When you start the game, only one district is lit up the Saints Row District , with all the others being grayed out. But there is nothing magical about opening up other neighborhoods. You just have to enter them and they will light up on your map. I'm going to describe the neighborhoods as they appear in terms of icons when you first light them up. Other icons will appear in them as you play through the game. The only icons to appear at the beginning of the game will be shop icons, so I'll go over those here.
Naturally, this island is where the Stilwater Prison is located. It holds the actual prison area and a small lighthouse, and not much more. The penitentiary is controlled by the Ultor Corporation.
Naturally, there are no shops in this neighborhood, however, you will find the Prison Lighthouse crib here. It mainly consists of support buildings for the prison, and you will find the docks here.
There is also a large house on this side of the islands, presumably belonging to the prison warden. Like its northern neighbor, this neighborhood is controlled by the Ultor Corporation, and you will not find any shops in this area.
As the name suggests, this district contains the nuclear power plant that powers Stilwater. There are some docks on the northern side of the island. Naturally, the neighborhood is controlled by the Ultor Corporation. There is a Rim Jobs garage on the island.
This is where you will end up shortly after the game begins. It contains Shivington and Sunnyvale Gardens. Consisting mainly of apartment buildings, many of them abandoned and boarded up some of them crumbling , it is controlled by the Sons of Samedi. It is a residential neighborhood with high rise apartment buildings. It is named after the Ultor Dome which is its dominant feature. In addition to the Ultor Dome neighborhood, Pleasant View and Sunsinger are also contained within this district.
Just east of the dome are a few bars and shops, while to the west is a long cement canal with a power station at its northern end. The neighborhood is controlled by the Sons of Samedi, and contains a Foreign Powers dealership and a Rim Jobs car mechanic.
On the far northern side of the neighborhood you will also find a Cycles dealership. Most of the neighborhood consists of the foothills of Mount Claflin, to the south. There is a farm area to the far north and a drive-in theater near the barn. This neighborhood is initially controlled by the Sons of Samedi. There are no shops in Pleasant View. There are also some strip malls to be found here. It is controlled by the Sons of Samedi. You will find an On The Rag Clothing store in this neighborhood.
The school and its surrounding areas are controlled by the Sons of Samedi. There is also an arena on the southwestern side of the neighborhood. On the southeastern side, you will find the frat houses, while along the north and western sides you will find plenty of shops for the kids to spend their tuition money in for you, there is a Gas Station and a Scratch That music store.
You will also find the University Loft here. This neighborhood is controlled by the Sons of Samedi. On the southwestern side you will find the school's observatory, with the northwestern side devoted to park area. Near the observatory you will find the University Dock. Gift Shoppe. It contains only a single neighborhood, Sommerset.
This neighborhood is initially controlled by the Brotherhood. The district is split between the Ronin and the Sons of Samedi. Additionally, there in an underground neighborhood accessible from this district. You will find an On The Rag clothing store here. The neighborhood is controlled by the Sons of Samedi. The Red Light Loft can be found here as well. The Ronin control this territory. You will also find the Saints Hideoout in this neighborhood.
Don't worry, the game is going to point it out for you pretty early on in the course of the story. There are no shops down in Old Stilwater. Initially, it is controlled by the Sons of Samedi sort of, though they don't really have much of a presence down here.
It has been subjected to some pretty major upgrades since you were last here presuming you played the original game. It has two main landmarks to be aware of. The first you can hardly miss, it will be pointed out at the end of the first mission. The Phillips Building is the tallest structure in the game, and dominates the northern side of the neighborhood.
South of the Phillips building, right in the center of the neighborhood, you will find the old Saints Church note that this is not quite where it was in the original game, but I suppose since it's been turned into a monument, they could have moved it a bit. Otherwise the neighborhood is comprised of office buildings and shops. This neighborhood is controlled by the Ultor Corporation. It is controlled by the Ultor Corporation. You will mainly find large business buildings and shops here.
