What should i get skyrim or mw3

It'll have a lot more people online in the few first days and everyone's basically on the same boat as you since it's new.

Skyrim can wait for the first couple patches to roll out. User Info: kentuckybob. MW3 is a linear shooter of which there have been countless iterations of. By the time you finish creating your character in skyrim you'll have just finished MW3. User Info: ddrake KeepUpBRO posted I'd go for this. They're both going to be amazing games but Skyrim will be the first to see a price drop.

I represent the Coffee Party, it doesn't sound as flamboyant as "Tea Party" but I assure you I will be just as stupid! User Info: M16DuDe. Not sure if everyone is serious or not I really hope you're not. Chaos Servant best covenant. User Info: LordAizenSama. M16DuDe posted I'm not the best to judge, but Call of Duty seems like the game where a lot of people want to get good quick And Skyrim will only improve with mods and patches over a few months, MW3 will only get harder to start up and catch up in skill The Heart.

User Info: Freyon. MW3 is the same old Call of Duty, personally I got bored of it, been playing too many realistic cover shooters lately It's also surprisingly droll. It doesn't have a comedic sophistication on par with a Quentin Tarantino film, but I've nonetheless found myself frequently smiling at the raunchy exchanges that take place between gang members.

They tend to come up with creative word lashings that become all the more funny if, as I did, you make the game's customizable protagonist a voluptuous Eastern European woman whose gender, attire, and harsh accent make her taunts all the more unexpected and amusing. So I admit a slightly guilt-tinged respect for Volition's ambitious, outrageous actioner.

It's not for all tastes, and I'm not sure that everyone who plays will laugh for the right reasons if, indeed, there are any. But it entertains, and sometimes that's enough. Also reviewed in our attached photo gallery :. MajorTool November 9, Link November 9, MurderBot November 9, Skyrim and Saints Row for me! Maybe MW3 somewhere down the line. November 9, Dustin Coleman November 9, I only hope Skyrim is more Morrowind than Oblivion.

Ash November 9, Bigdog November 9, Skyrim, at least for a few weeks until Skyward Sword comes out. Guy Incognitus November 9, Mulltalica November 9, JZ November 9, O November 9, Aether McLoud November 9, The very limited playtime I have nowadays will be spent on Battlefield 3. This also happened to me with Oblivion and the Witcher 2. Gabriel November 9, Full on agreement with Trashcanman.


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