Who is reyna in the heroes of olympus

JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Reyna is the daughter of Bellona, a goddess you've probably never heard of. Don't sweat it—we hadn't heard of her before Rick R introduced us, either. Bellona is a Roman goddess of war, sister of Mars Ares if you're Roman …which explains why Reyna is such a fierce fighter.

But wait a sec—isn't Reyna Roman? That's right. It's up to her to bridge the divide between these two warring factions. The best way to reunite two warring factions is to kick a bunch of butt, and Reyna's chapters never disappoint. Eventually, the two sisters went their separate ways. Hylla went and became an Amazon , while Reyna found Camp Jupiter and eventually became a praetor, along with Jason Grace at some point in time. As praetor, new arrivals of the camp were required to meet with her.

Nico di Angelo appeared before Reyna and asked her to allow Hazel Levesque to become part of the Legion, which Reyna accepted. Frank Zhang also met with her and apologized for the acts of Shen Lun , his great-grandfather, who supposedly caused the San Francisco earthquake. Reyna however told Frank to never mention to anyone who his great-grandfather was, but she let him into the camp. During her time as praetor, she and Jason formed a close relationship, but Jason vanished and Reyna was forced to lead the camp by herself.

When Jason's memory comes back to him, he remembers Reyna vaguely, and wonders if he was close to her, making him question his relationship with Piper McLean.

Reyna has had feelings for him but they were turned down when Jason and Piper became a couple. When Juno appeared in her true form and presented Percy as a son of Neptune to Camp Jupiter, Reyna was one of the campers in the area. Reyna looked at Percy strangely, as if she saw him in her nightmares and knew him. She called herself the Praetor of the Twelfth Legion and when asked said she did not know him.

Percy was doubtful that she was telling the truth but was unwilling to argue with her in front of her soldiers. She then orders Hazel to take him inside so she could interrogate him to find out if he was a new recruit or an enemy to kill. Before she interrogates him she tells Percy that her dogs, Argentum, Silver, and Aurum, Gold, do not like liars. She finds it peculiar that Percy doesn't have any memory other than being trained at the Wolf House with Lupa.

She then proceeds to interrogate him noting that his arrival isn't exactly a good omen due to the fact that the Feast of Fortuna is coming up. Throughout the encounter she implies that they have met. She then sends Percy to the augur, Octavian , to decide to either let him stay or kill him. Later through the night she officially makes Percy a probatio.

She then announces that its time to eat and then go and play the War Games. Reyna acts as the referee for the game, flying around on her pegasus named Scipio. When the Fifth Cohort manage to break down the defensive teams walls mostly thanks to Frank, Hazel, and Percy and steal the symbol, Reyna calls the game in favor the offensive team.

Reyna reveals her life before she and Hylla worked at Circe's island to Nico, but they were secretly being spied upon by Bryce Lawrence, an ruthless legacy who was once exiled from New Rome by Reyna before being reinstated byOctavian. He tries to execute Reyna for patricide when she reveals her "killing" her father's insane spirit, but is turned into a ghost by an angry Nico. She is confronted by Orion and manages to kill him with help of her mother, Bellona, and Athena, who grant her a magic cape that deflects Orion's arrows.

Before the two camps are about to clash, Reyna reveals the Athena Parthenos, ending the warfare between the Greeks and Romans before it even starts. However, Gaeasuddenly rises and begins to attack the camp. After the seven are returned to camp, Piper and Jasonare shown to fight alongside Reyna. She organizes the forces of the legion withFrank, the newly appointedPraetor, and charges into battle fighting herds of monsters and Gaea's minions.

Reyna is seen befriending a new Pegasus,Guido, who is mentioned later to have adopted Reyna as his human. After the battle is concluded, and Gaea is defeated, Romans and Greeks gather for a campfire the following night. The situation between the two camps finally concluded with peace and coexistence. Reyna promises Greeks a ton of parties saying that "We Romans invented parties. The crowd of demigods roars with approval in response, indicating that thanks to Reyna, both Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiterhave finally come to truly accept the son of Hades.

Reyna also lets him know that he is always welcome to visit Camp Jupiter. The following morning, before the Romans were set to leave, Piper and Reyna have a conversation relating to Reyna's love life, and how Reyna thinks that Venus had cursed her by not finding a demigod to heal her heart.

