Why stomach bloats during periods

Refined carbohydrates , such as white flour and processed sugars, cause spikes in blood sugar levels. This increases the level of insulin in the blood, which causes the kidneys to retain more sodium. Increased sodium levels lead to more water retention.

For those looking to reduce water retention and improve period bloating, it is best to avoid refined carbohydrates. A study found that regular exercise might help improve PMS symptoms. As period bloating is a PMS symptom, regular exercise may help to reduce it. To stay healthy, people should aim to get 2. A study suggests the birth control pill may help improve period bloating.

However, some women report that the birth control pill makes them feel more bloated. The effect of the pill can vary from woman to woman, so it is best to discuss the birth control pill with a doctor and to try a few different types to see which one works best for managing PMS. For most women, period bloating is unpleasant but does not stop them from being able to get on with their day.

If bloating does not go away after a period, it is also a good idea to talk to a doctor. Bloating can sometimes be a sign of a more serious health condition. Trying one of several of the lifestyle changes mentioned in this article may help to improve period bloating.

If none of these changes help, and period bloating is disrupting daily life, then a doctor can provide further advice. Many women experience symptoms of premenstrual syndrome PMS , including anxiety, pain, mood swings, and food cravings.

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A good rule of thumb is to aim for a minimum of eight 8 ounce glasses of water a day. Many reusable water bottles hold 32 or 24 ounces. So depending on the size you use, you may only need to drink 2 to 3 bottles a day to get your 64 ounces. Experts believe that both alcohol and caffeine contribute to bloating and other symptoms of premenstrual syndrome PMS. Instead of these beverages, drink more water. If you have a hard time skipping your morning cup of coffee, try replacing it with a drink that has less caffeine, like tea, or substitute some of the caffeinated coffee for a decaffeinated type.

Regular exercise is key to reducing your PMS symptoms. Experts recommend that you aim for one of the following:. Some of these include:. Bloating is considered a very common symptom of PMS.

Symptoms of PMS can begin a week or two before your period starts. You may bloat every month, once in a while, or not at all. Relief from bloating may occur immediately after you start your period or a few days into it. You may have other PMS symptoms. The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists state that up to 85 percent of women report physical symptoms related to their period. Besides bloating, other common symptoms include:. Skip to content Why do women bloat during periods?

What is Bloating? Usually, the reasons for this are: Air swallowing Slow gas transport in the intestines, leading to gas accumulation Irritable bowel syndrome Retention of stools due to constipation Delayed emptying of the stomach Why does one experience bloating during their periods? What can you do? To avoid bloating in general and more so during periods, follow these tips: Avoid or cut down your tea, coffee and alcohol intake Do not smoke as you swallow more air while smoking Cut down on sugar, especially artificial sweeteners Carbonated drinks are a strict No-No Avoid eating vegetables like beans, broccoli, cabbage.

Book an Appointment. Select Gender Male Female. Select City. Select Clinic. Select Speciality. The good news: There are some seriously easy steps you can take to de-bloat during your period. Switching up the foods you eat, like swapping in more potassium-filled foods and nixing the caffeine for a few days, can do some serious remedying to your bloated belly. You can also consider even simpler fixes, like getting more sleep or cooking at home more often.

Protein is another safe bet—think chicken, fish, and tofu. They may inspire your favorite healthy-eating Pinterest boards, but they also contain a complex sugar called raffinose.

Humans lack the enzyme to help break it down properly, which leads to gas and bloat. I get it: Working out is probably the last thing you feel like doing.

But experts say getting your heart rate up is one of the best ways to alleviate PMS symptoms —including bloat. Bloating usually starts to kick in about one to two days before the start of a woman's period. Sweating it out can also help keep you stay regular and reduce constipation. Lighter workouts like swimming and yoga are your best bet, though; high-intensity exercises may actually promote inflammation and, in turn, add to the bloat.

Ibuprofen and Naprosyn found in brands like Aleve and Midol block the chemicals that cause inflammation, and in turn, bloating, says Kelly Roy, MD , an ob-gyn in Phoenix. The same goes for sugary drinks like Gatorade. Instead, rely on your good buddy water, and aim for eight glasses a day.


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