The two exchange their rings as the priest pronounce the couple husband and wife. Eugene and Rapunzel kiss and everyone in attendance rejoices. She is the first non-traditional animated princess to appear on the show and has her 70 feet long, mystical golden blonde hair instead of her short natural brown hair, including her crown, and lavender flat shoes on her feet.
When Sofia and Amber are unable to stop Princess Ivy from taking over their kingdom, Rapunzel gives them a helping hand and a plan that will help them save the day. When Amber fesses up to Rapunzel about having taken Sofia's amulet, tells Amber as they fly to Enchancia that Flynn Rider had to make up for his own bad deeds during the song " Dare to Risk it All ". Rapunzel then tells Amber that if she really loves Sofia as a sister, she will know what to do when the time comes and then magically disappears.
In " Forever Royal ", when Sofia is battling Vor inside her amulet Rapunzel appears to Sofia in spirit form along with all the other Disney Princesses who have been summoned to help Sofia in her times of need, and they encourage her to be brave and strong, as they all believe in her.
Rapunzel serves as the protagonist of the animated television movie. Taking place 6 months after the events of Tangled , and about 2 years before Tangled Ever After , Rapunzel returns to her kingdom to assume her rightful place in the royal family. Having been reunited with her parents, Rapunzel tries to adjust to life as a princess, receiving help from Pascal and her lady-in-waiting, Cassandra.
She tries her best, and despite having a loving family and supportive circle of friends, Rapunzel feels overwhelmed with the amount of responsibility that comes with being a princess. She asks her father for a change of pace in this regard, but he denies, fearing Rapunzel's desire to explore the world will lead to her falling into harm's way, much like she did eighteen years prior, when she was kidnapped by Gothel.
On top of this — and the fact that Rapunzel's bubbly way of carrying herself is looked down upon by the royal community — Eugene feels confident enough to propose to Rapunzel, and does so, much to the princess' shock and delight. However, despite her love for him, Rapunzel does not feel ready to marry, instead wanting to figure herself out and live the life she's been longing for.
Overwhelmed and anxious, she rejects Eugene's proposal and leaves the scene in a huff. In her bedroom, Rapunzel laments her feelings of guilt to Cassandra, who believes Rapunzel could use some downtime. She offers to take Rapunzel beyond Corona's security wall — a forbidden act — and sneaks the princess out with the help of Maximus.
During their outing, Cassandra takes Rapunzel to the former location of the healing flower that saved Rapunzel and her mother when the latter fell ill during her pregnancy. Mysterious thorn-like rocks have appeared in the area, and not only are they ominous, but also unbreakable. As Rapunzel examines the area further, she is struck by magic that causes her long, golden hair to grow back. After returning to the castle, Rapunzel and Cassandra try to rid themselves of the hair, but like the rocks, it is unbreakable.
Eugene arrives and discovers the truth, offering assistance in hiding it from Queen Arianna and King Frederic. Cassandra gets the idea of hiding the hair in an oversized wig, which helps well enough despite the awkwardness.
Rapunzel then joins her parents for breakfast, and in during which, Frederic admits that his methods of protecting Rapunzel have been rather unfair, and notes that he is reconsidering his decisions, much to Rapunzel's excitement. Afterward, Arianna visits Rapunzel in the latter's bedroom, to bestow a coronation gift. She encourages Rapunzel to choose how to live her life — and eventually rule the kingdom — despite her father's stubbornness and what others may think.
She gives Rapunzel a journal she once used in her younger years, with a note the reads: " Plus est en vous ", meaning, " There is more in you ". Later on, Rapunzel's coronation ceremony begins, and in during which, the royal family is confronted by a pirate known as Lady Caine , who seeks vengeance on King Frederic for imprisoning her father. Frederic and the rest of the royal guests are kidnapped, but Rapunzel refuses to stand down and reveals her golden hair. She uses it as a weapon to defeat the pirates with Eugene and Cassandra's help, saving her father.
That night, despite proving her worth, Frederic feels more insecure about Rapunzel's safety than ever before. With the very reason Rapunzel was taken in the first place having returned, Frederic feels he's forced to forbid Rapunzel from ever leaving the walls of Corona without his consent, driving his daughter to tears.