Piper assures her that there is love out there for Reyna, and it might be a mortal or a god instead. This sparked a bond of friendship and family between the two girls, and Reyna shakes her hand before departing. Reyna is a very strong-willed person. She is very strict with the members of the Twelfth Legion and doesn't like to be questioned.

However, the reason she is so strict is because she is determined to protect her family after what happened on C. Because of her past, she does her best to be stoic, doesn't show any signs of weakness around others and keeps up her mature public image to keep up the moral of the camp. She feels that if she ever appears nervous or scared, her emotions will cause the camp to worry as well.

Hence, even though she was very much changed by the Giant War at the end of The Blood of Olympus, her exterior doesn't show it, according to Piper.

Reyna is distrustful and dubious of new people or people she feels aren't honest with her, though she becomes slightly more relaxed and friendly with people she trusts and cares about.

After Percy tells her his story and her dogs don't attack him as he didn't lie , she tells him about her past and that she is worried about her sister. However, as Leo notes, Reyna isn't known for being a forgiving person a trait usually associated with Hades demigods , as she still dislikes him with a fierce passion, even though he didn't willingly attack Camp Jupiter. When Jason returns to Camp Jupiterwith his girlfriend Piper, this hurts Reyna, but she does her best not show it.

Having felt betrayed by Jason, refused by Percy, and leading the camp all by herself for so long, Reyna lost hope that anything could go right for her and felt completely alone. Outwardly, she still projects the image of a confident, fearless leader; internally, she is tired and weary, as noted by Jason during his vision of her meeting with Rachel and Grover. Despite her internal feelings, she still musters the courage to travel across the Mare Nostrum and retrieve the Athena Parthenos to save both Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood, while sacrificing her pegasus Scipio and potentially sacrificing her rank as well for the good of both camps.

Reyna has a softer side as well, and hates to see others experience internal turmoil, and was therefore determined to support Nicothroughout their journey together, after feeling his tremendous internal pain. She is also very accepting of others, and, much to Nico's surprise, Reyna, while very surprised, doesn't judge him after finding out about his crush onPercy and seeing a horrifying display of Nico's rage.

Reyna's unconditional acceptance was what most likely gave Nico the courage to finally come out to a very surprised Percy and Annabethshortly thereafter. She also makes sure to acknowledge his role in saving both camps after Gaea's defeat, which helps Nico finally become accepted by them properly.

Jasonsaid it once trying to pronounce it and Reyna shot him a murderous look. Percy describes Reyna in The Son of Neptune as being about sixteen, with piercing black eyes and glossy black hair worn in a single braid.

Like all thedemigods in Camp Jupiter, she hasSPQR branded on her forearm with four bar lines and a crossed sword and torch, the symbol of her mother Bellona. Being a praetor, Reyna wears a regal purple toga decorated with gold medals over her own Imperial Gold armor.

In The Blood of Olympus, when Athena gifts her with a portion of her own Aegis, Reyna's purple cloak glitters "as if woven through with filaments of Imperial Gold. ADHD: Like most demigods, Reyna possesses inborn supernatural battle reflexes and senses that she uses to analyze the fighting style of her opponent. Dyslexia : Reyna may be dyslexic, which makes her brain "hardwired" for Latin instead of modern languages. Spanish : Reyna can fluently converse in Spanish, being Puerto Rican by birth.

Fighting Skills: As a daughter ofBellona, Reyna is naturally skilled in swordsmanship and in hand-to-hand combat. She is very proficient in fighting with her spear or knife and was able to hold her own against the Giant Polybotes, though with the help of Scipio.

Reyna was skilled enough to fight off all the monsters across the Atlantic to the journey to the Mare Nostrum. When aided by the power of Athena and Bellona, Reyna ultimately defeated the very formidable Giant Orion. Telumkinesis: As a daughter of Bellona, Reyna is a natural weapons expert, understanding how to use weapons faster than most other demigods, and may have some degree of magical control over them.

