Why github.io

For more information, see " Changing the visibility of your GitHub Pages site. To get started, see " Creating a GitHub Pages site. Organization owners can disable the publication of GitHub Pages sites from the organization's repositories. For more information, see " Managing the publication of GitHub Pages sites for your organization. There are three types of GitHub Pages sites: project, user, and organization. Project sites are connected to a specific project hosted on GitHub, such as a JavaScript library or a recipe collection.

User and organization sites are connected to a specific account on GitHub. The source files for a project site are stored in the same repository as their project.

If you publish your site privately, the URL for your site will be different. You can only create one user or organization site for each account on GitHub. Project sites, whether owned by an organization or a user account, are unlimited. The publishing source for your GitHub Pages site is the branch and folder where the source files for your site are stored. Warning : GitHub Pages sites are publicly available on the internet by default, even if the repository for the site is private or internal.

Otherwise, if you have sensitive data in your site's repository, you may want to remove the data before publishing. For more information, see " About repositories " and " Changing the visibility of your GitHub Pages site. If the default publishing source exists in your repository, GitHub Pages will automatically publish a site from that source. The default publishing source for user and organization sites is the root of the default branch for the repository.

The default publishing source for project sites is the root of the gh-pages branch. If you want to keep the source files for your site in a different location, you can change the publishing source for your site.

For more information, see " Configuring a publishing source for your GitHub Pages site. It looks like you're using an auto generated GitHub Pages site. To get the download links on your site, you have three options.

You can create links in Markdown easily; instructions for links can be found here. Instead of automatically generating your GitHub Pages site, pull it into your repository and modify it yourself.

You would then be able to add a link to the top of your theme next to the one that is already there. Why GitHub pages on [username]. Asked 1 Month ago Answers: 5 Viewed 13 times. The documentation mentions: If you generated a User Pages site, the code lives in the master branch instead of the gh-pages branch. The Pages IP address has not changed. Existing A records pointing to the Pages IP are not affected.

If both a username. Security vulnerability There are two broad categories of potential security vulnerabilities that led to this change. Because Pages sites may include custom JavaScript and were hosted on github. Related posts. November 10, Engineering. November 4, Engineering. October 6, Engineering.


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