When is capitalization required

The names of cities, countries, nationalities, and languages are proper nouns, so you should capitalize them. English is made up of many languages, including Latin, German, and French. My mother is British, and my father is Dutch. The capital of Botswana is Gaborone.

Most of the World War I veterans are now deceased. In the Middle Ages, poor hygiene was partly responsible for the spreading of bubonic plague. Middle school students often enjoy studying the social changes that took place during the Roaring Twenties. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, England blossomed into an empire.

Real-time suggestions, wherever you write. Capitalization Marina Lukyanchuk. Grammar What Are Modal Verbs? Sometimes the line between title and occupation gets blurred. One example is general manager: is it a title or an occupation? Opinions differ. Same with professor: the Associated Press Stylebook considers professor a job description rather than a title, and recommends using lowercase even before the full name: professor Robert Ames. Rule 6a. Capitalize a formal title when it is used as a direct address.

The more formal the title, the more likely it is to be capitalized. Examples: Will you take my temperature, Doctor? We're sorry to report, Captain, that we're headed for choppy waters. That's what you say, mister.

Good afternoon, sweetheart. Rule 6b. Capitalize relatives' family names kinship names when they immediately precede a personal name, or when they are used alone in place of a personal name. Examples: I found out that Mom is here.

You look good, Grandpa. Andy and Opie loved Aunt Bee's apple pies. However, these monikers are not capitalized when they are used with possessive nouns or pronouns; when preceded by articles such as a , an , or the ; when they follow the personal name; or when they do not refer to a specific person.

Examples: I found out that my mom is here. Joe's grandpa looks good. He's the father of her first child. The James brothers were notorious robbers. There's not one mother I know who would allow that. Examples: Meet my brothers, Junior and Scooter. I just met two guys named Junior and Scooter.

Rule 7. Capitalize specific geographical regions. Do not capitalize points of the compass. Examples: We had three relatives visit from the West.

Go west three blocks and then turn left. We left Florida and drove north. We live in the Southeast. We live in the southeast section of town. Most of the West Coast is rainy this time of year. I'm from the South Side of Chicago. You live in Northern California; he lives in Southern California.

Rule 8. In general, do not capitalize the word the before proper nouns. Examples: We visited the Grand Canyon. They're fans of the Grateful Dead. In special cases, if the word the is an inseparable part of something's official title, it may be capitalized. Rule 9. It is not necessary to capitalize city, town, county, etc. Rule 10a. In poetry and other literature, personification is giving an animal, inanimate object, or abstract notion the qualities and attributes of a human.

When a season is used this way, it should be capitalized. The names of holidays, such as C hristmas, H alloween, and H anukkah, are capitalized because they are considered proper nouns.

You would not, however, capitalize a season: C hristmas season. Historical eras should be capitalized. Make Your Writing Shine! Get grammar tips, writing tricks, and more from Thesaurus. Name This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Capitalize countries, languages, and nationalities The names of countries are proper nouns, which means they are capitalized, of course. Languages and nationalities are capitalized as well.

A person who is from K enya, is a K enyan and likely speaks S wahili. A C hilean is a person from C hile, where the official language is S panish. Acronyms should be capitalized. Of course, in informal conversations like texting , acronyms lol , brb , idk , etc. Not all rules apply to very casual writing styles.

The table below shows academic terms that should not be capitalized. Note, though, that proper nouns within these terms are still capitalized as usual. However, note that the names of existing tests, inventories and questionnaires should be capitalized. When the quote forms a complete sentence, capitalize the first word. When the quote is a fragment incorporated into your own sentence, the first word is not capitalized.

When a colon introduces a list or any phrase that is not a complete sentence, do not capitalize the first word unless it is a proper noun. She filled the picnic basket with a variety of snacks: cookies, bread, dips, and fruits. When a colon introduces a complete sentence, capitalization rules vary between style guides. According to APA style , the first word after the colon should be capitalized.

She had been up all night studying: She was determined to get the top grade in the class. But according to Chicago style , the first word following the colon should be capitalized only if there is more than one complete explanatory sentence following the colon. She had been up all night studying: she was determined to get the top grade in the class. It would guarantee her the prestigious scholarship. The capitalization rules for the titles of books, articles, movies, art, and other works vary slightly between style guides.

When writing a paper or thesis, you have two options for capitalizing the headings of chapters and sections. You can use title case for all headings, as in the examples above.


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