The relationship aspect of Grand Theft Auto IV is perhaps one of the most nebulous areas of this epic game. However, that shouldn't daunt you from building as many relationships as you can, because they happen to provide some of the deeper and more rewarding experiences Grand Theft Auto IV has to offer.
In fact, without building up relationships with myriad characters in the game, you're going to miss out on a lot of what the game intends for you to see. There are two different kinds of primary relationships in the game. The first type of relationship is any that Niko has with various females he encounters.
These relationships take on a more light-hearted and pseudo-romantic tone and are completely optional for the most part. There are two females in the game you must date—Mallorie's 'friend' Michelle and the O'Reary boys' sister Kate—but other than that, dating is completely optional. However, there's a lot of fun to be had by partaking in the Liberty City singles scene. If you want to date girls other than Michelle and Kate, you can do that, but it involves some legwork.
From there, you can try to contact various women and hope that they respond to your advances. The status of various inquiries can be found by checking your e-mail at a later date, where you'll either get a counter-inquiry or a downright rejection. Try to press the various girls on the site for dates, but keep in mind that there are some girls that you can date and others that won't date you no matter how hard you try.
So now that you know how you can potentially score a date with one of Liberty City's beautiful single females, what should you do when you're on a date?
How do you prepare for a date, and what are some of the things to keep an eye out for while on a date and perhaps most importantly after the date has concluded? Below are five tips to keep in mind before, during and after any given date to make them sure successes. Not all girls are going to like the same things.
In fact, Michelle likes it most when Niko dresses in the low class garb he walked off the boat donning.
But for the most part, it's a safe bet that if you dress in at least moderately nice clothing, the girl you're dating isn't going to be disappointed. And since you're almost certainly going to pick up a date in a stolen car, why not make sure that car is as fancy and well-taken care of as possible?
Would it be corny to quote Good Charlotte's 'girls don't like boys, girls like cars and money' here? Well, too late, I just did. But speaking of picking up your chick Other than subjecting your date to vehicular homicide or in some other way murdering and dismembering her, few things will ruin the vibe of a good date from the very get-go more than being late to pick up your special lady friend. She finds Niko to be a mysterious European. Alex can be difficult to find, as she only sends out a personal ad.
By comparison, Carmen and Kiki can be found on dating websites. She is datable after Blow Your Cover. Predictably, Alex has upper-class expectations from the player. She prefers it if they drive fancy cars and wear expensive clothing.
Interestingly, she does blog about her dating experiences. GTA 4 players can access Blogsnobs. Alex goes into graphic detail about her romantic encounters with Niko. New User posted their first comment. Log in. GTA Feature. Modified 08 Aug Feature. Edited by Sijo Samuel Paul 4. GTA 4. Sort by: Most popular Recent Most upvotes. Login to post your comment. Show More Comments.
No thanks Delete. Cancel Update. Login to reply. Cancel Reply. Contact Us. Special Ability: You can call up Kiki and remove a one or two-star wanted level. Friendship Unlocked: Alex is available via craplist. Her online alias is "Liberated Woman. Each girl has a unique set of preferences that you should adhere to in order to get the most out of a date.
Each girl has an 'initial opinion' of each activity that is available, and each time you take her to a specific place her opinion of it drops by 5, while her opinion of all similar places drops by 1.
For example, if you visit the Cluckin' Bell in Star Junction her opinion of it drops by 5, while her opinion of all other Cluckin' Bells in the city drops by 1. When her opinion of a specific place falls below 25, she refuses to go there anymore. In order to get the maximum success out of a date, therefore, you should refer to the initial opinions of all the activities listed in the table below, and try to vary the activities from date-to-date.
A successful date increases your 'like stat', and afterwards the girl may invite you in for some "hot coffee". You should also consider the girl's likes and dislikes listed in the profiles above - adhering to these will further increase your 'like stat'. Example: In order to get the most out of a first date with Carmen, pick her up in a Sultan RS , wear clothes from Modo, and take her to one of the places with the highest initial opinion in the table below for example Comrades Bar on Hove Beach.
Then on the second date, take her to another place with a high initial opinion, but make sure it's different to the first place you took her so for example Club Liberty. Remember Me. Forums Live Chat Cheats. Grand Theft Auto 5. Preferred Activites: Bowling Darts Drinking Eating Eats anywhere initially, but prefers high-end stuff later on in the game. Burger Shot is his favourite.
Eating Prefers to avoid fast food, as high-end as possible. Take your girlfriend to an activity that she likes left and then afterwards try your luck right. Cluckin' Bell.