With her father's new law, Rapunzel feels trapped once more, similar to her imprisonment within the tower. Eugene arrives and comforts her, uplifting her spirits and at the same time reconciles their relationship. After he leaves, Rapunzel reads the message in the journal given to her by Arianna and becomes inspired to pursue the adventures she's always desired such as uncovering the mystery behind her hair's return , despite the obstacles she will have to face.
Starting off one week after the events of Tangled: Before Ever After , the animated series continues Rapunzel's life as a princess. Throughout the course of the series, Rapunzel steadily continues to grow as a person, as the relationships she shares with her family, friends and subjects provide her with new experiences that challenges her and her ideals.
In addition to finding her place in the world, Rapunzel also deals with the issue of her hair's sudden and mysterious return. In " What the Hair?! Unfortunately, Varian's workshop was destroyed before further information could be obtained. Sometime later in " Great Expotations ", Rapunzel and Cassandra learn that Varian has discovered the mysterious black rocks near his village. Rapunzel then declares that Cassandra, Varian, and herself will work together to learn more about the rocks and the connection they have to her hair.
Unfortunately, as the rocks continue to expand throughout the kingdom, portions of Varian's village is destroyed, prompting him to seek Rapunzel's help in " Queen for a Day ". At the same time, Rapunzel is taking over for her parents when they go away to celebrate their anniversary, and has barely any knowledge. When Rapunzel is unable to provide assistance for Varian at the time due to a separate kingdom-wide disaster caused by the magic of the evil warlock Zhan Tiri Corona is being destroyed by a deadly blizzard and her parents are missing , Varian swears vengeance against the princess; in the end, Rapunzel manages to destroy the blizzard with the legendary Demanitus Device , Pascal nearly sacrificing himself in the process, and is reunited with her parents, but has doubt over becoming queen which Eugene reassures her over.
Her doubt continues in " Painter's Block ", where she's so shaken from the blizzard that she cannot bring herself to think of an idea for the castle mural, so she takes up an art class to get her mojo back. However, her art teacher, Mrs. Sugarby, is actually Sugracha the Eternal , one of Zhan Tiri's followers who was released from the Demanitus Device when it activated, and mind controls Rapunzel into setting differences aside and freeing Zhan Tiri.
Eugene and Cassandra manage to stop her and save Rapunzel, and she finally gets her confidence back. In " The Quest for Varian ", Rapunzel reassumes her mission to uncover the truth behind the black rocks, and discovers along the way that her father had not only been aware of their threat, but had made it his mission to keep Rapunzel and Corona's population from investigating them.
Rapunzel repeatedly pursues her father for answers but receives none. Rapunzel meets Varian again in " The Alchemist Returns ", and discovers his true shady intentions after discovering the empty Attitude-Reversing Potion flacon in his bag, which he found and reverse engineered into a truth serum.
In addition, Varian discovers the Sundrop Flower is useless and cannot free his father, as its powers have been transferred to Rapunzel. After Varian kidnaps the queen as part of his revenge scheme in " Secret of the Sun Drop ", however, King Frederic finally confesses the truth to Rapunzel so that they may set aside their differences and work together to save Arianna.
According to Frederic, legend foretold that, should the Sun Drop Flower be removed from its place of origin, a devastating darkness would be unleashed. In his desperation, Frederic took the flower to save a dying Arianna, allowing her to live and give birth to Rapunzel. However, the guilt of unleashing a darkness upon his kingdom stuck with Frederic. Understanding that Frederic's actions were out of love for his family, Rapunzel finally comes to trust her father again. Together, with the people of Corona by their side, the two are able to rescue Arianna, but Varian was unable to free Quirin with Rapunzel's hair as intended, and is furious when he cannot be with his father while Rapunzel is reunited with both her parents, and attempts to destroy them as payback.
By making physical contact with the rocks, Rapunzel is able to unleash their full potential, and uses this power to defeat Varian. Realizing the consequences that his actions had caused, Frederic apologizes for his overprotectiveness and comes to terms with Rapunzel's right to independence. With the black rocks having reshaped to form a path meant to lead Rapunzel to an unknown destination beyond Corona's walls, the princess decides to follow their trail to uncover her destiny with Eugene, Cassandra, Pascal, Maximus, Lance, Hook Foot and Shorty in tow.
