Where is forgotten vale in skyrim

Heading north, along the eastern side of the lake, you will pass another moonstone ore vein near where the rocks end. From there return to the bridge north of the Wayshrine of Resolution and cross back.

Once back across, the path continues to follow the riverbank north, while descending. You'll eventually reach a small deserted Falmer settlement consisting of two Falmer tents, with a campfire between them. In the first of the tents there's a leg of goat on the ground and an easily missed vale deer hide in a large leather pouch. The second tent has a table formed from chitin with two random potions of healing, a pearl , a small pearl , a random filled soul gem and a fox pelt on top.

Beside the table is another large leather pouch holding a Falmer war axe. By continuing along the river heading southwest, you will reach a group of five chaurus cocoons , two of which are occupied and with two orichalcum ore veins among them.

A short distance further is the lower entrance to Sharpslope Cave. There is a second entrance found by following the other path that is closer to the rare shellbug it contains. There are four more orichalcum ore veins starting immediately to the left of the lower entrance and three occupied of five more chaurus cocoons. The last of the ore veins is in the corner on the opposite bank. From the small deserted Falmer camp, to the right of the tents and campfire is an unlocked gate across a path that zigzags up the side of a mountain.

After a couple of switchbacks another bridge crosses the river. At the top of the path, before crossing the bridge, to the left is a Falmer tent guarded by a Falmer magic-user and containing a Falmer chest and another leather pouch to the right holding a gourd and pine thrush egg.

The bridge is guarded by a Falmer. Any fighting is likely to alert several more Falmer to your presence. Across the bridge the path continues to follow the riverbank far below. As it reaches another bridge, this one made by the Falmer. On the left is a leather pouch holding a quiver of Falmer arrows and a Falmer sword and beside the start of the next bridge is another pouch holding two rock warbler eggs.

Across the bridge is a Falmer archer standing on a ledge overlooking the river below. The path heads west over a large stone arch, which is marked by two strange posts on the far side. The path continues to the west and directly in front of you is the upper entrance to Sharpslope Cave. The entrance is marked by a banner flying overhead. The path also continues past the entrance and descends around below the stone arch you've just crossed.

Beside a tall stone spire you'll find three leather pouches on a flat topped rock, next to a gold ore vein. The leather pouches contain three rock warbler eggs , a pickaxe and four pieces of gold ore.

The path heads to the south, leading to yet another Falmer-built bridge, which crosses to the east. On the far side is a Falmer tent containing a table holding two random potions of healing and a random potion of magicka. To the left is a leather pouch holding five chaurus eggs.

As the path rises, on the back side of the spire is a Falmer chest that's out of sight until you're level with it. The path keeps rising, passing a gate, before you reach another Falmer. The area through the gate contains a frost giant along with several dead Falmer, a chaurus and chaurus hunter , all of which are leveled and appear to have been killed fighting the frost giant, which is carrying the emerald paragon.

On the ground around the area are several Falmer weapons and shields , along with many bones showing this has been a battle that has been ongoing for some time. The path continues to circle the tall stone spire leading past a Falmer chest on a ledge, to a platform built by Falmer.

It is possible to climb to the top of the spire for a magnificent view and also a snowberry bush with a partially buried skeleton among the branches holding a gold sapphire ring. From the platform there is the tattered remnants of a Falmer bridge that originally headed north and another intact Falmer bridge heading southwest. This leads to another platform with a leather pouch on a ledge holding a bowl of frost salts and four samples of hawk feathers.

Another stone arch crosses to the west and a Falmer tent guarded by a leveled Falmer. A second Falmer is patrolling the next bridge to the left. There are two leather pouches on your right as you once you cross the stone arch containing two racks of dog meat , a joint of raw horse meat and a cabbage. The tent is larger and more ornate than normal dwellings and contains a chest containing quality loot with a leather pouch to the right holding a joint of raw venison and a set of small antlers.

There is a large rock behind the tent with a goat hide , a random poison , a set of large antlers , a Falmer bow and a leather pouch holding a piece of moonstone ore and a piece of chaurus chitin. To the left of the tent is another leather pouch holding a troll skull.

