When is deer season in pa

Lake Erie Zone: 2 scaup daily, Nov. COOTS : 15 daily, 45 in possession. Same daily bag limits as regular season. Hunting hours to close at sunset. Bag limits by single species or in the aggregate; 3 daily, 9 in possession. No open season during the regular firearms deer season. No hunting on Sundays with the exceptions of Nov. No open season on other wild birds or mammals. Seasons and bag limits for next license year July 1-June 30 are preliminarily approved by the Board of Commissioner's at their January meeting and finally adopted at the April meeting.

Mobile App: The official Pennsylvania Game Commission mobile app provides official information for Pennsylvania hunters and trappers. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Please enable scripts and reload this page. An Official Pennsylvania Government Website.

Pennsylvania Game Commission. Buy a License. Make a Purchase. Report a Harvest. Report a Violation. Hunting Digest. Muzzleloading long guns of any type, 44 caliber or larger, or a muzzleloading handgun 50 caliber or larger; and Long, recurve or compound bows and crossbows with broadheads of cutting-edge design. See Special Regulations Areas section for restrictions that apply there.

October Antlerless Muzzleloader Season Any single-barrel muzzleloader long gun with flintlock, percussion or in-line ignition, 44 caliber or larger, or 50 caliber or larger handgun. Scope sights permitted. Camouflage fluorescent orange may satisfy this regulation if the total orange content is at least square inches.

Archers Fluorescent orange is not required while hunting for deer during archery seasons. Orange is required, however, by hunters using archery equipment during regular firearms deer seasons. The requirement to wear fluorescent orange during all overlap periods when archery hunters were required to wear varying amounts of orange while moving or post orange while in a fixed position has been eliminated.

The use of fluorescent orange, though, is highly recommended for all seasons, whether required or not. Muzzleloader Deer During the late flintlock deer season, muzzleloader hunters are not required to wear or display fluorescent orange.

However, during the October antlerless muzzleloader deer season, hunters are required to wear the same square inches of fluorescent orange required of all big-game season hunters. See the Special Regulation Areas section for more details. Tips for a safe and successful big-game drive Plan your drives — Be organized. Everyone must know their role. Decide how many drivers are needed and where standers wil be located. Communicate — Stay in constant communication with other drivers so that you know the location of those around you.

Know your zone — Be aware of your zone of fire. Crows may not be hunted during the regular deer firearms season. In the past, some part of the state allowed only bucks to be taken during the first part of the two-week firearms season for deer.

This year, hunters statewide can hunt doe or buck during the two-week season that runs Nov. For all small and big game, shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset. This is a complicated one to describe as Pennsylvania is a wide state. As you go west, you add minutes. Daylight saving time ends Nov. If you are still looking for an antlerless deer license, they can only be purchased through a county treasurer.

There are still several parts of the state that have licenses available to purchase over the counter. New regulation: Pennsylvania Game Commission provides new option for special regulation deer hunters. You can actually hold six antlerless tags at one time. Hunters are prohibited from importing high-risk parts or materials from cervids deer, elk, moose harvested, taken or killed in any state or country outside Pennsylvania.

In previous years, this applied only to those parts taken in states and provinces known to have CWD. Hunt for ginseng: Looking for a 'magical root' in Pennsylvania? Here's what you need to know about ginseng.


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