Here are five hidden dangers to consider:. Low to moderate carbohydrate intake. Hidden danger: Paleo calls for the exclusion of cereal grains — wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn and brown rice, to name a few. These are great sources of fiber, B vitamins, iron, magnesium and selenium.
Grains help our bodies control blood sugar, lower cholesterol and fight the risk of chronic diseases. Consistent low carbohydrate intake may lead to an overuse of fat for energy, also known as ketosis. Ketosis occurs when by-products of fat breakdown, called ketones, build up in the bloodstream.
High levels of ketones can lead to dehydration and eventually coma due to severe metabolic abnormalities. There are therapists and other professionals who can help you with this much better than a stranger on the internet. Eating disorders are very complicated and can be deadly. Trying to treat binge eating by yourself with diet is very unlikely to work.
Now for the million-dollar question: what causes binge eating in the first place? And can you treat it with diet? Think pizza, chocolate, ice cream, cake, candy, cookies…. The obvious follow-up suggestion would be: to stop binge eating, take those foods out of your diet! But these foods do not cause binge eating. Some people really can have one cookie and then stop. Stress, exhaustion, and helplessness can all be common binge triggers.
Boredom, loneliness, helplessness, stress, anger, fear, and anxiety are all powerful binge triggers. One alternative explanation is dietary restraint, or dieting. If you want to know more about how coconut oil can help you lose weight click here. Dairy Delusion Dairy has good and bad properties.
We could argue about this all day long and they did at every AHS Convention. Pasteurized milk has little benefit and there is more calcium in leafy greens than you will from dead overheated dairy products. In contrast raw milk and cheese have amazing vitamins like Vitamin K2 which may be a missing link to why traditional cultures were so healthy. I do think raw milk is a superfood but what I usually see is people overeating conventional dairy and then wondering why they are not losing weight.
One other thing about milk is that it contains a protein called Casomorphin which can have an opioid effect on the brain. Bonus Tip: Do you get carried away with the paleo desserts? Among other paleo weight loss mistakes is taking too many paleo desserts. We can argue that honey and maple syrup are natural and would have been eaten by native people. The main thing to ask yourself is how do you feel when you eat Paleofied deserts and treats? Do Paleo cookies and brownies make you hungrier and then you find yourself foraging all day for more?
If you are trying to lose weight it is a good idea to minimize these foods to special occasions. Click Here! Sources: wapf. If you tried paleo, you eliminated processed foods and packaged sugary snacks, so you probably noticed a difference pretty quickly. The Paleo diet focuses on what our ancient ancestors ate — things they could hunt and forage, like meats, plants, nuts, seeds, and fruits. Grains, dairy, and legumes are out. The paleo diet is a fantastic basis for someone who is transitioning from the standard American diet, eating tons of empty carbs and processed everything.
Technically, you can drink a bottle of honey and still be paleo. If you want to lose weight, you have to control your blood sugar, and to do that, most people have to keep carbs down. It works like this: when you eat something, your body breaks your food down and some of it enters your bloodstream as sugar glucose. Glucose provides energy for your cells. Hangry feelings and sugar crashes.
A lot of carbohydrates causes blood sugar fluctuations that make you hungry, cranky, and tired throughout the day. More fuel than you can use.