The full line-up includes:. The full Table Room line-up includes:. The second weekend of the Cajun Heartland State Fair will also feature a few specialty events. Daily Fair Hours are as follows:. For more information on the Cajun Heartland State Fair including admission and ride discounts, new attractions, live music, specialty events andmore, visit www.
Posted: May 24, AM. Scroll for more content Most Popular Stories. Lafayette restaurant received backlash for increasing menu prices. This year, we welcome new ride operator Gold Star Amusements that will provide numerous super rides and classic favorites for the whole family. Prizes and surprises await everyone at the Cajun Heartland State Fair! Sign up for newsletters emailed to your inbox. Follow us on Twitter. Like us on Facebook. Subscribe to our Youtube channel.
News Lafayette Parish. Valid for one day use. Limited quantity available. While supplies last. At the beginning f the day, ride operatrs wipe down all high touch surfaces while doing their daily inspections. Ride perators also wipe down high touch areas periodically through the day. Designated members of the ride staff are part of a sanitization team that complete routine sanitization of the rides from open to close. Prior to opening for the week, all rides are sprayed down with a fogger using KOC-8 sanitizer.
Daily sanitization wipes consist of Efferson Disinfectant Sanitizer. Inner Peace Energy Therapies. Day Dream Spa. Taylormade Treasures. Adelynne's Palette. Lifted In Grace. London Paige Designs. Sweet Sisters. Your Scentsy Gal Lori Gaudin. Kerrington Claire Boutique. Roux Art Designs.