The work must be:. These three requirements do not present difficult obstacles regarding copyright protection. In fact, unlike the requirements for protection under patent or trademark law, very few works that fall within the subject matter of copyright fail to satisfy all three of these requirements.
Copyright Office , or place a copyright notice on the work, to obtain copyright protection. In the case of joint works, copyright protection is granted for the length of the life of the last surviving joint creator plus another 70 years.
Works made for hire, as well as anonymous and pseudonymous works, are protected for a term of either 95 years from the year of first publication or years from the year of creation, whichever is shorter.
When the term of protection for a copyrighted work expires, the work enters into the public domain. What Is Copyright? Copyright is a federal law. It is Title 17 of the United States Code. Copyright is the right of authors to control the use of their work for a limited period of time.
A copyrighted work must be an original work of authorship which is fixed in a tangible medium of expression. The Copyright Office of the Library of Congress is responsible for overseeing the administrative functions of the copyright law. Congress enacts copyright laws. The Federal courts interpret and enforce the copyright law. Eight categories of works are copyrightable: Literary, musical and dramatic works. Pantomimes and choreographic works. Pictorial, graphic and sculptural works.
Sound recordings. Motion pictures and other AV works. Computer programs. Compilations of works and derivative works. Architectural works. Ideas, procedures, methods, systems, and processes are not copyrightable. What's the best way to avoid legal problems for your business or creative work?
Read our book! Paperback Ebook Audiobook. Ever wonder when you can reuse music, photo, or film clips from other sources? Find out with our interactive Fair Use App. You can find our video guides here. Legal Services we provide. Law school IP and entrepreneurship clinics list.
Frequently Asked Questions about Copyright Law. How to find free music, images, and video you can use or remix in your own creative works. Stop unwanted texts and calls. Taking a few simple steps upfront to protect your business or project can save time and money down the road. Professors can request a FREE evaluation copy. Skip to main content. You are here Frequently Asked Questions about Copyright law.
What is copyright law, who created it, and why do people think we need it? What are the major criticisms of the copyright laws in the US? How do you get a copyright?