Can i install fcp x on two computers

No real protection. Apple new that for people around here was very difficult to buy a Mac but almost impossible to buy the application. I always thought that Apple was behind the release of these copies. Better to sell computers than nothing, and a pirate of today can be a good customer tomorrow. We use anonymous cookies to give you the best experience we can. Creative Communities of the World Forums The peer to peer support community for media production professionals.

FCPX on multiple computers? Shane Trowbridge March 16, at pm. Am I going about this wrong? Paul Jay March 16, at pm. Phil Hoppes March 16, at pm. Bill Davis March 16, at pm. And for the company — the value of the relationship with the consumer is everything. Lemur Hayop March 17, at am. Bret Williams March 17, at am. Phil Hoppes March 17, at am. Many thanks for all info.

Posted on Aug 6, AM. You can use Final Cut Pro X on two computers, all you have to do is on the second computer, login to the Mac App store with the account you purchased the first one. I'm on Moving the folders from the flash drive to the computer each time would work. The general consensus is to have your Event and Project folders on a fast external drive, just so you can move it to any computer you wish, no need to copy folders back and forth from internal and external drives, FCPX recognizes those folders on any drive automatically, just be sure to back up the external drive.

The USB 2. I'd buy a Thunderbolt to Firewire adapter for the MacBook Pro, then use an external Firewire drive to move between the two computers. Page content loaded. Aug 6, AM. Communities Get Support. Read More Installing on Multiple Computers 31 Dec I purchased Final Cut Pro X, but i'm working together with a friend of mine as a freelance business i want us both to use final cut pro x we both have macbook pro's on lion how many computers am i allowed to put final cut pro x on, and if more than one, how would my friend put it on his computer?

Re: Installing on Multiple Computers 31 Dec You are allowed to install FCPX on multiple computers not sure if there is a limit provided you purchase the application and are installing it on your computers. Giving it to a friend to install on his computer would be a violation of Apple's End User License Agreement.

I suppose if you and your friend form a business and each of your computers belonged to that business then that may suffice as being legitimate. You might call Apple directly and ask them what, if anything, you could do to be compliant with using the app on both computers. You are allowed to "Authorized" up to 5 computers on your account. As long as you have that computer "legally" authorized for your account, it can download and run FCP X.

Last edit: by BenB. That's not the way the FCP license reads. It explicitly says that it can be installed only on a computer owned and controlled by the end user. Nothing about a five seat license. FCP X agreement: "2.

Permitted License Uses and Restrictions. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, unless you obtained the Apple Software under a volume license, maintenance or other written agreement from Apple, you are granted a limited non-transferable license to install and use the Apple Software only on Apple-branded computers that you own or control in accordance with Mac App Store Product Usage Rules located at: www.

Here's what I am able to find. App Store agreement: "Association of Associated Devices is subject to the following terms: i You may auto-download Eligible Content or download previously-purchased Eligible Content from an Account on up to 10 Associated Devices, provided no more than 5 are iTunes-authorized computers. For the sake of clarity, each Mac Computer used serially by multiple users requires a separate license. You can only install it on an Apple-branded computer that you own or control.

If you own 10 computers you can put it on 10 computers. Clearly that's only been honored in its breech. Tom wrote:.


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