Due in part to the increased use of the a Jumbo Jet able to carry large numbers of passengers across continents air travel booms and causes new problems with pollution, delays and air traffic control. Today In History Years and Decades.
The events listed below we have tried to put a small paragraph on the specific year page providing additional information What Happened in History The popular band "The Beatles" announce they have disbanded. Forty-three nations ratify the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The United States invades Cambodia.
Qatar and Sierra Leone become independent from England. The first microprocessor, the , is released by Intel. The first U. Richard Nixon is elected as the President of the United States for his second term. Bangladesh becomes independent from Pakistan. Belize and the Bahamas gain independence from the United Kingdom.
India becomes the sixth nuclear power when it successfully detonates a nuclear bomb. The world's population is an estimated 4 billion people. Gerald Ford becomes the United States president after Nixon resigns.
Sony introduces the Betamax video tape system. Bill Gates and Paul Allen create Microsoft. The popular late-night sketch show, Saturday Night Live, airs for the first time. NASA introduces the first space shuttle, the Enterprise. The first commercial Concorde flight takes place.
The CN Tower in Toronto is completed and becomes the world's tallest freestanding structure. The Trans-Alaskan Pipeline is opened. The Canadian province of Quebec adopts French as an official language. Amnesty International wins the Nobel Peace Prize. Louise Brown, the very first test tube baby, is born. Israel and Egypt sign the Camp David Accords. The computer video game Space Invaders is released.
After being exiled for fifteen years, Ayatollah Khomeini returns to power in Iran. The Walkman is introduced by Sony. Four were fatally shot. On September 18, Jimi Hendrix is found dead after an overdose. Less than a month later on October 4, Janis Joplin would also be found dead following an overdose.
Rent a place where Jimi stayed ». Dick Van Dyke's tribute to Mary Richards ». Less than a year after President Nixon proposes it in his State of the Union address, the newly formed Environmental Protection Agency opens its doors on December 2. The greenest Presidents in history ». On December 15, Venera 7 is the first space probe to land on Venus and transmit data back to Earth.
See NASA's surprising find ». New York magazine prints the first Ms. Co-founded by Gloria Steinem, Ms. The next day, Yves Saint Laurent who frequently referenced Chanel in his collections shocks the fashion industry with a collection that borrowed heavily from s influences. Detractors at the time called the collection "ugly" and thought it was too soon of a reminder of World War II. The untold story of Chanel ». On March 29, Charles Manson and four followers are sentenced to death.
On May 1, Amtrak begins service. Here, a train pulls into Chicago Union Station in The perfect seat to pick on a train ». On October 1, Walt Disney World officially opens. A single recorded for the album would forever top lists of all-time greatest rock songs: Stairway to Heaven.
Sure, this makes it sound like '70s kids were the victims of the biggest con in history—and we were. But we have no regrets. We got to feed our Pet Rocks, take them for walks, and even clean up after them, just like a real pet. Call us fools if you must, but we loved our Pet Rocks.
Ah, the '70s. They really were simpler times. All it took was one seriously terrifying movie— Steven Spielberg's shark fright fest Jaws —to keep an entire generation of children out of the ocean. All of us '70s kids would scan the water for signs of a shark fin, hearing da-dum, da-dum, da-dum in our heads as we did.
These educational animated shorts popped up amid our usual Saturday morning cartoon line-up. And their songs were so darn catchy that we didn't even mind that they were tricking us into learning. With educational hits like "Conjunction Junction" and "Three Is a Magic Number," Schoolhouse Rock probably taught us more than our actual teachers did. Ask anybody who grew up in the '70s to explain how laws are made in our country and they'll likely start singing "I'm Just a Bill.
No self-respecting '70s kid would ever walk out for gym class without a pair of tube socks, preferably one long enough to reach their knees. We all suffered from the same delusion that tube socks made us look athletic and not incredibly silly. At least we weren't alone, though. Everyone from Farrah Fawcett to Kareem-Abdul Jabbar made a very convincing case that tube socks were cool.
And for the soundtrack to go with your trip down memory lane, check out these 20 One-Hit Wonders Every '70s Kid Remembers. These Playskool dolls were designed to help us '70s kids learn how to use buttons, snaps, zippers, and ties. Dressy Bessy looked like she'd soon be hitching a ride to Woodstock, and Dapper Dan looked like someone who drove a van that reeked of patchouli, but they still made learning fun.
Kids didn't tune in to the sitcom Happy Days because they were nostalgic about the '50s. They did it to see the Fonz, the coolest character on TV. All across the country, kids would be practicing their Fonzie thumbs up and saying "Ayyyy" with the perfect Henry Winkler inflection. Of course, people still use Tupperware today, but it's nothing like it was in the '70s. Our Tupperware was colorful and bold, something that you actually wanted to show off when you opened your lunch at school.
The generation before us even had Tupperware parties to sell these much sought-after storage containers. In the s, you'd have an easier time walking into somebody's house and stealing a lamp than leaving with their Tupperware. Seriously, we loved it that much. And for more nostalgia content like this delivered to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter. Nobody actually liked 8-track tapes—they were simply the only thing available in the '70s for recording and listening to music.
They were incredibly complicated, with four "programs" instead of sides.