Empowerment : Reyna can share her strength and courage with others, as she does multiple times withNico in The Blood of Olympus. But she does not like to do so, since Reyna feels they will think that she is controlling them. It is more effective in large groups. As a side-affect, she feels any emotions of those she grants strength to. Hertattoo glows and burns when she uses this ability.

Reyna's name in Spanish means "Queen", a possible nod to the fact that she is praetor of Camp Jupiter. Reyna's middle name, Avila, is rooted in the Ancient Germanic "avi". The exact meaning of "avi" is unknown, but a common possibility is "desired". It can alternate its form between a spear and a sword, at Reyna's will.

Dagger : Reyna also has an Imperial gold dagger that she shows Percy. Silver Pocket Knife: A silver pocket knife which Reyna keeps at all times, in case of being attacked by werewolves. Roman Legionnaire Armor. It contains healing potions, tranquilizer darts and a highly portable, well furnished tent. Aegis Cloak: When Reyna proves her immense bravery against the Giant Orion, Athena enchants her regular cloak with invulnerability, making it glitter with power.

Aurum: Reyna's gold automatonguard dog that appears whenever Reyna wishes to see if someone is lying. Argentum : Reyna's silver automatonguard dog that appears whenever Reyna wishes to see if someone is lying. Scipio : Reyna's pegasus that she rides in the battle at Camp Jupiter. It is nicknamed Skippy by the campers.

Reyna and Jason were both praetors at Camp Jupiter. While they were close as friends, Reyna states that she did not have a romantic relationship with Jason, though given time she may have.

He says he feels guilty for liking Piper when he thinks of Reyna, though he is not sure why. When theArgo II appears in the sky at the end ofThe Son of Neptune, Reyna looks slightly wistful and tells Percy that she hopes he's right and Jason is on the ship because she missed him. Reyna is described by Annabeth in The Mark of Athena to feel very upset, her voice sounding "like broken glass", when she found out about Jason's relationship with Piper.

Reyna also felt that Jason had betrayed her by befriending Leo, who fired on Camp Jupiter with the Argo II though the Eidolons weren't acknowledged until later , and it didn't help that Jason escaped with Leo on the very same ship afterwards. In The House of Hades, Jason stated that he had "let [Reyna] believe they had a future together" and felt guilty that he "hadn't shut her down". Later, Jason briefly wondered if Piper was working some sort of Aphrodite magic on him', as when he mentioned Reyna, he 'couldn't think of anything but Piper'.

It isn't until she tells him that she lived at C. Later, she invites Percy to become a praetor of the Twelfth Legion as the responsibilities of Camp Jupiter were borne by her alone since the last six months, when her closest friend and co-praetor disappeared. Thus she needs him and tries to tempt him into accepting her offer by telling him that she would prefer him to Octavian, who constantly pesters her for praetor-ship, and that it will draw them closer as "friends," though she may or may not mean romantically.

Percy states he already has a girlfriend on reflex, halting her advances on him. Despite this, Reyna still holds a high level of respect for Percy. Reyna lends Nico strength to Shadow Travel, and, as a result, she learns quite a bit about his past and the tremendous internal pain that he's been harboring.

She is horrified at the amount of internal pain and raw anguish even a portion of which is greater than what she had felt from even her entire legion during the battle against the Giant Polybotes. Reyna became very impressed with Nico after she found out how he kept the secret between both camps, survived Tartarus, leading the Argo II to Epirus, being imprisoned.

When Nico learned that Reyna had seen his memories, Nico put his guard up. Reyna even began thinking of Nico as her younger brother in spite of herself, and wanted to give him her cloak as a blanket, but she stopped, telling herself that he was her comrade, not her brother. But by the time they made it to San Juan, Reyna had seen enough of Nico's pain that she tucked him in with her cloak anyway.

Nico, on his part, admits to "kind of" liking Reyna, even calling her his friend. When he learned more about Orion from Hades , he remembered that Reyna was being guarded by Coach Hedge and wanted to return to her immediately. Nico became a little upset when he had to shadow travel the Athena Parthenos across the Atlantic, because he was used to people asking him to do the impossible.

However, he was surprised when Reyna asked him how she can help him, which was something no one really asked him. Nico told her to lend him her strength again.

