Where to find diphenhydramine

You could also ask your pharmacist for advice on other ways to help you remember to take your medicine. In serious cases you can become unconscious and may need emergency treatment in hospital. Do not use diphenhydramine cream at the same time as other products containing diphenhydramine.

This can lead to overdose. Go to Get someone else to drive you or call for an ambulance. Take the diphenhydramine packet or leaflet inside it plus any remaining medicine with you. Like all medicines, diphenhydramine can cause side effects, although not everyone gets them. However, you may be more likely to get them if you're over Common side effects happen in more than 1 in people.

Talk to your doctor or pharmacist if these side effects bother you or do not go away:. Diphenhydramine cream can sometimes make your rash worse. It may also make your skin sensitive to sunlight. In rare cases, it's possible to have a serious allergic reaction anaphylaxis to diphenhydramine.

These are not all the side effects of diphenhydramine. For a full list, see the leaflet inside your medicine packet. While diphenhydramine can be used during pregnancy, it is not normally recommended. This is because of the side effects, which may be more significant during pregnancy. Discuss with your doctor or pharmacist other medicines, such as chlorphenamine , that may more suitable. If you have difficulty sleeping while you're pregnant, your doctor or midwife may suggest ways to improve your sleep routine, like relaxing, and avoiding naps.

If you have a cough or cold, you can help to ease your symptoms by resting, drinking plenty of fluids and taking paracetamol. If your doctor or health visitor says your baby is healthy, you can take diphenhydramine while you're breastfeeding, but it's better to take occasional doses or only take it for a short time.

Diphenhydramine passes into breast milk in very small amounts. Although it's unlikely to cause any side effects in your baby, it is a drowsy antihistamine, so could make your baby sleepy. If you're breastfeeding, or planning to breastfeed, talk to your doctor. They may recommend similar antihistamines, called loratadine and cetirizine , that are more suitable while you're breastfeeding.

Talk to your doctor, pharmacist, midwife or health visitor if your baby is not feeding as well as usual, seems unusually sleepy, seems irritable, or if you have any other concerns about your baby. Some medicines can affect the way diphenhydramine works, and increase the chances of you having side effects. Check with your pharmacist or doctor if you're taking:.

If you're taking a cough or cold remedy or a painkiller containing diphenhydramine, check carefully what the other ingredients are. For example, check whether it contains paracetamol. Ask your pharmacist for advice before you take this medicine together with any other painkillers or medicines.

There might be a problem taking some herbal remedies and supplements alongside diphenhydramine, especially ones that cause side effects such as sleepiness, a dry mouth or making it difficult to pee. Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you're taking any other medicines, including herbal medicines, vitamins or supplements. Diphenhydramine is a medicine called an antihistamine. It is classed as a drowsy sedating antihistamine. When you come into contact with something you're allergic to, your body produces a chemical called histamine.

This can cause symptoms such as a runny nose or skin rashes. Diphenhydramine blocks the effects of histamine in your brain and this reduces symptoms. It enters the brain in large quantities and this can make you feel drowsy. Diphenhydramine also blocks the effects of another chemical called acetylcholine. This can help a cough or runny nose but can also cause side effects such as a dry mouth and dry nose. If you're taking diphenhydramine for short-term sleep problems, it will start to make you feel drowsy around 20 to 30 minutes after you take it.

For coughs and colds, your symptoms will normally start to improve within 20 minutes. You can become dependent on it if you take it continuously for too long. To avoid this, follow the instructions that come with the medicine and only take diphenhydramine for a very short time, unless your doctor advises otherwise. It is unlikely that you'll become addicted to diphenhydramine but it's best to only take it for a short time. You can become dependent on diphenhydramine if you take it continuously for too long.

Follow the instructions that come with the medicine and only take diphenhydramine for a very short time, unless your doctor advises otherwise. If you have a severe itchy skin rash, your doctor may recommend taking 2 different antihistamines at the same time for a few days. As well as taking a non-drowsy antihistamine during the day such as fexofenadine , cetirizine or loratadine , your doctor may advise that you take a drowsy antihistamine at night if itching is making it difficult to sleep.

