They are created with vector software like Adobe Illustrator and are made of paths and curves dictated by mathematical formulas. It is due to the algorithmic makeup, vectors are infinitely scalable. No matter how many times magnified, the images remain smooth, clean and good quality.
Vector images are perfectly applied onto physical products and design work. Also, they are used in CAD, engineering, and 3D graphics for accurate mapping. Common vector graphics are. Vector images are great, but not always perfect. Obvious shortcomings of vector images can be summarized as follows:. Knowing the difference between raster and vector, you might be wondering: can I rasterize a vector image? In fact, you can convert vector to raster easily using Photoshop.
Read on to get the details. Rasterizing an image in Photoshop converts a vector layer to pixels. Vector layers can be enlarged randomly without getting blurred. However, this format leaves the image unsuitable for artistic effect. Thus, it is better to rasterize the layer and then you are able to edit using pixels.
By doing these, you get a raster image. The question of whether or not the text needs to be scaleable would determine which method although, if it doesn't need to scale, and.
Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.
Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. What is the difference between "Rasterize type layer" and "Convert to shape"? Ask Question. Asked 4 years, 2 months ago. Active 4 years, 2 months ago. Viewed 4k times. The internet tells me that there are two key ways to avoid this: "Rasterize type layer" "Convert to shape" Both of which are options in the "type" menu on Photoshop and need to be applied to any font elements.
Improve this question. Bresaurus Bresaurus 3 1 1 silver badge 3 3 bronze badges. This results in serious quality loss. Looking at the two shapes above, you can see the clear difference in quality between a raster layer and a vector layer after significant scaling. For example, if you were to try to use your brush tool on a text layer, you would get an error message asking to rasterize your layer.
This is Photoshops way of telling you that you cannot make that specific adjustment unless you give up the vector layer functionality. Things like layer filters, the brush tool, eraser tool, and paint bucket adjustments cannot be made unless you rasterize a layer. Not every layer is made the same.
Only certain types of layers will have the option to be rasterized. Here are a few kinds of layers that you may have to rasterize at some point in Photoshop:. Although shapes and text are considered as vector layers, smart objects are a little different.
You can learn more about smart objects and how they work in this post. Additionally, you can use a new layer with a clipping mask to directly edit any vector layer you need.
That way you never have to sacrifice quality for an adjustment. Hey, I'm Brendan! I'm a professional photographer and photo retoucher who prefers dogs over cats.
Around here my mission is to help you improve your photography, photo editing, and graphic design through easy-to-understand tutorials that maximize your creativity.