Why is ps3 updates slow

Power on your computer and connect to the same network as your PS3. Use powerline adapters around your house and connect your PS4. Pause and Resume the download to potentially increase your PS4 download speed. The PS3 version is more than 9 times the size of the iOS versions, so it will naturally take a lot longer to download. OP how fast is your internet suppose to be? Playstation does not provide minimum requirements for internet speed, so these numbers are based on general guidelines. The recommended requirements are: Download speed: 16 Mbps.

Upload speed: 4 Mbps. Causes of Slow Wi-Fi on PS4 These reasons can include: Interference, such as brick walls or other structural issues, makes it difficult for the console to detect and connect to the internet. There are several reasons that make PS4 become slow and lagging, such as corrupted system files, malfunctioning USB device connected, or a defective hard drive.

The GT5 update was pretty average, but then everyone would be downloading it. Others are quick, others are slow I think there may be some regional variance too - I get blazing speeds from PSN and the updates are about as fast as they come down the pipe. My updates usually aren't too bad, but I wish they were as fast as the Xbox updates Almost every game I've ever played on xbox has had an update.

They're just so fast you might not remember them. It would be interesting to know what the difference is between the way updates are packaged that allows updates to be smaller. I don't like that you have to download over meg of data for an update, not that I have connection issue but Sony haven?

It takes solid 10 min yes sometime even more to download an update, even though my connection is 20Mbps. Suck it up basically. Munky's right :D. Let's not forget that PSN is free. For the record, the GT5 update the other day took me roughly 15mins to download, and my connection speed is roughly 10 meg.

So yeah, I guess it varies from time to time. It just seems like PS3 devs have a tendency to be lazy about their patches, and release big patches that are easy to make, instead of mamign the patches the harder way, that will also make them much smaller by using the stuff that's already there, and patching stuff. I suppose it's ok for them, but does screw the user up, and since sony picks the bill for bandwidth it doesn't matter to them.

Search In. Share More sharing options Not Helpful 2 Helpful 7. Dust reduces cooling by insulating internal parts and restricting cooling ports. Computer hardware is most efficient when it's running cool. Not Helpful 0 Helpful Check to see if the disc is scratched. If it's not, try cleaning the lenses that scan the game.

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Related wikiHows How to. How to. Co-authors: 2. Updated: March 5, Categories: PlayStation 3. Italiano: Migliorare le Prestazioni di una PS3. Deutsch: Deine PS3 schneller machen. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 86, times. Did this article help you? Download speeds on PSN for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 are notoriously up and down, and with game downloads now often exceeding 40GB, slow speeds can be a nightmare.

This might sound stupid, but numerous people report that doing this, often numerous times, will eventually end up with your download speed increasing.

This might not be easy for everyone, but as a general rule you get better download speeds on your PS3 and PS4 by using a wired connection. One download speed fix, as reported by many PS4 users, is to place the console in Rest Mode.


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