Reyna reassured Nico that he would make the jump. When she was briefly taken away by the Hunters of Artemis, Nico is enraged, since he didn't want them stealing another important person from him, and ripped up the note Thalia gave him in rage. He is relieved to have finally found her again. Nico, however, is worried at how brooding Reyna had become after leaving Puerto Rico, and encourages her talk about what troubles her much to his own surprise, since brooding was usually his own method of dealing with internal turmoil as well , reminding her of the numerous ghosts of Asphodel, who are unable to speak any longer, due to them never speaking out during their lifetimes, reminding Reyna that her voice is her identity, and that unless she uses it, she is "halfway to Asphodel already.

As a result, Reyna finally opens up to Nico and she tearfully describes how she killed her father in Puerto Rico, something she'd never ever told anyone up to that point, since patricide is an unforgivable crime by Roman law, because he knocked out Hylla. Nico is quick to comfort Reyna, insisting that it was a mania with only her father's worst qualities that she had killed, not her actual father. Reyna later witnesses him kill Bryce Lawrence after he cuts Reyna's cheek and threatens to execute her for patricide he found out she killed her father and seems horrified at the ferocious display of Nico's infernal powers.

At that moment, Nico accidentally generates a "flood of pain and anger" on everyone present, allowing Reyna to finally experience his hardships from his point of view and also see Nico's greatest fears and secrets including his homosexuality and his crush on Percy.

When Nico woke up, he was worried of what Reyna would think of him, and apologized to her, worried that he poisoned another friendship. But to Nico's surprise and relief, she told him how much she trusts him and how everyone lets out the darkness once in awhile, and how they are friends. She did, however made him promise to not turn someone into a ghost again.

Reyna's unconditional acceptance and support was what most likely gave Nico the courage to finally come out to a very surprised Percy and Annabeth shortly thereafter. In addition, Reyna appears to be in awe of Nico's powers, especially after learning that he also possesses hypnokinetic abilities. She also greatly admires Nico's immense tolerance to both physical and mental pain.

Nico, in turn, respects Reyna quite a bit, and by the end of their journey to Camp Half-Blood , he even calls her the most courageous demigod he'd ever meet, and promises to not let her down. Reyna wants to hug Nico in return, but doesn't think the gesture would have been welcome, so she settles for a friendly handshake. When Reyna arrived at Camp with the Athena Parthenos , Nico yelled at the Camp about everything she had done for them, and that they should be grateful for her, something Nico barely did.

After Gaea 's defeat, Reyna tells the two camps about Nico's part in saving them, brings him out of the shadows, gives him a big hug, and Nico tearfully returns it, burying his face in Reyna's shoulder.

The crowd of demigods roars with approval in response, indicating that thanks to Reyna, both Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter have finally come to truly accept the son of Hades. Leo Valdez , her ally, younger brother figure, and very close friend. Jason introduced Reyna to Leo, and Leo grinned at her and gave her a peace sign. Though Reyna and Leo didn't have a one on one conversation, Leo ate lunch with Reyna and the others in the forum. However, Reyna quickly grew to distrust Leo when he fired on Camp Jupiter, even though he was possessed by eidolons , and was angry that he betrayed her trust.

Annabeth later tried to convince Reyna that Leo was innocent and that it was Gaea's fault, but Reyna didn't listen, and thought someone must pay for what happened. In The House of Hades , Leo knew about Reyna flying across the Mediterranean, and while on Ogygia , he saw a holographic image of Reyna flying across the sky, being attacked by Gryphons and venti.

When the image in the mirror went black, Leo banged on the mirror and wanted to see what happened to her, and asked if Calypso could sing again.

Calypso was suspicious and asked if she was his girlfriend, and Leo said that she wasn't and he needed to see more, proving even though he didn't know her well, he was very worried about her.

When Reyna arrived, Leo, along with the rest of the crew, welcomed Reyna on to the ship, and Leo showed Reyna the Athena Parthenos , and when she commented it looked newly made, Leo said he just used some windex and dusted off cobwebs.

During lunch, Leo questioned how Reyna could get the statue to Camp Half-Blood without Scipio , but quickly apologized. Reyna snapped that it was fine, due to not having a soft spot for Leo after him firing on Camp Jupiter, and not fully forgiving him. Reyna did agree with Leo, and asked how she could transport something so large. A month after the events of The Blood of Olympus , Camp Jupiter received a parchment scroll confirming his fate.

