What is the difference between solubility and ksp

Skip to main content. Search for:. How do you purify water? Summary The process of determining solubilities using K sp values is described. Practice Read the material at the link below and do the problems at the end. Review What information is needed to carry out these calculations?

What allows the calculation of molar solubility? If you forgot your password, you can reset it. Analytical Chemistry Video Lessons. Cell Biology Video Lessons. Genetics Video Lessons. Biochemistry Video Lessons. GOB Video Lessons. Microbiology Video Lessons. We can determine the solubility product of a slightly soluble solid from that measure of its solubility at a given temperature and pressure, provided that the only significant reaction that occurs when the solid dissolves is its dissociation into solvated ions, that is, the only equilibrium involved is:.

Calculation of K sp from Equilibrium Concentrations. We began the chapter with an informal discussion of how the mineral fluorite is formed. What is the solubility product of fluorite?

For silver carbonate, the expression is slightly different. The solubility of silver carbonate is sensitive to the square of the metal-ion concentration because two silver ions per carbonate ion are necessary to build the solid crystal. Therefore, the form of the solubility product expression is different. If compounds have different solubilities, or relative solubilities, they can be separated. For example, in the process of extraction, scientists take something dissolved in one liquid and force it to become dissolved in another liquid.

Caffeine must be extracted from coffee beans in order to be used in beverages such as soda. Typically, the caffeine is dissolved in carbon dioxide that has been heated to over K and pressurized to 73 atm, making it a liquid. Then, the temperature is lowered lowering the solubility of the caffeine in carbon dioxide , and water is added. The system is allowed to reach equilibrium.


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