Rapunzel—now donning new attire—sets off with her friends in a customized caravan , following the path left by the rocks. As Rapunzel's first time outside of Corona, the princess embraces her newfound freedom with zeal and finds enjoyment at nearly every stop.
In " Beyond the Corona Walls ", Eugene tries to propose to Rapunzel, again, but the princess is still unsure about marriage. This leaves Eugene downhearted and doubtful, while also creating an awkward atmosphere amongst the group.
The princess tries to propose, but Eugene stops her midway, instead of wanting Rapunzel to focus on her newfound freedom. Discreetly disappointed, Rapunzel halfheartedly accepts, but nevertheless is happy that she and Eugene are together again. In the same episode, Rapunzel meets a peculiar woman named Adira , who had been studying the rocks. According to Adira, the rocks had been searching for Rapunzel, explaining why they appeared in Corona.
Having succeeded in finding her, the rocks have now formed a trail leading to the Dark Kingdom ; only by journeying there will Rapunzel fulfill her destiny. After months of travel and strange encounters, Adira reveals that the only way to the Dark Kingdom is to pass through the Great Tree , which was once the great stronghold of Zhan Tiri. Inside, the group finds some mysterious writings which they cannot translate. However, one scroll was translated, and it contained the Healing Incantation. They also learn about the Moonstone and find the reverse incantation, which turns Rapunzel's hair and eyes black and begins to suck the life out of everything around her, including her friends.
Rapunzel later uses this power to defeat Hector , a villainous warrior attempting to prevent the group from entering the Dark Kingdom. Cassandra warns Rapunzel not to use the reverse incantation because of its deadly effects, but Rapunzel is unable to stop it once she starts. When Casandra attempts to do so, her arm is severely wounded, forcing her to later cover herself in a discarded knight's armor.
Rapunzel and Cassandra become distant from each other for a while, but they eventually talk it out and makeup. However, after their adventures in the House of Yesterday's Tomorrow, Cassandra distanced herself from Rapunzel again, but acted as if everything was fine. Eventually, the group finally reached the Dark Kingdom, where they are confronted by King Edmund , who revealed himself to be Eugene's father. The group learn more about the Moonstone Opal through Edmund and Adira.
When they finally convinced the king to let them see the Moonstone, Rapunzel, Eugene, Pascal, and Cassandra entered the Moonstone's chamber. Rapunzel thanked Cassandra for everything and told Eugene that she loves him before reaching for the stone to fulfill her destiny. However, before she could even touch it, Cassandra grabs the stone and declares she is fulfilling her own destiny and becomes merged with it. Rapunzel watched in shock and horror as her former friend betrayed her and told her that she had warned her to be careful who she trusts.
Soon, Rapunzel learned that Cassandra was Mother Gothel's biological daughter, however, Gothel abandoned Cassandra in favor of Rapunzel. This lead to Cassandra holding a grudge against Rapunzel for the remainder of the journey, angered at always being second-best to her, and ultimately grabbing the Moonstone to prevent Rapunzel's destiny from coming into this fruition. Despite this shocking information, Rapunzel had tried to make list of this situation by claiming they are sisters in life, unfortunately, Cassandra refused.
Rapunzel tried to reason with Cassandra, but her former friend ran away and cut down the bridge she made out of black rocks to leave the princess stranded at the Dark Kingdom.
Even though Rapunzel was heartbroken by the betrayal, she acted surprisingly cheerful. Just then, Ulf arrived in a hot air balloon and, with Shorty translating for him, told Rapunzel and the others that Corona was in trouble. They took the hot air balloon back home. Rapunzel was very happy to be home, but soon realised that the Separatists of Saporia, with the help of Varian, erased her parents' memories and took over Corona.
When they escaped capture from them, they hid in Xavier's blacksmith shop, where some of Corona's citizens were waiting for her. Xavier explained what happened while she was away and that the Captain of the guards and some soldiers started a search party to find her. Rapunzel, still hurt by Cassandra's betrayal, decided to take back the kingdom on her own. But the plan failed when she got captured while she was in Cassandra's room and cried over her betrayal.
She tried to talk Varian out of his plan of wiping everyone else's memories and soon learned that he only wanted to do so because he truly felt bad for his actions. When the Separatists decided to use Varian's chemicals to destroy Corona, Varian turned against them and helped Rapunzel defeat them.