On the southeast side of the neighborhood you will find the Stilwater Police station. There isn't a whole lot in this district. As the name implies, it is a blue collar area dominated by warehouses and factories. Controlled by the Sons of Samedi, there are no shops in this neighborhood. Pilson is where you will find the largest of the factories, including a large refinery type area.
The western side of this neighborhood is dominated by the freeway exchange. Like Pilsen, there are no shops to be found in this neighborhood. This is a small neighborhood, and the only thing in it of any note is the entrance to the underground caverns.
You will find a gift shop here Spelunkers as well as a Rim Jobs. In order to find it, you must go into Black Bottom and find Spelunkers there is an icon on the map. Head through to the back of the shop where you will find a set of stairs down to the caverns. It's not clear who, if anyone, controls this territory. But when you spray tags down here, it is the police that get irritated, so we'll tentatively call this one controlled by the Ultor Corporation.
There are no shops to be found in this neighborhood. This is a very blue collar neighborhood, and you will find lots of dock workers wandering around through it. On the northern side of the neighborhood, you will find an Apollo's coffee shop. This neighborhood is controlled by The Brotherhood. As with the other neighborhoods in this district, it is controlled by The Brotherhood. You will find a few stores here most of which you can't enter. There is a Friendly Fire shop on the western side of this neighborhood and a Brown Baggers on the eastern side.
Here you will find a Forgive and Forget Confessional. As you might expect from the district name, it is a blue collar area that has a lot of storage areas and receiving stations for semi trucks. All four neighborhoods are initially controlled by The Brotherhood. These neighborhoods are, for the most part, dominated by high-rise apartment buildings, with a scattering of small shops here and there. You will find a large mansion on the western side of the neighborhood.
There is a Freckle Bitch's and a Sloppy Seconds clothing shop in this neighborhood. The Brotherhood controls this area. The Brotherhood controls this neighborhood. The neighborhood has various small shops and apartment buildings. The Sangre Sedienta hospital can be found in this neighborhood, and you will also find a Brass Knuckles here, which is controlled by The Brotherhood.
It has a Scratch That music shop and a Rim Jobs mechanic. It is controlled by The Brotherhood. The district sits on the southwestern side of the southern island. There is a good size Chinese Restaurant here that you will be visiting during the course of the game. The area is controlled by The Brotherhood. On the northern side you will find a large park with Chinese style gazebos. The only shop to be found in this neighborhood is an On Thin Ice jewelry store.
On the eastern side you will find the Hapton hotel, with a smaller building what looks to be an apartment building on the west side.
This neighborhood is claimed by The Brotherhood. You will also find the Hotel Penthouse in the same hotel. This neighborhood is controlled by The Brotherhood and contains a Branded clothing store and a Charred Hard Burgers fast food place inside the airport.
Additionally, you will find the Airport Hanger in this neighborhood. The district covers the southern end of the northern island, and consists of Filmore, Union Suare, Adept Way, and Brighton.
This neighborhood is controlled by The Ronin. You will find the Stilwater Memorial Hospital here where you might end up after being smoked. It consists mainly of a few high rise buildings. Controlled by The Ronin, this small neighborhood contains a Friendly Fire located on the far eastern side. Adept Way contains the Downtown Loft. This small neighborhood mainly consists of the large stores, but unfortunately, you cannot go into any of them, as there are no usable shops in this neighborhood.
It is an immense district belonging to the Vice Kings. Despite its size, there are only two neighborhoods in the district, Amberbrook and Humbolt Park. It is controlled by The Ronin. There is a natural history museum near the southern end, and on the northern side on the peninsula area , you will find roman style coliseum ruins, with an accompanying gift shop Buy Jove.
In addition to the gift shop, you will also find a Cycles dealership, a Brass Knuckles, a Forgive and Forget Confessional, and a Freckle Bitch's restaurant. In addition to the museum, you will also find a Foreign Power dealership and a Charred Hard Burgers fast food place.