The next bridge heads south to an area with two more tents built facing each other, on a platform that is on a slant. The tent on the right contains a vale deer hide, a normal deer pelt , two haunches of raw venison and a Falmer war axe on a wooden chopping block. The tent on the left contains two leather pouches, one holds two racks of dog meat and the other holds a sample of hawk feathers, two pearls and three small pearls.

Behind and above the tent on the left are a couple of rocks stacked on top of each other with an altar or statue of sorts made from a goat hide that can't be interacted with, laid flat on a leather pouch with two garnets , a ruby and troll skull arranged on top. There are also typical Falmer posts on either side.

The path heads southwest to the next ledge and across another bridge to a larger area, with a haunch of raw venison in a leather pouch on your right as you leave the bridge. In front of you is a large rock with is a Falmer sword and skull on top and a leather pouch to the right holding a piece of chaurus chitin. There is a Falmer tent around to the left and up a ramp, with deer skulls and antlers stuck to posts flanking the entrance containing a Falmer chest with leather pouches holding six loose Falmer arrows and a random empty soul gem on either side.

Under the tent is a gated storage area containing two haunches of raw venison, a set of large antlers, three cabbages and a gourd.

A ramp leads down to the south and another ledge guarded by a leveled Falmer. At the back of this area are two more pouches holding a piece of chaurus chitin, two chaurus eggs, and a goat hide. From this ledge a stone bridge heads southwest and a Falmer-built bridge heads west. The latter of these leads down to a Falmer tent, with a mammoth skull and broken off tusks attached above the entrance and containing a table holding Unknown Book, Vol.

III , two random potions of healing and three pearls. To the left is a pouch holding a vale deer hide. Heading across the stone bridge to the southwest and then back across on another stone bridge heading southeast and to an open area with an earthen ramp descending to the river heading north.

At the bottom, on the opposite bank are three chaurus cocoons, but only one that's occupied. There are also two final orichalcum ore veins. Returning back up to the open area, to the east is a path up to a pass between mountain peaks, climbing here leads to three moonstone ore veins; two on the ground and one on the side of a rock to the south. Again return to the open area and head south to where some Falmer fencing is stretched across in front of the river's headwater, protecting two leveled Falmer that are guarding the entrance to Glacial Crevice.

Once you have passed through Glacial Crevice, you will emerge again outside in an isolated area within the Forgotten Vale. There are two paths, the first in front of you leads under a walkway that links two raised Falmer tents and continues on towards more Falmer settlements.

While the second, on your immediate left, heads north and after a few paces there is a string of bone chimes stretched across the path. Beyond this two Falmer patrol a pair of gates that block an area containing a frost giant. There is a Falmer chest to the right of the gates and a dead Falmer lying on a large rock just beyond them. Beyond the gate there are several more dead Falmer, the occasional weapon and all manner of bones scattered all around the area including mammoth skulls and rib cages.

To the northwest is the frost giant's lair, which is under an overhanging rock. There are the bodies of two chaurus, a chaurus hunter, and two more Falmer in the lair, along with two Falmer bows and a Falmer sword. The frost giant carries the diamond paragon among the loot it carries, which enables you to use the paragon platform to transport you to a unique area within the Glacial Crevice.

There is a quicksilver ore vein at either end of the lair and two to the south, one near the top of a rise and the other another hundred paces or so. The two raised tent by the exit from the Glacial Crevice have two curved ramps leading up to them. Inside the first tent, which is on the left, is a central campfire with a Falmer sword and rack of dog meat either side of it and a second Falmer sword, a vale deer hides, a deer pelt, a piece of chaurus chitin, a haunch of raw venison and a gourd either on benches or in a leather pouch against the wall.

A walkway links across to a second tent on the right, which contains a Falmer chest and a leather pouch holding a pine thrush egg, a rock warbler egg and two pieces of honeycomb.

Under the second tent is a string on bone chimes. Following the path east, you pass another tent at ground level on the left containing two legs of goat, three gourds and a set of large antlers among straw scattered on the floor. The next section of the path is trapped with a tripwire at either end, that each trigger separate claw traps. While above them is a lookout point with a Falmer on guard. Once past the second tripwire there are two ramps.

The ramp on the left leads back and up to the lookout point and a raised tent to the right, which has a central campfire and a troll skull on a bench. A second Falmer, who is a magic user is standing in the middle of the ground level path, beyond the start of the second ramp. To the right of this Falmer is a leather pouch behind a section of fencing.