After saving Corona, she used the Reverse Incantation to free Quirin. She was happy to see the father and son reunited and that Varian became her friend again. Soon afterward, Rapunzel took over as acting queen of Corona until her parents have fully restored their memories. She also opened up about her feelings about Cassandra's betrayal to Eugene. Thanks to her journey to the Dark Kingdom, Rapunzel had gained the wisdom and experience she needs to lead her people and help them get through the hard times, along which were werewolf attacks, arguments while repairing the kingdom, and returning stolen goods.
Meanwhile, Rapunzel held on to a belief that Cassandra is still good deep down and would never give up on her, no matter what anyone said. When Corona got plagued by fear-induced red rocks, she saw a vision of Cassandra taking over the kingdom. But what really scared her was losing Cassandra as a friend. She and Varian worked together to encase the rocks' roots in amber and saved the kingdom. In the process though, when she touched one of the rocks, she could sense Cassandra and that she was just as scared as she was.
This made Rapunzel more than sure that Cass could still be saved. Then, after helping Pascal save his dragon friend and finding the lost Captain, she prepared a real birthday celebration for Eugene and was planning to propose to him. But when the party just got started, Cassandra arrived and demanded the Demanitus scroll.
Rapunzel came to Varian in the Demanitus chamber to see that he had translated and memorized almost the entire scroll. But then Cassandra came and fought with her before taking the scroll and Varian, as he was the only person who knew the translation.
Rapunzel and her friends discussed on what to do until they saw a new black tower appear, made from the black rocks by Cassandra when she learned the third incantation. They went to the tower and after some failed attempts to get inside, an entrance appeared, and they entered. Rapunzel and Eugene went up the tower and found Varian, who had discovered the fourth incantation but was having trouble reading it as it needed sunlight to be seen.
She handed the engagement ring to Eugene and went to look for Cass while Eugene help Varian. She found her and tried to reason with her again, but Cass wouldn't listen.
When Rapunzel refused to fight her, Cassandra brought Eugene and Varian inside and threatened Eugene's life. Varian showed the fourth incantation to Rapunzel, and she used it to stop Cassandra. But even though she was victorious, she knew it wasn't over yet. Later, she and Eugene got a message from Calliope, telling her she was in danger, and raced to the spire to help her.
It was there when she met the Enchanted Girl, who later revealed herself to be Zhan Tiri. She tried to stop them from taking the Mind Trap, but she couldn't bring herself to let Calliope get trapped in a magic lamp in the process. Then, when she heard about Gothel's ghost haunting her old cottage, she went there to investigate, only to find out that the ghost was a fake. But then Cassandra arrived and fought with her until they both got trapped in an underground mine. She convinced Cass to work with her to find a way out.
While looking, they found a room with magic mirrors that showed projections of Gothel talking about herself. Rapunzel explained to Cass that the only good thing Gothel had ever done was bringing them together. But unbeknownst to them, Zhan Tiri slipped one of the mirrors into Rapunzel's bag and when Cassandra found it, it showed a scene of Gothel giving little Cass a music box in apparently a loving manner. This made Cassandra angry, thinking that Rapunzel knew about it and tried to hide it from her, and as Rapunzel tried to explain that she didn't, Cass left her to die in the mine.
But fortunately, Pascal saved Rapunzel. Rapunzel promised him that she still would not give up on Cass. She then supervises the preparations of defending Corona from Cassandra or any other threats. During which, she helped Eugene catch a man who was posing as Flynn Rider, Eugene's former alter ego, and arrested the Baron, who was seeking revenge for what happened to him in "Beyond Corona Walls".
She disapproved of it at first, but then agreed that they could only use it as the last resort. Later, her father announces that the Goodwill festival will be cancelled due to Cassandra's possible threats. But Rapunzel offered to see if anyone would still want to continue the festival and one person did speak up, Faith who was actually Cassandra in disguise in an attempt to make up with Rapunzel after realizing the truth about Zhan Tiri.