If you shop here you will be spending quite a bit of money. You access it through Nob Hill there is a large green building on the northwest side of Nob Hill, which has an elevator down to the mall.
The mall is controlled by The Ultor Corporation, and has five levels. There are no shops on the first level. On the second level you will find a Brass Knuckles. As the northern end of the district is on the water, you will find the marina area here too. Thus, the name of the district is appropriate! To the northwest of the palace are the twin buildings of Heron House and Bittern Place, a couple of large hotels.
Beyond that are a series of docks. On the far northwest side of the neighborhood is a lighthouse. Stilwater Boardwalk is controlled by The Ronin. It's main building is the Kirkland, another hotel. There is a large beach all along the northern side of this neighborhood. Centennial Beach is controlled by The Ronin. The district consists of Tidal Springs and Misty Lane. The neighborhood is controlled by The Ronin, and contains a large number of shops.
You will also find the Penthouse Loft in this neighborhood. This is almost entirely a residential neighborhood. You will also find the Technically Legal strip club near the train tracks. It is very similar to Misty Lane in that it mainly consists of single family homes.
There is a large church near the center of the neighborhood. The area is controlled by The Ronin. The only shop in this neighborhood is a Gas Station on the northwestern side. You will find the Suburbs Docks on the southwest side of the neighborhood. Again, what you will find here are mainly single family homes. You won't find much else here there are no shops to be found , though there is a single family home on the north side of the cemetery.
The cemetery is controlled by the Ronin. This district consists on only a single neighborhood. There is not much here otherwise, and you won't find any shops in this neighborhood. The trailer park is controlled by The Sons of Samedi.
You must have at least 8, respect one full respect bar to start a mission or a stronghold. There are all sorts of ways to gain respect, and it's not really possible to list them all. Basically, any time you perform an activity or diversion, you will gain respect.
Shooting enemy gang members, driving on the wrong side of the road, and beating down steroid users while wearing a cop uniform are all examples of ways you can add to your respect bar. You will lose exactly one bar of respect every time you start a mission or a stronghold, and you cannot start one of these without at least one full bar of respect the exception to this are some of the initial Third Street Saints missions, they do not require respect to start up.
Note however that if the mission involves killing enemy gang members, you will still get the normal amount of respect for that while in the mission, so in some cases you will get some of that respect back.
Note that at a certain point between 75 to 85 bars, depending on which Downloadable Content Packs you have , you will stop earning respect, and your bar will simply show the infinite respect icon.
At that point, you no longer need to worry about respect, everyone as an infinite amount of respect for you. As it should be! If you follow this guide, respect will never be a problem in terms of limiting your ability to play a mission. You will always have way more respect than you ever need. You can change this modifier by purchasing more expensive clothing and jewelry, as well as owning modified cars and upgrading cribs.
Generally, the more expensive the clothing and jewelry you own, and the more pimped out your vehicles and cribs are, the higher style ranks you will have. Whenever you purchase new clothing or jewelry, or add modifiers to the cars you own, you will get some number of style points. When you have accumulated enough style points, you go up in Style Ranks. When you fill a style modifier bar which is visible when you are buying clothing or jewelry, or visiting your wardrobe , you will get a percentage increase to the amount of respect you will receive.
Then, if you were to go spray a gang tag, you would get respect rather than the base respect. Note that all respect values given in this guide are the base values, based on having zero full bars of respect modifiers. If you have more bars than zero, you will get higher respect rewards than are shown in the guide. But I do want to give out a few general pointers in this section.
Most of these activities have two locations. In most cases, there are six levels at each location. I will list the neighborhoods where you can find these activities, but keep in mind, they won't appear on the map or in the game world until you complete the Appointed Defender mission. The amount of respect and money you earn for almost all activities is the same, and depends on the level you are running note that this table lists base respect. If you have style modifiers, you may earn a bit more.
You need to "rescue" some girls from their abusive pimps. The number you need depends entirely on the level you are running, but it goes anywhere from 2 to 6 girls, so you may need to make multiple trips.
