new forest is not a quick-fix process. And it may not generate the same ecosystem as it was naturally before. Due to deforestation, several species get extinct , and our food web and food chain become unstable. Those impacts on our biotic component of the ecosystem will never be restored, but we can resolve the issue to a few extents.
If we discuss the importance of reforestation , we will come to know that it can help our atmosphere from increased temperature and pressure due to several anthropogenic causes. We can choose a diverse group of plants for the reestablishment of a natural forest. Further, the trees having fewer water requirements can thrive in a desert area easily. Some examples of such plants include cactus, wildflower, shrubbery, Joshua, and elephant trees. Deforestation can be defined as clearing or removing several trees from an area for several human needs.
Further, several forest lands get converted into farms, industries, roads, or other civilization structures. Some of the primary causes of deforestation include urbanization, where trees are necessary to construct buildings and factories, as fuels, or even for agricultural purposes, and much more. While afforestation has a good impact on our society, deforestation leads to all kinds of negative consequences.
We constantly require forest products ; this makes it difficult for the forests to replenish its resources in a limited time, leading to a decline in size of these forests. Deforestation has massively increased due to the mass urbanization and industrialization of the planet in the last few decades. Afforestation is the process of planting trees and plants in barren lands devoid of any trees previously. Afforestation is practiced to compensate for loss of trees due to deforestation being carried out around our planet.
The objective of afforestation is to provide an alternative source for consumers who demand various forests products such as timber. This way, our natural forests are preserved and become more sustainable and protected from extinction. Reforestation is planting of trees in regions where trees have been planted before. These trees could be in the form of natural forests, cleared due to deforestation. Let me table the differences between Afforestation and Deforestation to make it easy for you.
These differences have been discussed in detail below the table. Due to the massive cutting down of trees deforestation , our planet is facing more and more threats of global warming. This is because forests act as carbon reserves of our planet reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and limiting the greenhouse effect which causes global warming.
To reduce the impact being caused by deforestation, afforestation helps to minimize climate change and global warming by providing trees and plants which can store carbon reducing the carbon emissions of our planet and slowing down global warming in the process.
Wildlife becomes severely affected due to deforestation. The species living in forests become devoid of their natural habitat and shelter grounds, they are unable to find sufficient food for their survival. Migration becomes the only option for those who can do it, while most die because of starvation and may be eaten by predators higher up the chain. This chain of events is what can and has made several species of animals, birds, and plants endangered and even extinct.
Afforestation, on the other hand, provides these species with a habitat similar to their own so that they may live there, find shelter and food, and reproduce to further progress their kind. This has saved many species from extinction and endangerment.