I have found that everyone has different schools of thought on what makes the best hamburger. Some prefer fewer ingredients making the quality of meat stand out on its own, others love added tons of spices and even zesty herbs. Honestly, you need the fat in the ground beef to give you a nice juicy burger. Now as far as other ingredients, I prefer adding a few spices to give a little more flavor.
I do love adding some salt, garlic powder, and onion powder to mine but you can make yours however you would like. Both ways are very good. Ground Chuck — Comes from the shoulder area of the cow where it contains more fat. The extra fat adds in some extra flavor and really stands out in a hamburger.
Making homemade hamburger patties can be changed up and you can add or change different things. Here are a few ideas:. The secret to the best juicy burger recipe is to use nice fatty beef! You want a good quality ground beef or ground chuck. STEP 3: Gently mix the spices into the ground beef.
Be careful not to overmix the meat, because that can lead to your burgers falling apart while cooking. STEP 5: Cut the patty into 4 equal triangles, and then shape each triangle into a hamburger patty. Each patty should be about 6 ounces. Use a food scale to weigh each one to ensure they are all about the same size.
STEP 6: Use either your thumb or the back of a spoon, and press it into the center of each hamburger patty. This ensures it from bulging while cooking.
STEP 2: Place the burgers on the hot grill, indent side up. Never fear! Before grilling, take a spoon and create a slight dent in the middle of each patty. This allows for even cooking and prevents the meat from puffing up. Kitchen Accomplice is your partner in all things culinary. Happy grilling! To learn how to make juicy hamburgers, read on! Lightly mix with your hands or a spatula until well blended. Do not compact the patties or handle them more than necessary.
Pan-fry patties in vegetable oil over medium-high heat, or grill or broil them to your preferred doneness. There are three keys to a juicy burger. Meat, which is a cross-section of muscle, is composed of protein and fat. The protein parts are full of moisture lean beef is about 60 percent water.
Grinding meat pulverizes the muscle fibers, which allows the moisture inside to run out. If you want a juicy hamburger, it helps to restore some of that lost moisture. The easiest way is to add water or some other liquid to the burger mixture. How you handle your burgers is the second key. As burgers cook, the protein in the meat contracts, forcing out moisture. To maintain juiciness, handle burgers as little as possible during grilling.
Every turn or prod forces out more juice, which is why you should never press a cooking burger with the back of a spatula in an attempt to speed up the grilling time. Finally, fat content also contributes to the perception of moisture in burgers, not because the burger has more juice, but because we do; the presence of fat in the mouth triggers saliva flow. Raging hot, but not for the entire cooking time. The intense heat of a grill creates a deeply browned crust, one of the hallmarks of a great burger.
These browning reactions are known as Maillard reactions, named after Louis-Camille Maillard, the French chemist who discovered them. The higher the heat, the more intense the browning reactions, and the more complex the flavor. To prevent this, set up your grill with both high-heat and low-heat zones. Start by grilling burgers over the high-heat zone to create deep surface browning, and then move them to the low-heat zone to finish cooking, a strategy known as indirect grilling.
Also, be sure to preheat the grill for at least 15 minutes, brush the grate clean, and lubricate it with an oil-soaked paper towel just before adding the burgers. There are lots of visual cues, but a thermometer is the most reliable gauge of doneness.
Grill patties 5 minutes per side, or until well done. I Made It Print. Full Nutrition. Reviews Read More Reviews. Most helpful positive review hOwArD h. Rating: 5 stars. I'm in the process of making these burgers now and just wanted to get something cleared up. Most everyone knows that the juiciest burgers come from ground beef that has a higher fat content. If you use lean beef, you're gonna get "meatloaf". What percentage of fat do you use in your recipe?
I'm grilling them on a Foreman grill which are known for draining off the fat and the moisture from most meats. I'm waiting I'm amazed,I watched the juices flowing out of the burgers and into the tray and thought "here we go again For not the first time in my life, I was wrong.
A very pleasant juicy burger. I wonder which ingredient or combination thereof keeps the juices in? A definite keeper, thank you. Read More. Most helpful critical review CookinLovin.
Rating: 1 stars. These burgers are meatballs or meatloaf in burger shape and grilled. If a tasty, juicy burger is what you're looking for, try this: Add 1 tbs of Olive Oil to one pound of ground beef I use chuck.