Which states phosphate ban

This was the case when phosphates in household laundry detergent were banned in the s. However, since that time, phosphorus limits have been introduced at many wastewater treatment facilities. The effectiveness of phosphate bans is now tempered by regulations in place at wastewater treatment facilities.

If the goal of the bans is as stated—to reduce phosphate entering US waters—we argue that these bans are misplaced. Economists have argued for several decades that market-based approaches to pollution management have many advantages over command-and-control policies.

Indeed, in our setting, our theory suggests that a tax on phosphorous effluent would incentivize wastewater treatment facilities to pass through influent reductions, avoiding the unintended consequences that we find. Yet, water quality policy in the US remains largely reliant on command-and-control policies such as effluent standards, technology standards, and bans. Part of this reason is that these policies are often thought to provide a guaranteed means to improve the environment.

However, when there are overlapping policies, even this advantage of command-and-control policies is muted. Even if the adoption of market-based approaches remains limited, at the very least, policymakers ought to take into account how pre-existing regulations might mitigate the effect of potential policies.

Cohen, A. Available at www. Copyright Establish new turf; Turf repair; Phosphorus deficiency; Gardens; Sod farms; Agricultural land or production. Sod farms; Agricultural land and production; Phosphorus deficiency; Establish new turf. Application to paved or impervious surfaces:. Prohibited, must clean up if inadvertent.

Prohibited, must clean up if applied. Package label prohibits certain uses. Application on frozen and saturated soils:. Prohibited from Nov.

Prohibited during heavy rain or when predicted, on saturated or frozen ground, or from Nov. Prohibited between Dec. Prohibited from Oct. Restrictions on Phosphorus lawn fertilizer sales:. Post signs about fertilizer use at point of sale.

Must sell low Phosphorus fertilizer for lawns unless organic and sold to professional. Sale prohibited to consumers unless for deficiency, new turf, or turf repair. Display Phosphorus fertilizer separately; Post educational signs. Sale of lawn maintenance fertilizer prohibited; Can sell existing stock.

Sale prohibited unless for an allowed use and properly labeled; Can sell existing stock. As bacteria feast on the dead plants and algae, they reduce the amount of oxygen available in the water for other wildlife. Dishwasher detergent could account for up to 10 to 12 percent of all the phosphate present in wastewater. In Spokane, officials reported a Some have criticized the low-phosphate formulas as not working as effectively in areas that have hard water. Using data from the US Geological Survey, Keiser calculated the production of phosphate rock in the US for agricultural and industrial uses from to He then estimated the amount of phosphate left over to run off into waterways after crops consumed their share of the fertilizer.

He also plotted phosphate use in industrial and consumer products, demonstrating that it peaked around and has remained meager since Policy makers should study these disproportionate phosphate-use rates if they are serious about improving water quality, Keiser suggests.

Lawmakers should also consider how consumers respond to purchasing restrictions, Keiser says.


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