Leo said that he wanted to see Reyna again, even though she scared him. Leo also helped Reyna and the others with the battle. In The Burning Maze , he was glad that Reyna was okay.

Annabeth Chase , her ally and friend. Reyna first learned about Annabeth in The Son of Neptune , where she learned that she was Percy's girlfriend. In the months after, Jason described Reyna to Annabeth.

However, they actually met in The Sea of Monsters , when Reyna was on Circe's island, where Reyna did her makeup and hair. Annabeth helping Percy escape was the reason why Reyna made it to Camp Jupiter: she was kidnapped by pirates, escaped, and made it to Camp.

Reyna didn't hold a grudge against Annabeth and actually admired her for what she did, since she never saw anyone refuse Circe's hospitality or outwit her. She thought she was brave and remembered her well, seeing why Percy cared for her.

Reyna and Annabeth first met in The Mark of Athena , and could easily single her out as the leader. Reyna asked if she was sure that Annabeth wasn't a Roman or an Amazon, and Annabeth, not sure if that was a compliment, said that she only attacked Percy like that and shook Reyna's hand, which Reyna accepted.

On multiple occasions, Annabeth noticed Reyna's strong romantic feelings for Jason Grace. When Reyna called Jason her colleague, Annabeth immediately noticed that Reyna considered Jason to be more than a colleague.

Also, Annabeth noticed that Reyna had a "hungry sort of gleam" in her eyes when she reunited with Jason. When the group ate dinner together, Annabeth recognized that Reyna was deeply saddened to see Jason's relationship with Piper, and it made her eyes stormy, reflecting Reyna's pain and bitterness. Eventually, Octavian began insulting Annabeth, Reyna said that Annabeth was there in peace, then told her that Percy had spoken highly of her, which made Annabeth realize she tried to make a move on Percy.

Before Percy could invite Annabeth to walk around New Rome , Reyna asked to have a few words with Annabeth alone, giving her chills down her spine, reluctant to be alone and unarmed with a Roman leader. Annabeth believed that Reyna was bitter about being rejected by Jason and Percy, but she also suspected that the Praetor knew about the Mark of Athena.

Reyna gave Annabeth a tour of new Rome, and told her about New Rome. When Annabeth scowled, Reyna laughed, and said she is definitely a warrior and has fire in her eyes.

Annabeth apologized and Reyna said to not be sorry, and that she was a daughter of Bellona. As they talked, Annabeth realized that she met Reyna before, and Reyna said they did, at the house of Circe.

Reyna admitted that she could not trust Piper due to her charmspeaking. Reyna also said that Jason has changed and no longer seems Roman to her.

When Reyna spoke about Jason, Annabeth noticed that her voice sounded like broken glass. Annabeth spent her whole life learning to read people as a survival skill.

Annabeth could sense that Reyna wanted Jason to "love her. But she knew Reyna didn't want pity, and Annabeth started to talk about her life story. In return, Reyna told Annabeth about her mother. After they left Camp Jupiter , Reyna was angry at Annabeth and the Argo II , and raced across the country with the legion to stop them. As for Annabeth, she wanted to explain everything to Reyna but she knew she wouldn't listen to her.

Reyna and Annabeth met again in Charleston , when Annabeth and the others were fleeing from the Romans. Annabeth tried to tell Reyna that what happened was because of the eidolons, but Reyna told her to save the explanations for the trial.

Annabeth then said that she shouldn't let Gaea drive the camps apart, and Reyna said that she knows that, but Octavian got the legion all riled up, and if she surrenders to her, she will be executed painfully and have an unfair trial, but it would stop further violence. Reyna said her surrender would be the better option than letting her legion destroy Camp Half-Blood. Annabeth said she would follow the Mark of Athena to Rome and fix the grudge between the Camps.

At that moment, Annabeth noticed that Reyna had the same expression on her face when she found out about Jason's relationship with Piper. Annabeth recognized that Reyna felt betrayed by Jason, and she was too bitter, lonely and believed nothing could go right for her in the future. Despite this, Reyna reluctantly let her go and stalled Octavian, respecting her boldness, but she warned her that the next time they met, it would be in battle, ending the friendship for now.

