We have over fitness tests listed, so it's not easy to choose the best one to use. You should consider the validity, reliability, costs and ease of use for each test. Use our testing guide to conducting, recording, and interpreting fitness tests. Any questions, please ask or search for your answer. To keep up with the latest in sport science and this website, subscribe to our newsletter. We are also on facebook and twitter. Calculate your body mass index with our free calculator to get the corresponding BMI weight status category.
Calculate your basal metabolic rate to know how much energy you spend in a day with our BMR calculator. Ideal Weight Ideal Weight for cm and 15 years old women Ideal Weight for cm and 15 years old women. What is the ideal weight for cm and 15 years old women? Max Recommended weight. Your Ideal Weight. Min Recommended weight. Share your results:. Ideal Weight for a cm and 15 years old Follow these Tips and Key habits to maintain 53 kg of weight for cm and 15 years old women: Protein: the importance of protein cannot be overstated when it comes to maintaining those 53 kg of ideal weight for a cm and 15 years old women.
The bottom line is that you need protein in your diet to build muscle. Be sure that you are getting enough lean protein by eating lean meats, egg whites and natural dairy products.
Exercise: cardio exercise is essential for women who are looking for burning calories and staying healthy. You should also do regular physical exercise. See a dietician who will advise you and give you guidelines on how to reach a healthy weight. People who suffer from obesity have a high risk of developing diseases associated with obesity, whether metabolic or cardiovascular.
It has been demonstrated that losing weight is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Men have a higher muscle mass than women, which means that their energy needs are higher. However, these needs should ideally be adjusted as they get older and according to the amount of physical exercise each individual does. The average male needs around 2, calories per day to maintain his weight. Women have a higher proportion of fat than men, which means that they use less energy.
The average female needs around 2, calories per day. Log in Email: Incorrect email or password. Log in Forgotten your password? Not yet a member? Sign up. Save in folder. New folder Name of folder Save. There are no folders. My personal badge. Log in, the best recipes are waiting for you. Jumbo Calculate your ideal weight Ideal weight calculator Weight is directly related to our wellbeing.
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