Greet Mail. Favored Mail. RSVP Mail. Thanks Mail. Inquiry Mail. Like Mail. Reply Mail. Max Revive. TM31 Brick Break. Prize from Aha if the answer to the quiz was correct. Prize from Aha if the answer to the quiz was incorrect. Cleanse Tag. King's Rock. Max Potion. Rare Candy. Gift from the former Team Rocket member's wife Winter. Big Mushroom.
B2 W2. Black Belt. Max Elixir. Rippling water. Team Plasma. Black 2 and White 2. Reward: Scary Face. Iron Head. Night Slash. Low Sweep. Inner Focus. Swords Dance. Super Luck. Aerial Ace. Users with accounts will only see ads on the Main Page and have more options than anonymous users. Icirrus City is a city located in northwestern Unova. Icirrus City is connected to Twist Mountain to the southwest, and Route 8 to the east.
To the north of Icirrus City lies Dragonspiral Tower. Windmills can also be seen towards the south end of the city. There are Trainers dancing in the middle of the city. There are a lot of parasols here except in winter. It always rains here except for winter. The puddles here turn to ice in winter. There are 3 residential buildings here including a Team Rocket man's house.
There is a mysteriously abandoned house here, it is unknown if it is abandoned. The Team Rocket man's house can only be visited in the winter. Vanillish Level Cryogonal Level Beartic Level About Us. Help Desk Watercooler. You can show Pokemon at various levels to a man in the Pokemon Fan Club, northwest of the Pokemon Center, to receive awesome prizes:.
Return in the Winter to use a snow drift to access the lone house south of the windmills and wetlands. You can also meet a Team Rocket Member! Was this guide helpful? YES NO. In This Wiki Guide. Have you already collected them all? Well then, grab up your pokeball, because a fifth generation of Pokemon creatures comes your way from Nintendo!