Annabeth wondered if Reyna would trust her, but she hoped so. Reyna was dumbfounded when she got the note, but when her dogs proved the legend was true, she decided to believe Annabeth, and told Marcus to get Scipio from the stables: she was going to meet the Argo II and bring the statue to Camp, for Annabeth and the peace of the camps, showing how much she trusted her.

When Reyna made it, Annabeth invited Reyna to join her and her friends for a picnic. Reyna and Annabeth talked and agreed that without her, Annabeth, Percy wouldn't make it out of a paper bag, making everyone laugh.

Before Reyna left, Annabeth gave her the Mark of Athena coin for good luck. Their last exchange was a hug, and Reyna saying they will succeed, and Annabeth said she knew she would. Apollo first hears about the daughter of Bellona from Venus. When Apollo thinks she is pretty, Venus tells him to stay away from her.

Later, when he comes to Camp Jupiter, Apollo recognizes her and is instantly attracted to her. Reyna helps Apollo with his quest to become a god again and tells him that he needs to sacrifice a god to summon one. In the car, Reyna talks about how she is writing to Thalia Grace and Apollo asks her if they are in a romantic relationship, which Reyna denies, because they are friends and she is a maiden. Later, Apollo asks her out, and Reyna laughs at him hysterically and says no, embarrassing Apollo.

When Reyna finds out about what he did to Koronis and Harpocrates, Reyna is disgusted but knows that he has changed. Reyna even defends Apollo against Harpocrates and shows him the good memories of him, showing his change. Reyna then joins the Hunters of Artemis, which Apollo is supportive of wholeheartedly. Reyna says goodbye to him and Meg the next day. Thalia Grace , her best friend.

Reyna is angry when she first meets her, hitting her with a chair and almost cutting her throat with her knife, demanding to see Thalia.

Thalia then tells Reyna that she IS Thalia. Thalia tells Reyna that the Hunters and the Amazons are working together to defeat Orion , and that Reyna is being used as bait for them. Thalia respects Reyna, telling her that Jason called her good and addressing her as praetor, while Reyna also respects her, addressing her as lieutenant. In The Tyrant's Tomb , it is revealed that Reyna and Thalia have been writing each other for months, and have become close friends.

Reyna talks fondly of Thalia, to the point where Apollo asks her if they are dating, which Reyna refuses saying that they are friends and she is an eternal maiden. When the two see each other, they hug and are happy to meet. Reyna is also the one to tell her that Jason Grace died.

Lavinia Asimov , a subordinate during her time as praetor. Reyna is very annoyed with the daughter of Terpsichore at first, being annoyed when she abandons her post and chews gum, and Lavinia thinks she is too strict. When Lavinia tries to tell Reyna what happened when they were attacked by Eurynomos , Reyna silences her, having Apollo tell the story instead.

At the senate meeting two days later, Reyna reprimands her for talking too loud to Apollo and chewing gum. When Reyna asks for volunteers to find Tarquin's Tomb , Lavinia pops her gum too loud, causing Reyna to have her volunteer. Lavinia is angry at Reyna after that, saying that she thinks chewing gum is a crime. Dakota , a centurion who served under her and close friend. The son of Bacchus was very loyal to Reyna and respected her position as praetor , and reported to her when Reyna ordered all centurions to stand by her when the Argo II arrives.

Leila and Reyna seem to be on good terms. Leila pledges loyalty to Reyna at Camp Half-Blood, causing Octavian to threaten to arrest her for treason.

Gleeson Hedge , a satyr she quested with, ally and friend. Riordan Wiki Explore. Apollo Meg McCaffrey Peaches. Twitter Facebook Tumblr. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Characters Immortals CHB. History Talk 2. General Abilities. ADHD : Like most demigods, Reyna possesses inborn supernatural battle reflexes and senses that she uses to analyze the fighting style of her opponent. Dyslexia : Reyna may be dyslexic, which makes her brain "hardwired" for Latin instead of modern languages.

