The endorsed components form part of the requirements that an RTO must meet under these Standards. Actions are to include:. View Document. Since then, there has been a procession of revised frameworks:. The aim is to discourage unduly short-duration VET training programs that do not provide sufficient training. The Standards for RTOs are the regulatory requirements for the operation of training organisations registered to deliver training services and to issue nationally recognised training NRT qualifications or statements of attainment.
Many training organisations want to be registered, not as an expression of quality training, but because this is a prerequisite for being eligible to receive government funding when delivering training. Since then, there has been a procession of revised standards: [5]. RTOs must comply with the requirements specified by training packages and accredited courses when delivering nationally recognised training NRT :. Over the years, Australia has had a number of unfit and improper people owning and managing RTOs.
I will say more about this topic during the conclusion of this article. Over the years, Australia has seen a number of high-profile RTOs that have financially crashed. Many RTOs have a business model that is based on revenue from government funding. If the government funding changes, so does the financial viability of these RTOs. Gathering data can provide useful insight about how an RTO is operating, or has been operating. There is always going to be a lag.
Australia has had a long history in government sponsored and industry endorsed frameworks that have been designed for assuring the quality of vocational education and training VET.
Over the years, it is sad that the Australian VET system has witnessed many cases of fraudulent, unethical, and unscrupulous behaviour displayed by RTO owners, executives, and senior managers. The National Framework for the Recognition of Training NFROT , introduced in , established national principles for accreditation of courses, registration of training providers, credit transfer, recognition of prior learning, and assessment.
ARF provided a set of nationally agreed registration requirements for training providers and their products and services. It comprises:. It was applied within the jurisdictions through state and territory regulators and was aimed at ensuring the qualifications and statements of attainment in training packages and accredited courses issued by providers would be recognised throughout Australia.
Currently Victoria and Western Australia are still regulated by their states Registration and Qualifications Authority. This collection of policies and standards aims to achieve greater national consistency in the way providers are registered and monitored and in how standards in the vocational education and training VET sector are enforced. We will continue to unpack these requirements through the course.
The website training. The Department of Education and Training.