There is a time limit, but typically it is fairly generous. First off, get a four door car. If you use a two door, you can only transport one girl at a time, and that's way too time consuming. Secondly, get a good weapon you can use to shoot from inside the car.
I recommend the SMG. You don't want to be getting out of the car if at all possible. You are going to be getting a lot of resistance from the rival gangs, and you want the girls to get into the car as fast as possible, and the best way to do that is to stay inside yourself. Once you have two or three girls in the car, get out of there. While you are not moving, you are a sitting duck. Make a beeline for the drop-off point.
When you get there and drop off the girls, if you need to go pick up more, this is a good time to switch cars, as the one you are in is probably pretty close to toasted by now. Fortunately, a gang car or two will most likely have followed you to the drop off point, so just shoot the current occupants and liberate their vehicle for your use.
In the later couple of levels, you will occasionally have one of your rescued girls retaken by a rival pimp. When this happens, I suggest you immediately head back to the drop off point to rescue her again if this becomes a prolonged car chase, it could chew up a lot of time. If you are quick, you can even kill the pimp before he ever gets to the girl. Then it's just a matter of picking her back up and dropping her off. Snatch can be found in Brighton and Imperial Square.
Now, the wrinkle in this is that the client is some sort of celebrity, and the news vans will be quite interested in what is going on back there. So your job is to give them enough time to do what they are doing while avoiding the news vans. Sounds easy enough. But it actually can get to be pretty difficult, since as you progress, a lot of vans appear they will start spawning right in front of you, often blocking the road.
Many of them will purposely swerve right into you head on, so that you have to stop while they are taking pictures. In addition, the client will begin asking for various favors from you, like going to a particular place, or hitting other cars, or getting some fast food. This is when it really gets hard, since inevitably what they want is all the way across the city, and the pleasure meter stops rising until you complete the request.
There is no real good advice I can give for this one that isn't generic for being an exceptional driver which is kind of half the point of the game. Learn to use that handbrake, it will get you around corners and the vans won't be able to follow very well.
As you learn the layout of the city, this activity becomes a lot easier. It just takes practice. Escort can be found in Frat Row and Rebadeaux. The number of drop- offs depends on what level of the mission you are playing, and can be anywhere from 2 to 5 deals. This one starts off fairly easy and quickly gets to be nightmarishly difficult pretty quickly. I recommend taking a good SMG with you, loaded up with as much ammo as you can carry. As a secondary weapon, a good shotgun is another one to bring along.
If you reach a point where you are out of ammo and have to rely on the pistol, it's pretty much over. Good luck with that. I found that the best strategy, once the dealer parks and gets out to make a deal, is to just stay in the van or whatever vehicle you start off in and just shoot people from inside, unless you absolutely have to get out for some reason e.
The initial vehicle is actually pretty strong and can take quite a beating, so use it as body armor and don't risk getting smoked.
The best thing to do is to try to take out the drivers. You will use up a lot of ammo trying to destroy the cars, and all that time they are going to be shooting back. Killing the drivers is a quick and easy way to get them to stop shooting at you. In some of the later missions, your car is most likely going to burst into flame.
This would be a good time to get out and find a new car. Don't worry, the dealer will follow you into whichever car you select. Now, the new vehicle won't be nearly as strong as that first one you had, so expect to have to change out on a regular basis.
I found that once this happens, it gets much harder to finish the mission. Do the best you can, there's no real good advice I can give other than to be ready to switch out cars quite a bit. Ronin Notoriety reduced even faster. All levels - "Purple Haze" Achievement H4. The designers have really made this activity a lot easier than it used to be.
No longer do you need a particular weapon to kill your target, if you see one, take him or her out with whatever you have handy. Also, the game will generally tell you exactly where to find the target or how to make him appear. There are quite a few targets 30 in total, which is six from each of the five locations. The rewards you get are based on completion of entire lists. Although you can still die from explosions or bullets, you become completely immune to damage from being hit by cars.