Do not take another drowsy antihistamine together with diphenhydramine. It will make you very tired and sleepy. Other drowsy antihistamines include chlorphenamine Piriton , promethazine Phenergan and hydroxyzine Atarax or Ucerax. Do not take 2 antihistamines together unless you've been advised to by your doctor. Diphenhydramine is known as a drowsy, or sedating, antihistamine as it makes you sleepy.

Non-drowsy antihistamines are less likely to have this effect. These include cetirizine , fexofenadine and loratadine. Most people prefer to take a non-drowsy antihistamine as it's less likely to interfere with their everyday routine.

You might choose to take a drowsy antihistamine, however, if you're having problems falling asleep, or if symptoms like itching or coughing are keeping you awake. There is not enough information to say whether one antihistamine is better than another for treating allergies. You may need to try a few different medicines to find what works best for you.

Ask your pharmacist or doctor for advice if you're unsure. Diphenhydramine blocks the effects of a natural chemical called acetylcholine. This can help dry up a cough or runny nose but can also cause side effects such as a dry mouth and dry nose.

Some cough and cold remedies claim to suppress your cough or stop you bringing up phlegm. Although some people find them helpful, they're not usually recommended. This is because there's little evidence that they're any more effective than simple home remedies, and they're not suitable for everyone. Yes, you can take diphenhydramine together with painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.

If you take diphenhydramine with painkillers that contain codeine such as co-codamol or other prescription painkillers, you may feel very tired and sleepy. Do not drive, ride a bike or operate machinery or tools if this happens to you.

It's important to check the packaging or label of your medicine carefully. This is because some diphenhydramine products already contain a painkiller.

Do not take extra painkillers if this is the case, as there's a risk of overdose. Speak to your pharmacist if you're not sure whether a medicine already contains a painkiller. Featured products. Show more From the manufacturer Loading, please wait Show more. Write a review. Verified purchases. Works 5 out of 5 stars. Helpful Not helpful Report review.

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Email address. Sign up. Diphenhydramine is also used to prevent and treat motion sickness, and to treat insomnia difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.

Diphenhydramine is also used to control abnormal movements in people who have early stage parkinsonian syndrome a disorder of the nervous system that causes difficulties with movement, muscle control, and balance or who are experiencing movement problems as a side effect of a medication. Diphenhydramine will relieve the symptoms of these conditions but will not treat the cause of the symptoms or speed recovery.

Diphenhydramine should not be used to cause sleepiness in children. Diphenhydramine is in a class of medications called antihistamines. It works by blocking the action of histamine, a substance in the body that causes allergic symptoms. Diphenhydramine comes as a tablet, a rapidly disintegrating dissolving tablet, a capsule, a liquid-filled capsule, a dissolving strip, powder, and a liquid to take by mouth.

When diphenhydramine is used for the relief of allergies, cold, and cough symptoms, it is usually taken every 4 to 6 hours. When diphenhydramine is used to treat motion sickness, it is usually taken 30 minutes before departure and, if needed, before meals and at bedtime. When diphenhydramine is used to treat insomnia it is taken at bedtime 30 minutes before planned sleep. When diphenhydramine is used to treat abnormal movements, it is usually taken three times a day at first and then taken 4 times a day.

Follow the directions on the package or on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand. Take diphenhydramine exactly as directed. Do not take more or less of it or take it more often than prescribed by your doctor or directed on the label. Diphenhydramine comes alone and in combination with pain relievers, fever reducers, and decongestants.

Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice on which product is best for your symptoms. Check nonprescription cough and cold product labels carefully before using two or more products at the same time. These products may contain the same active ingredient s and taking them together could cause you to receive an overdose.

This is especially important if you will be giving cough and cold medications to a child. Nonprescription cough and cold combination products, including products that contain diphenhydramine, can cause serious side effects or death in young children. Do not give these products to children younger than 4 years of age. If you give these products to children 4 to 11 years of age, use caution and follow the package directions carefully.

If you are giving diphenhydramine or a combination product that contains diphenhydramine to a child, read the package label carefully to be sure that it is the right product for a child of that age. Do not give diphenhydramine products that are made for adults to children. Before you give a diphenhydramine product to a child, check the package label to find out how much medication the child should receive. Give the dose that matches the child's age on the chart.

Ask the child's doctor if you don't know how much medication to give the child. If you are taking the liquid, do not use a household spoon to measure your dose.


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