Spanish : Reyna can fluently converse in Spanish, being Puerto Rican by birth. Fighting Skills : As a daughter of Bellona , Reyna is naturally skilled in swordsmanship and in hand-to-hand combat. She is very proficient in fighting with her spear and knife and was able to hold her own against the Giant Polybotes , though with the help of Scipio. Reyna was skilled enough to fight off all the monsters across the Atlantic to the journey to the Mare Nostrum.

From her time with pirates, Reyna noted that she learned several tricks from them, including fighting with two weapons when fending of an army of earthen ghosts. Her skill is such, that she was able to incapacitate Thalia Grace even while tied to a chair.

When aided by the power of Athena and Bellona, Reyna ultimately defeated the very formidable Giant Orion. She has shown that she is skilled with a sword, a javelin, a dagger, and an expert in hand-to-hand combat. She is a prodigious sword-fighter and combatant. Superhuman Strength : Being a demigod, Reyna is stronger than the average mortal as shown when she knocked aside Lycaon's overgrown wolves with ease with her knife.

Superhuman Agility : Being a demigod, Reyna is more agile than the average mortal as shown when she used her javelin to launch herself up like a pole-vaulter with ease, and flipped around Orion 's bow. Superhuman Durability : Being a demigod, Reyna is more durable than the average mortal as shown when she survived many monster attacks during her trip across the Mediterranean Sea.

Superhuman Stamina : Being a demigod, Reyna has a higher stamina than the average mortal as shown when she was able to go three days without rest and while constantly hit by monster attacks during her trip across the Mediterranean Sea.

Superhuman Reflexes : Being a demigod and a daughter of a war goddess, Reyna's reflexes are faster than an average mortal, being able to fight off many monsters with two weapons and use her javelin as a pole vault. Intelligence : Reyna is shown to have a higher than average intelligence, leading New Rome and the Twelfth Legion by herself for months, taping silver coins to her sword with fighting against wolves who are resistant to all metals except silver, and making many strategies for Camp Jupiter and the Twelfth Legion.

Leadership : Reyna has shown prodigious leadership skills as the former Praetor of New Rome and being able to lead her people for eight months alone when Jason went missing. Throughout this, no one but Octavian has ever questioned or insulted Reyna's leadership skills, wanted another leader, or wavered to their loyalty, even after she was stripped of her role as Praetor by crossing the Mare Nostrum.

Reyna is a prominent leader as Camp Jupiter and New Rome never wavered, fell, or failed under her rule, nor has she. Willpower : Reyna has an immense will-power shown when she was able to go three days with no rest and against many monster attacks, put her pegasus out of his misery after he was attacked by gryphons, go months working a two-person job alone without wavering, always put on the face of a confident, brave leader despite how tired and weary she was inside, and always push forward without complaint and little rest.

Telumkinesis : As a daughter of Bellona, Reyna is a natural weapons expert, understanding how to use weapons faster than most other demigods, and has a degree of magical control over them. Odikinesis : As a daughter of Bellona, Reyna has limited control and influence over the emotions of war, such as anger, hatred, fear, and panic.

Necromancy limited : Being in the rank of Praetor, Reyna can control dead ghosts and skeletons of ancient Roman Legionnaires, as shown in The Blood of Olympus when she used them to help her, Nico, and Coach Hedge fending off earthen ghosts. Empowerment : Reyna can share her strength and courage with others, as she does multiple times with Nico di Angelo in The Blood of Olympus. But she does not like to do so, since Reyna feels they will think that she is controlling them.

It is more effective in large groups. As a side-affect, she feels any emotions of those she grants strength to. Her tattoo glows and burns when she uses this ability.

Enhanced Physiology : Reyna is naturally slightly stronger and faster than a regular demigod. Zoolingualism : Reyna can communicate with animals loyal to Artemis, such as wolves, hawks, and does. Huntress Immortality : Reyna became one of Artemis' Hunters in the end of The Tyrant's Tomb , and as a result she is immortal, unless she falls in battle, chooses to leave, or falls in love.

Agelessness : Due to being a hunter of Artemis, the daughter of Bellona will never age as long as she is part of the hunt. Jason Grace. It was obvious enough to Annabeth. Reyna and Frank agreed to make Jason's dream of building the temples for all the gods a reality and held a funeral for him. Reyna looked tired and weary a few days later at the funeral and looked like she had spent the last few hours crying in private and pulled herself together.