The festival proceeded and throughout the day, Rapunzel and "Faith" spend time together to make sure it goes well. But when the disguised Cassandra tried to talk to Rapunzel alone, Zhan Tiri pulled the cloak off her, exposing her. While everybody panicked and tried to take Cassandra down, Rapunzel told her that it's not too late to make things right. Believing that Rapunzel sees her as a threat like everybody else, she breaks free and declared herself a bad guy.
Then she knocked the princess out with a potion. When Rapunzel woke up, she learned that Cass had taken over Corona, just as she had feared. Queen Arianna comforts her, and they return to their new headquarters in the Snuggly Duckling to inspire the people of the Corona to fight back. The way Rapunzel expresses her emotions is something that makes her feel like a real person to me. She isn't either sad or happy; sometimes, she's both of those things, like any actual person would be.
Princesses don't have to be tragically heartbroken or over the moon — they can just be. Exhibit A: When she walked into the Snuggly Duckling with Flynn and managed to make all of those terrifying men some of them more creatures than dudes Moments later, they were all joined in song, singing about how they all had dreams.
How does Rapunzel even manage to do that?! And even though Maximus wasn't a fan of Flynn or his missions, he took to Rapunzel instantly. I'm pretty sure she's some kind of horse whisperer. No one is universally liked, but I think Rapunzel comes pretty close.
The only person who doesn't love her is her dumb mother. I will be the first to argue that the aim of most if not all Disney princesses isn't to wait for a prince to save them, but some of them are super into the idea of falling in love.
But where Rapunzel is concerned? Yeah, Flynn would be dead by now. When they ended up trapped in that lake, she was the one who made her hair glow so they'd have enough room to find an escape route, and when he was dying thanks, Mother Gothel , it was her magical powers that brought him back to life.
I'll definitely give Flynn credit for having the brilliant idea to chop Rapunzel's hair off in order to foil Gothel's plans for her and give her freedom, but the rest of the time, Punz did all the heavy lifting. So impressive! Some Disney movies feel like a musical, and since I'm kind of obsessed with Disney music, that's not usually a problem.
But Tangled only had a few big numbers, and they definitely didn't go to waste. Rapunzel listing off all the things she does all day sounds a lot like me when I decide I'm not leaving the house all weekend, except in my version, there's a lot more Netflix. And "I Have A Dream" has become so iconic in its own right, too. Besides, I will always be partial to "I See The Light," because it's the song that the wedding party walked down the aisle to when I got married last year.
See how good this music is? It's perfect for so many real life situations! Mostly, the one between Rapunzel and her mother. Okay, so Mother Gothel is actually more like her kidnapper than her mother, but for most of the movie, Rapunzel thinks she's her real mom, and that's what counts. There's that power struggle that you go through when you're pretty much an adult but your parent still sees you as a kid — like when you'd come home from college and your mom would try to give you a curfew.
Who doesn't know how that feels? I also love Rapunzel's real parents, too — even though they lived their whole lives without their baby girl, they never stopped looking for her or hoping that she would come home, and when she does realize who she really is, it's the cutest family reunion scene ever. Maybe they can adopt me too? Rapunzel's dress is a traditional German dress called the "Dirndl", with a longer skirt than a normal Dirndl dress would sport, and her dress also has a purple theme, with a pink accent.
The dress itself consists of a lavender corset top, and laced with a pink ribbon. The skirt is purple and decorated with swirl designs, in pink, dark purple and white. She also wears a white petticoat underneath. The skirt's hemline is above her ankles, but well below her calves.
Her sleeves, at the top, are puffed and striped, pink and lavender, and the rest, is a pale, baby pink, with white lace at the end. In many cases, Rapunzel does not wear shoes, preferring to go barefoot, although she wears a pair of ballet flats in her redesign. Rapunzel's homecoming dress has white lacing on the neckline and the sleeves and has a pink bodice that has swirly patterns on it and a corset lacing at the back.
The skirt is purplish-pink with similar patterns that are found in her old dress. Rapunzel is a spirited, smart, clever, kind, playful, and a very adventurous girl in her late teens, though a bit naive.
However, she is not afraid to stand up for herself or others when the situation calls for bravery. Having spent all of her life isolated in a tower with little else to do, she is proficiently educated in literature, and talented in almost all areas such as music and baking and even more advanced subjects like astronomy, as illustrated by her completely charted astronomical patterns. Her greatest passion is art, as indicated by the pervasive amount of painting on the walls inside the tower.