In addition, whenever you have this activity active, about half the drivers start driving almost as insanely as you do.
In this activity, you are given an area to go to, and within that area you are given a bonus area, where you get extra adrenaline with each hit. I suggest you use those areas, because where you are going to make your money is when you have a full adrenaline bar, and the faster you can get there, the better chance you have of passing this mission.
This is one of those activities that, in the later levels, can seem impossible due to the time limit, until you learn the trick. The trick, in this case, is that when you are up in the air, you can steer yourself. So the idea is, when you are flung up into the air, steer such that you land on or right in front of another car.
This will rack up big money pretty quickly. Once you learn how to do this, this activity becomes fairly easy to beat.
Insurance Fraud can be found in Amberbrook and The Mills. When you start off, you get to select the car you want to use I like the Bootlegger myself, it's not only my favorite car in the Derby, but also one of my favorite cars in the game. You then spend points upgrading the car's offense, defense, and speed.
Once that is complete, you enter the ring. This activity is pretty simple. Use your nitrous and you will score big points when you hit anything.
You don't usually have to worry about your own health meter too much, so just keep ramming away until you reach the required amount of damage. When you finish all six levels of Demolition Derby, a new icon will appear with twelve more optional derbies.
These are both easy and at time amusing to run. Still, they are pretty funny Delicious Derby is a riot , so I recommend you play through them. Demolition Derby can be found in Frat Row. There are three locations for this activity, and each location has eight cars to find, so in total you need to find 24 different cars. In the guide I will let you know where I found each of these cars.
I actually found this one to be relatively easy in comparison with Hitman, anyway. There are really only a couple of cars that are difficult to find, and even those can easily be gotten if you know where to get them and in one case have the money.
The trick is to grab all three activities early on, and whenever you jack a car which will be often , just compare the car you are in with your lists.
If you have a match, take it over to the chop shop. In many cases the shop needs specific alterations on the car before they will accept it. Don't worry about trying to find a model with all the modification on it already, just grab a generic version, take it over to Rim Jobs, and buy the modifications you need. It'll cost you a bit of money, but you'll make that back and more when you turn in the car. Also, be warned, if you take a car out of your garage in order to turn it into the Chop Shop, it won't reappear in your garage again, you've lost it until you get another one.
While you probably won't have much trouble in the first three or four levels, those last two can be quite difficult to win, given the time limit. The real trick here is to take advantage of those combo bonuses. In the last couple of levels you are given an unlimited supply of satchel charges.
While it does take some time to set these up, they are well worth it. Go around an area and keep putting down charges on anything destructible you find until you can't lay down any more. Then just hit the trigger until they all go off. This will rack up a lot of money in combo bonuses.
This works especially well in indoor areas with a lot of expensive destructible like casinos for instance. Chinatown is another good source of destructibles those outdoor patio sets with the umbrellas are quite good for this. Mayhem can be found in Bavogian Plaza and Silwater Nuclear. You have to protect your celebrity by which I mean keep his or her annoyance bar down below maximum at all times while at the same time making enough money to pass the level.
Oh, and you don't get any weapons at least not to start with. In the early levels, you only really have one rabid fan to deal with at a time. Grab them with the left bumper , steer them over to a bonus area, and throw them in.
You shouldn't have much problem with these. But once you hit level four or so, this strategy stops working. Here are some tips for the later levels. Punch the rabid fans until one of them drops a baseball bat this should be within the first few fans and immediately grab it and switch to that weapon.
Now protect your celebrity until two things happen: One, his or her annoyance bar is low and two, you have reduced the number of rabid fans down to one or two. Once both these things happen at once, you have time to grab a fan and throw them into a bonus area for extra money. Keep an eye out of new fans and that annoyance bar. If it starts getting too high, get in there and swing that bat to get it back down again. You will have to keep switching back and forth between these two strategies to both earn enough cash to win before the time limit runs out and prevent failing the activity due to the annoyance bar.
