If you have the following symptoms, calcarea carbonica may be right for you:. Lycopodium: If you have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and have been gaining weight, this remedy may help.
This is prescribed to those who have weight issues because of gastric and liver problems. If you have these issues you may also suffer from constipation and flatulence. If all your weight goes straight to your thighs and buttock areas, lycopodium may be your solution. Ammonium mur: This is great for people dealing with a fatty torso and buttocks but thin legs.
Your practitioner may prescribe you ammonium mur if you experience these symptoms:. Ammonium carb: If you experience the following symptoms you may be prescribed ammonium carb. Natrum mur: this is an effective remedy for fat accumulation and weight gain in the thighs and buttocks area. It is prescribed experiencing these conditions:. Antimonium crudum: if you are experiencing these physiological conditions, this remedy may be prescribed to you:.
Phytolacca: This homeopathic remedy is prescribed to you if you are facing excessive weight gain and experience these conditions:.
The child is quite sensitive to cold and cannot tolerate cold air or low temperatures. The head remains icy cold. The digestive system is sluggish and the child is often constipated. When the excess fat is centred on the upper body with the legs being thin and weak, Antim Crudum is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for weight loss. It is also a good medicine for obesity in young people. Such patients are quite fond of eating. In fact, this medicine is very well suited for people who are known gluttons.
He likes acidic things like pickles. The tongue has a thick white coating. There is a lot of irritability and the person cannot afford to be contradicted. In the case of children, the child is so irritable that he does not even like to be looked at. Such people cannot tolerate heat as well as bathing in cold water. When a lady tends to gain weight around menopause, Graphites is one of the best homeopathic medicines for obesity.
Even during the young age, the females have delayed menses. The patient may have lot of skin eruptions. The defining feature of this homeopathic remedy is that the skin eruptions ooze thick sticky discharge.
The patient usually suffers from constipation. There is an increased sensitiveness to cold. When the patient has anemia despite being fat, Ferrum Met is one of the best homeopathic medicines for obesity.
The skin is pale and so are the mucous membranes. There may be flushing of the face despite being anemic. The hands and feet remain cold. The muscles are flabby and relaxed. The patient is so weak that walking or talking can be difficult.
There may be palpitation of the heart that is worse by any and every movement. When one is mentally and physically sluggish and indolent, Capsicum is one of the best homeopathic medicines for obesity. The patient does not like any physcial exertion and does not feel like doing anything that is not his or her routine.
The patient is usually chilly and feels lack of warmth at all times. It is also a good medicine for alcoholics and there is a lot of craving for alcohol and other stimulants. The digestion is slow and sluggish.
B Homeopathic medicines are very safe and do not have any side effects when taken under the supervision of an expert homeopathic doctor.
Your email address will not be published. Hello Dr Please tell me which medicine is best for me..? I have lot of fat on my thighs, hips and hands only.. Hi Mandeep. There are many medicines that are used for this. We need to know more details about the person. Hello sir I am manjeet my weight is 50 my body is healthy but my face is very week, I am teacher I get s tired very soon, I have costipation problem,disetion problem,I do drink luke warm water but I feel acidic, I have cicst problem taking medicine from pgi help me ,my stomach is very fat.
Very good and Use fully understand. Waistline is42cm. Using Calcari Carb Me sanghita Roy from w. What will be the perfect weight for me?? How can I get this?? Dear Dr, I am 39 year old weighted 84kg,height 5 feet 8 inches. Please suggest homeopathic medicine for weight loss. Dear Dr.
I am 47 years old female with no chronic diseases like BP, diabetes or thyroid. I am 5 feet and 2 inches and I weigh around 70 kg. I lead a moderately active life during the day like climbing the stairs or walk to my workplace. I lost 14 kg in the year and then my weight got fixed at I eat healthy with lots of fruits and veggies and one chapati during my lunch with dal , vegetables and sallad.
One homeopath recommended calcarea carb but I did not get any satisfactory result. Kindly suggest some medication for me. We had a case once of a 35 yr old female who came to us with an eight kg weight gain after delivery. She had tried various diet plans and weight loss programmes with hardly any success.
She suffered from depression due to weight gain. We advised a thyroid function test which turned out to be positive for hypothyroidism. We prescribed her a homeopathic medicine — Calcarea Carb Our in house nutritionist drew up a specific diet. With a combination of homeopathic treatment, an individualised diet plan and scientific monitoring of her weight, she not only shook off her extra weight but also her depression.
Losing weight is no longer about looking good but being healthy. I am tired all the time, hair brittle, skin dry, thought for sure I would be hypo at blood work, nope, hyper… So frustrated. I work full time. I struggle every day to get out of bed. Would Calcarea carbonica 30c be good for me? Thank you. Sherry Miller. On this medication, it is hard if not impossible for me to lose weight, even with proper diet, exercise, etc.
I was told I am a diabetic, thyroid the kind that keeps you from losing weight in my whole life I have never taken pharmaceutical medication but I listen to my son who is a DR. Then in Jan of this yr. And we are dealing with this stay at home virus thing. If you have any info that might help me with getting metabolism going weight lose and I do not go to the bathroom B. Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy. Legal Disclaimer -None of the medicines mentioned including services , mentioned at Drhomeo.
We do not claim to cure any disease which is considered' incurable ' on the basis of scientific facts by modern medicine. Homeopathy at DrHomeo. Home Online Treatment Dr. Vikas Sharma MD Comments. Infographic on Homeopathy for Weight Loss. Write To Dr. Sharma Cancel reply Write to Dr. Sharma and get a reply on how homeopathy can help you in treating your disease condition. Comments zafar says:.
October 7, at am. Clare says:. October 6, at am. What would be the best one to take? And what dosage? Carolyn Banks says:. September 2, at am. Sabitri says:. July 29, at pm. Vibhavari Jadhav says:. January 19, at pm. December 14, at am. Farida Banu says:. May 19, at pm. Helo doctor am 30 years old and am 83 kgs pls suggest how to reduce weight.
Rima says:. December 2, at pm. Robyn says:. November 21, at am. Sherry says:. December 21, at pm. Sue says:. November 14, at am. Rosa German says:. August 22, at pm. Rubina says:.
November 11, at pm. Ashwin Shah says:. September 15, at am. September 7, at pm. Terri says:.