The dogs of the goat world, they are quiet and companionable. These quiet animals, once taught, will present themselves to be milked, according to the U. Elegant, silky-haired Pashmina goats have roamed the Tibetan plateau for thousands of years. During the cold, high-altitude winters, they grow a thick, downy fleece. When they molt in the springtime their wool is spun and woven into shawls, scarves and sweaters.
Consider a sweet-natured Nigerian Dwarf, which is about half the size of a normal goat and on average produces just a few pints of milk per day. They can even be trained to walk on a leash. Unlike other lean, athletic goats, Boer goats were originally bred in South Africa in the early s specifically for meat production. Kids size up after a season and mature bucks can reach up to pounds.
Get an Arapawa. Arapawa Goat Breeders-USA claims the once-feral creatures, originally from New Zealand, came to America in and that only 15 owners are currently registered.
This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. My name is Zoe and I really enjoy your articles if you squint you could even say that I am an avid farmer myself. Love You guys — Zoe Markle and the goats. Check out the new Million Gardens Movement website and get gardening! Mail me your suggestions and feedback.
Subscribe to our Newsletter. You choose the topics of your interest and we'll send you handpicked news and latest updates based on your choice. Related Links Goat Milk Market: Understanding Present and Future Prospects We all know that milk and milk products are the essential food items of human beings, supplying adequate nutritional supplements,…. Show your support to Agri-Journalism Dear patron, thank you for being our reader. Contribute now. Like this article? Read next Camel Milk is better than Mother's Milk?
Share your comments. We're on WhatsApp! Join our WhatsApp group and get the most important updates you need. The Saanen a large dairy goat and the highest in milk production.
This hearty breed boasts a calm temperament, and though large they are great with children. They have the traditional upright, forward-facing Alpine ears. The coat is usually white or off-white. The Alpine is also a large breed of dairy goat, whose weight is similar to that of the Saanen breed. This breed was developed in the French Alps.
We used to raise Alpines and found them to have very gentle dispositions and high production rates throughout the year. The Oberhasli is a medium-size goat from Switzerland. The Alpine breed was established from the Oberhasli. It produces less milk than the larger breeds, but the milk it does produce has a higher butterfat content. Not only is the Oberhasli a good dairy goat, but they make great pack animals.
They have a gentle temperament and are more willing to please than some other breeds. Nubians are my favorite breed and the type of dairy goat we raise on our farm. The first time I saw a Nubian, with their long floppy ears and curved Roman nose, I fell in love. Nubians produce the highest butterfat content of the large dairy breeds. Nubians, though large, are an uppity, high-energy breed.
They are also extremely loud at times. Both the kids and the adults utter a loud, hollering call when they want something. They can be a bit more willful than other breeds and a bit more destructive.