Spell Hit Chance — Reduces your chance to miss spells. Resistances — Reduces the amount of Magic Damage. Block Value — Increases the amount of damage reduced per blocked attacks. Parry Rating — Increases your chance to completely mitigate Physical Attack. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective companies, publisher and its licensors.
RankedBoost is not affiliated with the game companies, publisher and its licensors. We may use cookies to personalize content, ads, provide social media features and analyze our site traffic. I downloaded and installed damage meters. I fought frost giants in Winterspring for over an hour. I used only Flash of Light on myself.
With the Zandalar buff and gear I had Int. Result: Sometimes I used Holy Shock on the giants. Which, as I later realized, polluted the data a little bit. Intellect and Crit - oldmandennis - Yeah, the numbers he gave simply didn't add up even a little bit. It begs for thourough testing. Intellect and Crit - teske - Quote: Yeah, the numbers he gave simply didn't add up even a little bit. Well, we already have data for paladins, druids and warlocks, which tend to confirm the first column.
Intellect and Crit - MongoJerry - Quote: If instead of using Tserics second column, we simply divide the first coulum by 5. Except it seems that it doesn't fit the observed data, but dividing the expected Int number by 5 would fit this data. Intellect and Crit - Kevin - Quote: Right, the second number seems to be totally bogus. At least that is how I interpreted it. In other words, for each point of crat, we also need a point of pdmg to make it viable and vice versa.
At high levels with real endgame gear, crit rate is a much more interesting stat again, strictly considering DPS only. In practice this means that depending on the current damage output, there's an equilibrium point at which the DPS increase from Agi is higher than the increase from Str. Note that this is strictly melee attack power; the calculations for ranged attack power RAP are different.
Also note that this is base "white" dps, and does not consider changes to other abilities. Value of Agility Depending on level and class, agility increases white DPS by increasing the chance to critically hit. For the rest of us Until the shown DPS what is shown when you hover your mouse over your damage display in the character menu is equal to After the equilibrium it is always better to put points into AGI.
Note however that this will change your critical hit chance, and therefore the equalibrium point. Obviously these values are insanely high. In cases in which you gain a secondary advantage from a crit such as rogues or feral druids this would result in your favoring agility over strength sooner then your calculated equilibrium point due to the secondary advantages of the increased crit chance. Also when in PVP spike damage is usually considered preferable to sustained damage, as such when choosing PVP gear you may place mildly higher preference on agility for its spike damage from crits, even if it means sacrificing average sustained DPS.
Str and Agi both can also help to reduce damage taken. Agi increases the chances to dodge, Str increases the amounts blocked with a shield. Additionally, there are talents like Flurry , Deep Wounds , and Vengeance which can proc off critical hits, and complicate these calculations further.
See the discussions page for further insights. Post away! Bring a Boomkin to your raid! Remember that Hunters ranged attacks don't count as spell attacks but ranged attacks. Comment by Alyrea Holy paladins do not benefit from spirit. Comment by Machette Do we have any numbers that show hit rating required for heroic content? I'm not talking about auto attacks, but abilities.
This has happened more than once, many times actually. Comment by max Warlocks benefit the most from Intellect and Spirit. Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed. Unsure how to post? Check out our handy guide!