Apollo also describes Reyna's eyes to look like "empty wells" during Jason's funeral. Reyna attended and walked in front of Jason's funeral procession. She also tried to notify Thalia about the funeral and wished she was there to honor his death. Reyna was very grateful for Jason's sacrifice and called it the ultimate sacrifice. In a conversation with Apollo , Reyna realized that she felt pressured to find a romantic partner.

Reyna initially believed that she was "broken" after her conversation with Aphrodite. Many people were also trying to tell Reyna what to do about her love life which added more pressure. Reyna did care for Jason romantically and believed they had a future together. But after Jason's death, Reyna realized that she didn't need someone else to be happy, which played a role in her decision to join the Hunters. Percy couldn't go very far in this camp without hearing that name.

The way you talk about him Percy said, were you two a couple? Percy felt sorry for Reyna after she lost Scipio , and figured she had lost too much already. Percy was very impressed with Reyna for her deeds and couldn't help smiling and complimented her for it, saying she was being too modest and what she did was pretty heroic. Reyna complimented Percy in return, for going to Tartarus and back, but joked that without Annabeth, Percy wouldn't find his way out of a paper bag, making everyone laugh.

In The Blood of Olympus , it is revealed that she felt insecure about Percy rejecting her, as told by Orion when he taunted her.

By the end of the book, Reyna was over her brief crush on Percy, and told him and Annabeth that they can stay in New Rome when they finished high school as long as they'd and go to New Rome University. Octavian , her rival and enemy. In The Tyrant's Tomb , Reyna felt pressured to partner up with someone romantically due to people's expectations of her.

After being betrayed by Jason and leading the camp by herself, the daughter of Bellona, much to her horror, mentions that she briefly considered Octavian a romantic partner. Bellona, her mother. While she has never met the war goddess , the daughter of Bellona has an undying respect for her mother. During her fight with Orion in the Long Island Sound , Bellona gave the praetor the strength to defeat the giant. Hylla Ramirez-Arellano, her elder sister. They often disagree, but still love each other very much, despite their many differences.

Piper McLean. When it came to work and duty, Jason was Roman to the core. He was hardwired to be a leader and set a good example. Reyna said no charmspeaking was required and held out her hand to shake it. That night, Piper thought the camp was empty without her and the Romans. Frank Zhang. Frank, her former co-Praetor and ally. Reyna later contacted him while driving back to camp and finds him in the Caldecott Tunnel , and she was relieved when Frank picked up.

However, the connection was bad and the scroll blew up. Reyna was confused as to what he was doing in the tunnel, and became very worried about him. Frank later wholeheartedly supported Reyna's decision to join the Hunters of Artemis and after she joined, Frank said he could thank Reyna all day long.

He said she was the best mentor and friend, she gave so much to the legion, and can never be replaced. Frank wished Reyna the best on her new adventures. Reyna helps Hazel with driving, and gave her driving lessons with her truck. Hazel is worried about Reyna during the Battle of San Francisco Bay , and lightly hugs her in relief when she finds out she is okay, thanking the gods she was alive.

The two respect each other and Reyna addresses Hazel as " Centurion Levesque". When the daughter of Bellona retired from the legion to join the Hunters of Artemis , she eagerly accepted the daughter of Pluto as her successor, joining in on the Fifth Cohort chanting her name when they need a new praetor.

In The Tower of Nero , Reyna and Leo had become good friends and had developed a sibling like relationship, with Reyna and the Hunters of Artemis visiting the Waystation. Reyna affectionately called Leo "mi hermano". During one of her visits, she heard Leo talking about his relationship with Calypso, and she said they needed a heart to heart. Reyna squeezed his shoulder and told him that he cannot call a young lady "mamacita". Leo was ready to protest, but he thought about it and said okay.

Reyna then told Apollo that he grew up without his mom, and never learned those things, but now he has two foster moms and "his big sister" to smack him when he gets out of line. Reyna then flicked her finger on his cheek. She said that Calypso will come around, and that he can be a doofus, but he has a heart of Imperial Gold. The two also speak Spanish to each other.


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