Near the end of the time limit for levels five and six, the fans will start pulling out guns. Once that happens, it becomes very difficult to protect the celebrity because you have to run the fans down instead of them coming to you.
You pretty much need to beat the level before this happens, so in actual fact, the time limit you are given for these last levels is even harder than what it initially seems. Oh, sorry, wrong movie. Anyway, this is a pretty easy activity, once you get the hang of it. Beat the tar out of your opponents. When they get down far enough in their health and you knock them to the ground , you can finish them off.
Note that the lower their health, the easier it is to do the finishing moves. For that reason, I often won't try to finish them the first time the green arrow appears, I'll let them get back up so that I can smack down their health a bit more. It can get a bit overwhelming toward the later levels when there are lots of guys coming at you. If you need a breather, run to the other side of the ring and remember to use your food as needed.
Also, don't be afraid to pick up the weapons chairs, cinder blocks, tires, and so on and use them, it's a good way to really put the hurt on the competition. On the other side of the coin, be careful if any of the enemy are coming at you with a weapon. Stilwater Penitentiary - Legal Lee unlocked as a homie Level 3. Troy unlocked as a homie Level 6. There isn't really much to say about this one.
The camera man will "suggest" certain weapons you can use to increase the footage captured, and it's a good idea to use them, as long as doing so won't slow you down too much you have to balance the amount of time it takes for example to beat down a line of steroid users with a bat versus just running them all down with the cruiser.
Using the weapons suggested may cut down the number of stops you have to make by one or even two, which means it's much more likely you will grab enough film footage before the time runs out and you fail the activity. Fuzz can be found in Shivington and Quinbecca. The amount of time you get is woefully inadequate to get through all the markers.
But here's the deal. Along the way, for every car you destroy, you gain an extra second to the clock. For every pedestrian you kill, you get an extra two seconds on the clock. The wrinkle in this is that the bonus time you accumulate does not get added to your time limit until you hit the next marker! So even if you have 20 seconds of bonus time built up, if you run out of time before you hit that next checkpoint, they don't do you any good.
So you have to balance getting enough bonus time built up while still having enough time to get to the next checkpoint. Oh, and did I mention anything you touch either dies or blow up? Pretty good stuff! Now, running pedestrians are worth twice as much as cars, but they are much harder to hit, and you can't waste too much time trying to run them down.
But here is a fun trick. When you hit cars, they explode. They may only give you one second of bonus time, but the collateral damage they do can rack up the kills, especially if there are a few pedestrians standing nearby. So be sure to use those cars to your advantage. Also be sure to hit any patches of fire or gas barrels along your path, they tend to set off chain reactions that can get you lots of extra time.
Trail Blazing can be found in Sommerset and Brighton. I'm almost not even sure it's possible to fail, unless you are not paying attention and run out of route before you make enough money. Here's the deal. Use the left trigger to stop the truck. Use the right trigger to spray. When you reach the targeted amount of money, you win the level. Since you can halt the truck whenever you like in order to spray, there is really nothing to this activity.
Of course, the police are going to be annoyed at you. But that's okay, they can't really do much. Just spray them and their little cars too to earn extra bonus cash along the way. Septic Avenger can be found in Rebadeaux and New Hennequet. This one is right up there with Crowd Control in difficulty levels. Especially the Rebadeaux set, which is nightmarishly hard at level 6. This one is going to cause you fits.
All right, first of all, forget the machine gun. It's useless. Concentrate on using your rockets at all times. For ground targets, wait for the green box. Once you have it, go ahead and fire, especially if you can keep the targeting cursor near the target. I don't know if I am in the wrong place or what but he just doesn't come around. What is the best way to get this guy out?
User Info: hiller Accepted Answer. There's a log cabin NW of where the Spelunkers store is. That's where he is. User Info: Tweekster Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask and answer questions.
