This hot air can cause clouds to move upwards where the air is colder. What you do see, however, is the act of water vapor condensing at a certain altitude while also being moved by the wind. Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you, and it can also help you to advance in your.
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September 18, am No Comments. Share on facebook Facebook. Share on twitter Twitter. In this instance, the warmer air mass, which rises with altitude, traps the cooler air mass below. If the dew point is reached, thin layers of clouds will form a visible boundary between the two masses. As previously explained, it is wind currents in the atmosphere that make clouds appear as if they are the ones doing the moving.
Removing these wind currents could mean no weather. The cooler temperatures of the wind allow clouds to condense and create precipitation. Heftier, denser clouds those packed with moisture and ice crystals remain steadfast in the sky. These fluffy, opaque clouds will withstand high wind speeds. Less dense, wispier clouds are no match for the wind and will splinter.
How fast clouds can travel depends on where they originated. This determines how many miles they can travel in a day. Some clouds can form as low as 5, feet while others, like cirrus clouds, form at more than 30, feet, meaning altitude plays a large role in their creation.
Different types of clouds have varied speed ranges due to the variations in density. Clouds are tiny droplets of water that are condensed in the atmosphere and take the shape of white mist-like formations. These clouds can take different shapes and have a certain density that makes them responsible for rainfall. On a windy day, you can spot the clouds moving when you see up in the sky. But is it really possible? Can clouds move? Indeed, clouds move and can travel to distances.
There are some theories that the cloud appears to be moving because our earth is rotating on the axis. However, the rotation of the earth is not responsible for the movement of the cloud. The winds are directly responsible for the movement. The wind carries the parcels of the clouds to different locations. Clouds are lighter and can be moved by the speed of the wind. As wind occurs at all levels of the atmosphere, it is quite easy to move the clouds. Often there is no wind on the ground, but the cirrus clouds are high and can be seen moving due to the wind present at that level of atmosphere.
On the contrary, lenticular clouds are stationary clouds that are formed in the hilly regions. They remain stationary even during strong winds.
In reality, the tiny droplets inside the cloud are moving with the wind, and new droplets are being formed at the same place that makes the cloud look stationary. Similarly, there are many cases of clouds that are moved by the force of winds in the atmosphere.
So, you cannot say that the clouds are not moving at all. There are a bunch of metrics that need to be gauged to find out the exact speed of clouds.
However, there are certain figures that give an approximate measurement of the movement making it easier to measure the speed. Typically, clouds move at an average speed of mph. However, it can change according to the situation and wind conditions.
There are different factors that influence the speed of cloud movement. For instance, at higher altitudes, the clouds tend to move faster than at lower levels.
Wind occurs at all levels of the atmosphere from the ground up to higher than a jumbo jet can fly. Sometimes there can be no wind on the ground, but cirrus clouds very high up can be seen moving because of the wind where they are. Some clouds, like the lenticular clouds that form over hills, are stationary even when the wind is strong. Actually we get fooled into thinking nothing is moving. The droplets in the cloud are moving fast with the wind, but new cloud drops are always forming in the same place where the air is pushed up near the hill, so the front of the cloud appears stationary.
At the back of the cloud where the air comes down again away from the hill, the drops are evaporating back to vapour, so the back of the cloud seems to be stationary too. Jump to Navigation Skip to main content.
Common questions about clouds, how they are formed and how they behave.