While she longs to see the world beyond her window, she is very obedient to Mother Gothel. Despite having ambivalent feelings after leaving her tower in excitement to finally see the world, she confronts and rebels against Mother Gothel's wish of her returning to the tower after a short journey with Flynn Rider. She is quite daring; leaping from tall cliffs and swinging great lengths with her hair.
She is completely immune to Flynn's so-called charms and has little tolerance for his antics, which usually results in her utilizing the pan against Flynn. Rapunzel is also very charismatic; able to influence a group of pub thugs to share their dreams and convince Maximus , the palace steed of the Captain of the Guard, to postpone his pursuit of Flynn until she fulfills her dream on her birthday which is heavily emphasized. Rapunzel is also known, particularly by Pascal , to be quite trustworthy and never ever breaks the promises she makes.
She is very determined to accomplish her dream of seeing the floating lights, even strong-arming Flynn into going along with her plan and passing any other obstacle along the way, as well as tricking Gothel into making her beloved mother travel for three days to get a white paint for her birthday of course, to buy some time.
Although she initially feared that the dream of seeing those lights may not meet her expectation and that there would be no other means to pursue in life after that dream has been fulfilled, Rapunzel is able to overcome those fears by having Flynn's support and belief that a new dream will emerge in place of the fulfilled one.
Rapunzel is also rebellious, tough, and courageous, as seen with the thugs. For centuries, in order to remain young and beautiful, a vain old woman named Mother Gothel hoards the healing properties of a magical golden flower grown from a drop of sunlight that fell to earth.
When the Queen of the kingdom falls ill during pregnancy, her subjects concoct a special tea from the flower. The tea restores the queen's health and gives the unborn Rapunzel magical healing powers, which reside in her unusually long golden hair. Hoping to regain full control over the flower, Gothel sneaks into the bedroom one night soon after birth.
Mother Gothel initially attempts to steal a lock of Rapunzel's magic hair, but upon discovering that cutting the hair loses its power, she decides to kidnap the infant instead. Gothel locks Rapunzel in a tower away from the outside world and raises the girl as her own. As Rapunzel grows, Gothel continually tells Rapunzel that the world is a dark and cruel place full of detestable creatures and people.
Rapunzel is also never informed of her status as a princess, nor has she ever been told of her real history. Rapunzel matures into a teenager, spending all of her time confined to the tower with no one for company but Gothel and her chameleon friend, Pascal.
But every year on Rapunzel's birthday, the kingdom of Corona releases thousands of floating lanterns into the sky in her memory.
Rapunzel witnesses the festival nearby, unaware that it is both in remembrance of her kidnapping when she was a baby and a beacon for her to find a way home. Becoming immensely fascinated by the floating lanterns that took place on her birthday every year, Rapunzel dreams of one day traveling to the kingdom herself to see those "lights in the sky".
On her eighteenth birthday, Rapunzel gathers the courage to ask Mother Gothel to go see the festival, but Gothel elaborately refuses and orders Rapunzel not to ask to leave the tower again. A while later, a wanted thief named Flynn Rider, in search of a place to hide from the royal guards of Corona, stumbles upon Rapunzel's tower. Rapunzel knocks Flynn unconscious and hides him in her closet. Noticing the crown inside a satchel belonging to Flynn, she curiously examines the object and is momentarily captivated by wearing it.
Rapunzel hopes to show Mother Gothel the captured Flynn in an attempt to prove that she can indeed handle herself in the outside world. Upon her return, however, Gothel is even more aggravated at Rapunzel's second request to leave the tower and shouts at Rapunzel that she will never leave the tower.
Left with no other viable option, she keeps Flynn hidden and wearily asks for more paints as her birthday present, which will take Mother Gothel three days to retrieve. Gothel then leaves on the journey, promising to return in three days. Here are just some of the reasons why we love Rapunzel:. Rapunzel has the cutest sidekick ever. Oh, and he can change colors, too!
Rapunzel has impressive frying pan skills. With a frying pan in hand, her self-defense skills are unmatched. Also, we all now know that frying pans are not just for cooking. Rapunzel is a dreamer. Rapunzel believes in following her dreams, and she encourages others to pursue their passions, too.