Question Status How do i get Frank from the prison hitman list to appear? Throw up a tag in the Barrio to earn his respect and draw him out into the open. Get enough cops on you, and Anoop will respond Here's hoping he's wearing pants.
Emphasis on "used" to be. Late night loot grinding got its hooks into him, and now he drives a cab to make ends meet. Give the cab company a call and we'll make sure Frank is the one who shows up. We can't have him talking to anybody. Have some Freckle Bitch's food delivered then take him out. Go the Suburbs and hit up Technically Legal. If you take up some of his girls' time he's bound to show. Do some Ho-ing to convince him you're for real. If you ride a motorcycle around the Marina and Museum districts you're sure to see him.
Take him out. I thought he was on tilt, but he took me for some serious money. Play some casino games and you're sure to find him. Just call up and he'll come as fast as possible to "help" you. He likes to hang out at the Buy Jove gift shop to remind people he's smarter than them. Head there, find him and waste him. If you go to the Marina district and buy a boat or Wavecraft he'll show up and see what you picked up. He's staying at the Heron Hotel in the Marina district; if you take the elevator to his floor you should have no trouble finding him.
Whenever he's on shore Everett's first priority is always to go to Stilwater's Red Light district to get laid. Kill a pimp to get some info on where he's staying then take him out. Head to the Suburbs cemetery between 10pm and 4am to find and bury him. Ride a motorcycle around there and you'll find him. He's paranoid the police are gonna evict him from his cardboard box.
Drink some beer around there to let him know you're not a cop and he should show himself. If you cause enough trouble Troy will have no choice but to call the feds in.
Start a fight in the area and someone is bound to call him over to settle the argument. Go there and buy a couple music tracks yourself to blend into the crowd and bring him out. To get close to him you'll need to get Smoked and admitted as a patient. Go the Stadium on campus and blend into the tailgate crowd by drinking some 40 oz's. Buy one of each item from the Freckle Bitch's menu and he'll show up to try and sell you on some franchise opportunities for Company of Gyros in his mascot outfit.
He'll have bodyguards, so watch out. He hangs out at the nightclubs in the Barrio, but only deigns to dance if the floor is crowded.
Wait on the dance floor and he's bound to show up. Blend into the trailer park crowd by wearing a wifebeater T-shirt Men's Tank Top and they'll welcome you as one of their own. Larry will most likely be lounging in a lawnchair drinking a beer, waiting for his royalty checks. Despite his ridiculous choice in clothing, he's one of Stilwater's power players. Go to the Marina and stop by the pirate ship restaurant; you'll see him soon enough. Flegel is nothing short of a tattooed war god.
He can be found in the Red Light district tattoo parlor but he will only show up to criticize your choice in tattoos after you get one. Freeball and I are kindred spirits. I hate poor people and he hates pants.
Regardless, he's a disgusting individual and the nephew of my executive producer so he needs to go. If you stir up enough trouble I'm sure the exhibitionist will show up. Pay him a visit in the Underground Caverns. This article contains no references. See Help:Refs. Saints Row 2 Hitman Target 01 - Alvin. Saints Row 2 Hitman Target 02 - Brad. Saints Row 2 Hitman Target 03 - Anoop. Saints Row 2 Hitman Target 04 - Frank. Saints Row 2 Hitman Target 06 - James.
Saints Row 2 Hitman Target 07 - stanton - Jeremiah. Saints Row 2 Hitman Target 08 - Nate. Saints Row 2 Hitman Target 09 - Brian.
Saints Row 2 Hitman Target 11 - Randy. Saints Row 2 Hitman Target 12 - Nick. Saints Row 2 Hitman Target 13 - Everett. Saints Row 2 Hitman Target 14 - Justin. Saints Row 2 Hitman Target 15 - claflin - Chris. Saints Row 2 Hitman Target 16 - Tim. Saints Row 2 Hitman Target 17 - Mitri. Saints Row 2 Hitman Target 18 - Frank. Saints Row 2 Hitman Target 19 - Apoop.