It contains a piece of silver ore and two pieces of quicksilver ore , with another piece of quicksilver ore on the ground beside it. Any fighting with either of them is likely to alert several more Falmer in the settlements beyond. The second ramp has another tent built under it and containing a leather pouch holding a rack of dog meat and a leg of goat. The ramp leads forward and up, passing a smoky campfire to a series of walkways that crisscross the settlement and link several tents on differing levels.

Take care as there is another Falmer patrolling a walkway further ahead and a Falmer magic-user in the first tent on the left. Before reaching the junction for it, you will pass the top of a tent on a lower level. It is said upon their arrival that many were mere shells of the person they had once been. Some were quite mad from sleeplessness and starved to the point of frailty. By the end of their journey, the marvel that they had strength yet to carry their vessel and ascend the stairs of the temple was the last true testament of their loyalty.

Regardless of each individual's tale, the final words remain eerily similar. It is said that every pilgrim ascended, bathed in light, a look of relief and contentment on their face. Through the grand arch, initiates are greeted by a towering statue of the great Auriel. To enter the Sanctum, ascending the steps and pouring the water collected from the five Wayshrines into the receptacle opens the door, and there are no other ways to pry it open.

While in decay, the place still holds a sense of grandeur, in part due to the statue of Auriel that dominates the temple grounds. At the curved steps behind the statue, the ewer is emptied into the water basin. A makeshift altar of skeletal remains created by the Betrayed could be found in Darkfall Passage. A glacial crevice formed during tens of thousands of years of water flow from the high peaks of the Haafingar Mountains , carving the Glacial Crevice portion of what would become known as the Forgotten Vale.

The original inhabitants of Skyrim, the Snow Elves, discovered it at thousands of years before the Fourth Era [1] and built the Chantry of Auriel, the grandest of their five temples.

Due to the Chantry's isolation, it remained unaffected by the invasion of the Nords in the Merethic Era. As such, the Snow Elves of the Forgotten Vale had no need of the protection of the Dwarves , who demanded the blinding of the race. Their remaining kin, "the Betrayed", degenerated over the ages into the modern Falmer. Following the disappearance of the Dwarves in 1E , the Falmer somehow spread to the vale and began attacking the Chantry.

The Chantry was overwhelmed by their sheer numbers, and the final bastion of Snow Elves was wiped out. Arch-Curate Vyrthur, leader of the Chantry, had been abandoned by Auri-El after becoming infected with vampirism. Embittered, he created a prophecy which would see the darkening of the sun by corrupting Auriel's Bow in order to spite the god. His brother, Knight-Paladin Gelebor , was the only other Snow Elf to survive, and retreated into the caves as he has vowed never to leave the Wayshrines unguarded.

The Falmer and their tamed chaurus then proceeded to spread throughout the vale unhindered. In the cave a Rope Release opens up a hidden passage to the a Shellbug that can be mined for Shellbug Chitin. Further along the path the Wayshrine of Sight is located.

And entering the main vale with the frozen waterfalls, to the south-east is the Wayshrine of Learning. At the northern end of the frozen lake the Wayshrine of Resolution is located.

Finally just before crossing the stone bridge to the Inner Sanctum the Wayshrine of Radiance appears. Entering the main vale, turn north along the frozen waterfalls, upriver to find the Paragon Portal, that lets you place paragon gems from Frost Giants , opening portals to various hidden areas in the vale.

After the Wayshrine of Resolution, following the river upstream will lead to a cave connecting the river bed with the Falmer tents up in the mountains, this can be used as a short cut to avoid some of the Falmer resistance in the canyon. Another Shellbug can be found here. On the roundabout path to the Inner Sanctum, the Glacial Crevice will need to be traversed.

High up an otherwise inaccessible ledge can be explored via Paragon Portal by using the Diamond Paragon. Located up the cliff at the south-eastern tip of the ice lake in the Forgotten Vale, reaching the sanctum requires taking a long-winding path through the vale. A secret room at the sanctum can only be accessed via Paragon Portal by using the Sapphire Paragon.

A Shrine of Auriel can be found here. Inner Sanctum hidden room via Sapphire Paragon :. Dark Grotto via Amethyst Paragon :.


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