Can i use proactive when pregnant

Also I talked to Proactive on the phone and the company does not recommend using their own products during pregnancy or while breast feeding. If the Proactive Company does not recommend using their products I would def stay away from this while pregnant. I used proactive my entire pregnancy with my doctors approval and had a perfectly healthy baby. Also my doctor perscribed a topical solution to use my last trimester called erithromicin, this solution really helped my acne go away.

Popular questions in Pregnancy Safety How do I resist my pregnancy craving for beer? How can I quit smoking? What can I try to make sleeping while I'm pregnant more comfortable? I'm so glad to see that so many people used it in pregnancy. I haven't had skin this bad since I was 12!!! My face looks terrible. I think I'm going to start using it again if everyone else did, too. I used salicylic acid in my face wash, glycolic acid, and benzoyl peroxide.

If you don't ingest any of these and you don't let them sit on your face in the form of a peel, then you should be fine. My baby turned out just fine. I asked my Dr about using proactiv and she said that it was fine. I trust that she wouldn't let anything bad happen to me or my baby. She has told me not to do certain things before and she wasn't worried about this. Don't worry!. Reason for reporting Offensive or inappropriate materials Spamming or advertising Vulgarity or profanity Personal attack Invasion of privacy Copyright infringement.

Cancel Submit. Proactiv products are designed for acne-prone skin. No matter your ethnicity or skin type — dry, oily, combination, normal or sensitive — Proactiv will have the right combination of products for you. Yes, you can use other skincare products with most Proactiv products but please be mindful of a few very important issues. First, be certain that any product you apply to your skin is labeled "non-comedogenic" which means it is designed to not clog pores. Second, the Proactiv systems are designed to preclude the need for additional skincare products, such as an added moisturizer.

If you are using the ProactivMD system, please note that the FDA has not approved use of Adapalene Gel in combination with other acne drugs, including those containing benzoyl peroxide. Take care using Adapalene Gel in conjunction with abrasive cleansers or products with drying effects, which may worsen irritation.

If you suffer from a skin condition in addition to acne, we recommend talking with your skincare professional before trying any acne treatments.

No, unfortunately, Proactiv is not designed to help with existing scars. Our best recommendation for treating existing scars is to see your dermatologist. Thanks to advances in medicine and technology, your dermatologist can offer safe and effective options for your acne scars.

We suggest that you consult a dermatologist or physician for severe cystic or nodular acne. Generally speaking, the more advanced cases of cystic and nodular acne — large, deep, painful bumps filled with blood and pus that can linger under the skin's surface for weeks or months — are the most likely to scar.

It's especially critical to take all possible measures to manage this condition. To review all of your orders and track the delivery dates, login to your online Proactiv account and go to Order History. As a Proactiv member, you can track your shipments, change your shipping frequency or customize the products you want to receive in your next kit by logging in to your online account here. Plus, you may enjoy additional product promotions just for being a member.

If you are not a Proactiv member, you can purchase individual Proactiv products at one of our authorized retailers. You can cancel future shipments by logging in and chatting with us online or by calling Customer Care at To return your products, place the merchandise in a box with your original invoice and send it to us. If you don't have your original invoice, please make sure to include your name and shipping address, as you believe it appeared on the invoice.

Please allow 1 to 2 billing cycles from the day you return your package for your account to be credited. With every purchase on Proactiv. Approximately weeks after your introductory kit is shipped, we will automatically send you a new day supply. Instead of one big bill for your day supply, we break it up into three smaller payments, to be charged to the credit card provided at the time of purchase approximately every four weeks.

Through your online account, you can adjust how often you receive new kits — from as soon as four weeks to as infrequently as 20 weeks. You can also make your payment arrangements and cancel or customize future shipments at any time by logging in and chatting with us online or by calling Customer Care at You can always access your billing and shipping information by logging into your Proactiv account. Have questions?

Need help? Proactiv Products. What is retinization? If I experience retinization, should I discontinue use? What can I do to minimize skin irritation? Who experiences retinization? Who should use Proactiv? Tretinoin is different from other topical treatments that will be discussed here.

It belongs to a group of medications called retinoids, which can cause birth defects when taken by mouth. The amount of tretinoin absorbed through the skin is low, and studies have reported that women who used topical tretinoin during pregnancy did not have an increased chance for birth defects. However, due to the theoretical concerns and the availability of other topical acne products, tretinoin use is discouraged during pregnancy.

Adapalene is a retinoid in the same group of medications as tretinoin. Studies have shown that only a small amount is absorbed through the skin when adapalene gel is used. Studies looking at adapalene in pregnancy include only a very small number of exposed pregnancies therefore, more studies are needed. Generally, better studied acne products are preferred for treatment in pregnancy.

Studies have shown that only a small amount is absorbed through the skin when topical dapsone is used. Studies looking at topical dapsone in pregnancy include only a very small number of exposed pregnancies therefore, more studies are needed. Generally, better studied acne products are preferred for pregnancy. This is called her background risk. While not well studied, over-the-counter skin treatments have not been associated with an increased chance for birth defects or other pregnancy complications when used during a pregnancy.

Since so little of the medication passes into the body, the amount that would reach a developing baby, if any, is unlikely to be a high amount. If you apply acne treatments onto broken or very irritated skin, more of the active ingredients might be absorbed into your system. Also, many prescription products can have higher amounts of the active ingredients than over-the-counter products, so the amount of medication from the prescription topical treatments that is absorbed into the body might be higher.

However, even these amounts are not likely to cause harmful effects on the baby. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists ACOG have previously recommended topical benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid, topical salicylic acid, and glycolic acid for treatment of acne in pregnancy.


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