Where to get falcon for sniper

Some Falconers still prefer the usage of bows because of Arrow Repel or Phantasmic Arrow , but its entirely up to the user. Fighting tips: When fighting other non-falconer snipers, try using blitz beat on them till you're low on HP, then finish off with Falcon assault. If you are sure you can kill other players with one Falcon assault, don't bother wasting your SP with blitz beat it is quite SP costly. This build is very popular for PVP oriented Snipers. The advantage of this build is that it is only slightly weaker due to lower dex, but has much higher survivability and status resistance than the classic powerhouse build.

Thanks to the additional stat points awarded to Trans Class characters, and the Sniper skill Falcon Eyes , getting vit does not horribly gimp the sniper's attack strength or attack speed. Sniper gear is pretty much the same as Hunter gear. Any Hunter who has a complete set of gear will be completely ready to become a Sniper. Hunter gear suggestions can be found Here. Of course, due to the slight differences between Hunters and Snipers, there are a few things to take into consideration when gearing a Sniper.

At job 69, another DEX bonus is awarded to the Sniper which then opens up a space for a Brooch to be used for accessory, or any type of armor to be used without losing the damage bonus from dropping down to or DEX.

Builds that do not have 99 base DEX will have a slightly different setup, and may be a bit different considering the different amounts of DEX needed to hit their bonus. It is also always important to consider the use of DEX adding headgear while using The Sign Accessory for an extra boost in damage.

For example, many snipers choose to equip The Sign and an Apple of Archer, rather than using a Nimble accessory and any headgear of their choice.

Always carry a guard with you depending on the monsters you are fighting. If you are leveling with a mobber or priest, and you become a target of the mob somehow, it is always good to keep a racial guard with you to protect you from a quick and painful death.

Lol this reminds me of something. Posted November 24, edited. Posted November 25, Posted November 25, edited. Posted June 24, Posted September 17, edited. Maiimaii Posted September 17, Posted September 17, Maiimaii Already asked GM genesis, n pls read it kfully at the end of the runes old , new :3 The old runes were still at weapons. The new runes were at accessories.

Posted September 18, Penthesiliea Posted September 18, Tokenshop type also Maiimaii Posted September 18, Join the conversation You can post now and register later. Reply to this topic Insert image from URL. Go to topic listing. The Sniper is truly master of the Bow, where in it becomes a deadly instrument capable of dealing massive damage.

The Falcon return to its aid, with new Falcon skills especially Falcon Assault. They will be able to deploy traps just like their pre-transcendental form, the Hunter job class.

With the ability to deal mass amounts of damage quickly, lock your opponent in place, and have the added advantage of having a Falcon, Snipers can be extremely deadly. With all that was previously said, Snipers are not all that perfect and unbeatable. Snipers do have weaknesses, just as all Job classes do depending on the situation. A sample build would be Totals, with gears and buffs :. A falconer relies on their bird to deal most of the damage, so you have less DEX than other builds.

This build is good on monsters with high defense, but be wary of mobbing unless you plan on manually Blitz Beating. INT makes your falcon do more damage, LUK helps bring it out more often, and AGI gives you a faster attack speed; giving you more chances for your bird to come out. When playing on a Falconer, Priests are your best friends, since Gloria helps a lot.

The Trapper focuses on using traps as its main damage-dealing. Put some STR so you can hold more traps and stuff. Falcon Assault will compliment this build since you have high INT anyways. High int supported by decent vit and dex. This build can FA for high amounts of damage, while usually using a dagger and switching to an earthen bow to curse and stone curse players.


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