But if the cause is unknown, the symptoms can sometimes get worse with time and severely affect the person's life. Restless legs syndrome is not life threatening, but severe cases can disrupt sleep causing insomnia and trigger anxiety and depression.
The charity Restless Leg Syndrome UK provides information and support for people affected by restless legs syndrome. They may be able to put you in touch with other people in your area affected by the condition.
Page last reviewed: 06 August Next review due: 06 August Symptoms of restless legs syndrome The main symptom of restless legs syndrome is an overwhelming urge to move your legs. What causes restless legs syndrome? Find out more about the causes of restless legs syndrome Treating restless legs syndrome Mild cases of restless legs syndrome that are not linked to an underlying health condition may not require any treatment, other than making a few lifestyle changes.
These include: adopting good sleep habits for example, following a regular bedtime ritual, sleeping regular hours, and avoiding alcohol and caffeine late at night quitting smoking if you smoke exercising regularly during the daytime If your symptoms are more severe, you may need medication to regulate the levels of dopamine and iron in your body.
Iron supplementation or medications are usually helpful but no single medication effectively manages RLS for all individuals. Trials of different drugs may be necessary. In addition, medications taken regularly may lose their effect over time or even make the condition worse, making it necessary to change medications. Lifestyle changes. Certain lifestyle changes and activities may provide some relief in persons with mild to moderate symptoms of RLS. These steps include avoiding or decreasing the use of alcohol and tobacco, changing or maintaining a regular sleep pattern, a program of moderate exercise, and massaging the legs, taking a warm bath, or using a heating pad or ice pack.
There are new medical devices that have been cleared by the U. Aerobic and leg-stretching exercises of moderate intensity also may provide some relief from mild symptoms. For individuals with low or low-normal blood tests called ferritin and transferrin saturation, a trial of iron supplements is recommended as the first treatment.
Iron supplements are available over-the-counter. A common side effect is upset stomach, which may improve with use of a different type of iron supplement.
Because iron is not well-absorbed into the body by the gut, it may cause constipation that can be treated with a stool softeners such as polyethylene glycol. Others may require iron given through an IV line in order to boost the iron levels and relieve symptoms. Anti-seizure drugs. Anti-seizure drugs are becoming the first-line prescription drugs for those with RLS. The FDA has approved gabapentin enacarbil for the treatment of moderate to severe RLS, This drug appears to be as effective as dopaminergic treatment discussed below and, at least to date, there have been no reports of problems with a progressive worsening of symptoms due to medication called augmentation.
Other anti-seizure drugs such as the standard form of gabapentin and pregabalin can decrease such sensory disturbances as creeping and crawling as well as nerve pain. Dizziness, fatigue, and sleepiness are among the possible side effects. Recent studies have shown that pregabalin is as effective for RLS treatment as the dopaminergic drug pramipexole, suggesting this class of drug offers equivalent benefits.
Dopaminergic agents. These drugs, which increase dopamine effect, are largely used to treat Parkinson's disease. They have been shown to reduce symptoms of RLS when they are taken at nighttime.
These drugs are generally well tolerated but can cause nausea, dizziness, or other short-term side effects. Levodopa plus carbidopa may be effective when used intermittently, but not daily.
Although dopamine-related medications are effective in managing RLS symptoms, long-term use can lead to worsening of the symptoms in many individuals. With chronic use, a person may begin to experience symptoms earlier in the evening or even earlier until the symptoms are present around the clock. Over time, the initial evening or bedtime dose can become less effective, the symptoms at night become more intense, and symptoms could begin to affect the arms or trunk.
Fortunately, this apparent progression can be reversed by removing the person from all dopamine-related medications. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Sleep Deprivation and Deficiency. Schwab R. Darvishi, N. BMC neurology, 20 1 , Aukerman, M. Exercise and restless legs syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. Lettieri, C. Pneumatic compression devices are an effective therapy for restless legs syndrome: a prospective, randomized, double-blinded, sham-controlled trial.
Chest, 1 , 74— Mitchell U. Nondrug-related aspect of treating Ekbom disease, formerly known as restless legs syndrome. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 7, — S Wang, J. Efficacy of oral iron in patients with restless legs syndrome and a low-normal ferritin: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Sleep medicine, 10 9 , — Treatment By Danielle Pacheco February 5, Symptoms By Danielle Pacheco February 5, Diagnosis By Danielle Pacheco October 16, Related Reading How Sleep Works.
Other Articles of Interest Sleep Solutions. There's no better time to start the journey to improving your sleep. Get helpful tips, expert information, videos, and more delivered to your inbox. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits.
However you may visit Cookie Settings to provide a controlled consent. Close Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. There's evidence to suggest restless legs syndrome is related to a problem with part of the brain called the basal ganglia.
The basal ganglia uses a chemical neurotransmitter called dopamine to help control muscle activity and movement. Dopamine acts as a messenger between the brain and nervous system to help the brain regulate and co-ordinate movement.
If nerve cells become damaged, the amount of dopamine in the brain is reduced, which causes muscle spasms and involuntary movements.