Can ladybirds save Rome's pine trees from killer parasite? Rome's pine trees are dying as time runs out to save city skyline. Tornado hits Italian island Pantelleria, two dead. Why is Rome's river Tiber full of dead fish? Sicily hit by 4. Hundreds of dead fish wash up in Rome's river Tiber. Rome commuters recycle 5 million plastic bottles in exchange for bus tickets. Italy issues heatwave warning for 17 cities on holiday weekend. Italy heatwave hits record Wanted in Milan. Wanted in Europe.
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Get help. Register your account. Forget Password. Thursday, 11 November Italy's news in English. The official language spoken in Italy, however, is Italian. This language is spoken by around 85 million people throughout the world and serves as one of the working languages of the Council of Europe.
It is considered a Romance language and is more closely related to Latin than any other Romance language. Italian has its roots in the Tuscan dialect of the Italo-Dalmatian subgroup, which belongs to the Indo-European language family.
In fact, the famous author Dante Alighieri is often given credit for standardizing the language. Today, Italian is not listed by the constitution as the official language, although several courts have made legal decisions identifying the language as such.
A number of minority languages are also spoken in Italy. Of these languages, Sardinian belongs to its own group within the Romance languages. Around 1 million people speak Sardinian, the majority of which live on the island of Sardinia. It is considered an indigenous language and has been influenced by Catalan, Byzantine Greek, Spanish, Italian, and pre-Latin languages. Indo-Iranian Branch. International Languages. Iroquoian Language Family. Khoisan Language Family. Language Isolates.
Mayan Language Family. NaDene Language Family. Niger-Congo Language Family. Nilo-Saharan Language Family. Oto-Manguean Language Family.
Pidgin Languages. Romance Branch. Semitic Branch. Sino-Tibetan Language Family. Siouan Language Family. Slavic Branch. Tai-Kadai Language Family. Tibeto-Burmese Branch.
Tungusic Languages. Turkic Branch. Uralic Language Family. Uto-Aztecan Language Family. Related Topics. See Related Topics. Families Recently Updated. Foreign language learning is real world education. Language Careers. Language Families. Language Families A-Z.
Language Learning Difficulty. Language situation in the U. Languages in the U. Educational System. Languages on the Internet. Speaking Self Assessment. Why Study Foreign Languages. World Languages. Writing Systems. Essi sono dotati di ragione e di coscienza e devono gire gli uni verso gli altri in spirito di fratellanza.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 1 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.