Why is once upon a time showing reruns

Quotes Rumplestiltskin : Magic always comes with a price. Crazy credits The title of the series appears in front of a forest and something related to the episode, such as the Dark Curse cloud, a giant, or a car. User reviews Review. Top review. Season 7, what a tragedy. It's so sad to say this but I used to really like this show, up until season 6, when things should have ended.

Why did they decide to do a season 7 with the same story line as before, my brain will never understand. I despise season 7. I can't stand "Cinderella"s character or the actress. The character just seems so weak, without any motivation or attitude to live life or to act, which isn't how I pictured Cinderella. I thought she would be more rebellious and have more of a spirit.

Don't even get me started on the actress - she has no acting skills, I feel like every line is improvised and the directors just went with the first shot they took. At least try to pronounce words correctly. So please next season - improve acting, improve story line, be a bit more original, and get some good actors, seriously!

FAQ 6. Is the series available to own? Who knows about the curse? Who remembers they were a fairy tale character, while under the curse? Details Edit. Release date October 23, United States. United States. Official Facebook Official site. Steveston, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada. Technical specs Edit. Runtime 1 hour. Dolby Digital. Related news. Another season finale that just had to be added to the list. Once Upon a Time decided to get clever with this episode, playing around with alternate timelines again in a crazy enough way that it set up the fall finale.

Warning: this one is a bit of a tear-jerker as Emma and Henry say goodbye to Storybrooke at the town line, soon to head off with a lifetime of good memories, just no memories of anything that ever happened or the people who lived there. We also get some great backstory on Cora Rose McGowan , which is always welcome. This is one of the most unintentionally? This means Snow and David start fighting while locked in different cells of the local jail and even Regina gets in on the action.

At least they all find it hilarious as well once the curse is inevitably broken! Say hello to one of the last truly excellent episodes of OUAT , as well as one of the best overall.

The Evil Queen is more like Snow White, Snow is totally deranged, and Emma is… locked up in a tower, at least at first. Hook takes a high-stakes gamble. Is it worth watching? I would be interested in going back to watch the series from the beginning and see how everything connects, based on the three episodes I watched.

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Filed under: Entertainment Television. I watched 3 episodes to find out. Reddit Pocket Email Linkedin.


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