A tilted top will begin to wobble and slow down far sooner than one that is level when it starts spinning. To attain a level spin, you need a level hand.
It usually works best to hold the top with your thumb, index, and middle finger pointed downward rather than sideways. Then, as you begin to rotate the top in your hand, keep your fingers on the same plane rather then moving them at an angle.
Keep an eye on the largest diameter of the top as you spin it. It should be parallel to the spinning surface and remain that way throughout the motion of the launch. Grip the stem of your top firmly.
A weak hold can allow the top to slip in your fingers. A firm hold means no slippage and also allows for a large transfer of energy. Tops made for longevity often have a stem designed to help you get a good grip while launching them.
The tops that I make typically have what is known as a knurl at the end of the stem, which is a series of grooves in a grid or diamond pattern. The knurl increases the friction between your fingers and the top. With your solid grip and level positioning, the next step is to add some energy. The transfer of energy to the top comes from your hand. The amount of rotation you put in your hand as you launch the top is not as important as the amount of force you use in spinning it.
The faster you can set it spinning, the more momentum it will have. More momentum means better ability to overcome the frictional forces described above. Different top designs lend themselves to somewhat different grip positions.
The more you spin a top, the better your hand and finger muscles will be at achieving a firm grip and generating the power that you then transfer to the top while launching it.
In summary, the keys to how to you get a top to spin for a long time are having the right top, the right surface, and the right launching form. Ready to give these tips a try? But if you get the amount of friction just right it would.
You want low enough friction so that spinning friction is low, but sufficient so that the contact patch isn't completely sliding. That is the only mechanism that I can think of that would allow the motor to pump the top as a whole.
On the kickstarter page the manufacturer recommends that the buyer also buy the base that they manufacture: Fearless toys writes: "The base was designed specifically for LIMBO, with a surface that has just the right texture and right amount of friction". Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.
Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. What makes a forever spin top special? Ask Question. Asked 2 years, 2 months ago. Active 2 years, 2 months ago. Viewed 2k times. I would like an answer from a physics point of view.
Improve this question. Elias Clay Elias Clay 91 4 4 bronze badges. What is the gist of it? They were heavy, but the heavier ones where more fun. No, I am not an old fogey; computers and the Internet simply came to us a bit later, and the computers were so slow back then that we would play with real stuff. It turns out that the mathematical solution to how a top spins, especially when it is slowing down and starts wobbling, is a particularly important physical example that explains precession and nutation motions.
In fact, this is an example which you can find in many classical mechanics textbooks. In this understanding, the spinning top exhibits the usual rotation.
Yes, if you skip the equations a bit, we can get by with a borderline pass the next two paragraphs, that is. Using this law, which is strictly for motion in a line, we can derive what would happen for rotation.
We can do this in two ways—either we hand wave and just cross product both sides with position, or we can really be detailed and check what every little bit of material is going to do and integrate over. In the end, we find that the familiar equations of linear motion is translated, symbol for symbol, to get the equations of rotational motion. To know that this is conserved is enough to understand the motion of a wobbling spinning top!
When the top is initially spinning fast, it is pointing straight up and rotating around that axis.