Where is blackreach located

Players looking to explore Blackreach , a large city that can be found deep within an underground cavern beneath the Tower of Mzark, will want to make a note of all the ways into or out of it. Blackreach features large glowing mushrooms that generate a bright blue light to keep it illuminated. Because Blackreach is also one of the largest dungeons in Skyrim , it's very easy to get lost in its massive labyrinths or die and lose any items and progress.

Players will first encounter Blackreach as part of the "Elder Knowledge" quest in Skyrim. This is the twelfth main quest in the game.

Alternatively, players can come across Blackreach during the "Discerning the Transmundane" quest for Prince Hermasues Mora.

The southern part of Blackreach is dominated by waterfalls plunging into a lake far below the rest of Blackreach. The Tower of Mzark is on a spire to the southwest. Three other buildings are scattered around the edges of the lake:. Once you enter Blackreach, there are several different exits from Blackreach to Skyrim.

The quickest way to the surface is by using any of the three "Great Lifts", elevator shafts leading to gatehouses on the surface. These lifts can only be accessed from Blackreach; however, once you open the gate at the top of the lift, it becomes a new access point for Blackreach, with a fast-travel marker on your map. One other exit, the Tower of Mzark , must also be initially accessed from Blackreach. Jump to: navigation , search.

Cave: Blackreach view on map lore page. Sign up for free! Can anyone help me with blackreach? So i'm at the part in the main quest where you have to go to blackreach to recover the elder scroll and i am currently in blackreach. The problem is i don't know where in blackreach the scroll is located and this place is huge.

Can anyone direct me to the scroll so i can continue the game? Thanks User Info: ZiggySt4rdust. Accepted Answer. It's a little difficult to explain but it's located towards the south west end of Blackreach.

Theres a large castle like structure with a giant glowing orb in the middle of it, this is the closet landmark to the elder scroll.


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