Darksiders what should i buy

Last edited by animalmagic ; 22 May, pm. Berserker View Profile View Posts. Yea this is a pretty good game imo. I really enjoyed it. Plot was rather interesting. Even the combat is good enough for you to enjoy it. It's not as fast paced as dmc or God of war though but fun nonetheless. I personally experienced no bugs and performance issues. It's sequel darksiders 2 is also pretty damn good.

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For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Should I Buy Darksiders? Thread starter phantomclock Start date Apr 11, Joined Dec 30, Location Canada. I want to know if it is worth buying Darksiders or is it better to just rent it or borrow from a friend? I'm a big fan of the zelda and god of war series and I hear that darksiders is similar to both of those franchises.

Joined Apr 6, Location Brazil. I think that you should borrow from friend and see if you like the game,and if you like,you buy the game. ZD Legend. Well, what type of a gamer are you?

If you're the more mature, action-adventure oriented kind then definitely check out Darksiders. A couple of good buys are the ability to dash in the air, you also want to keep your sword upgraded to max since it's your main weapon.

I didn't upgrade the Scythe much, I saved it for the 3rd weapon, since it's so cool. As for that I haven't bought any of the spells, nor have I spent any money on consumables. User Info: Deox. G Killzone 2 review. User Info: jmangafan. Make sure before you get the scythe put in The Hollow Lord code to make it Death's Scythe, because the price is then 0. Where do I put the code in at? I'd look but I'm stuck at work now. Hit Start, it's in the options somewhere I believe, it says enter code.

I think the main difference is that Death's Scythe reaps more souls than the regular scythe. Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Boards Darksiders what to buy from vulgrim? User Info: robotzombie. Naked people have little or no influence on society. User Info: Gandalfrockman. Try and get Bane, and stoneskin lvl4 as soon as reasonably possible.

If you feel like you need the attacks buy them; but I wouldnt make them a priority. Dear izzle and fizzle: Please Get off the end of my words. User Info: ElDudorino. Personal choice. Stoneskin is really useful, but blade geyser is straight up game-breaking. As in, you can kill bosses in two hits on Apocalyptic. It's disgusting. It's more unfair in a battle than Chaos Form. But anyway, you don't really have to worry about going wrong when spending your souls.

You'll get more. If having as many moves to use in battle as soon as possible sounds like the most fun for you, go for that.


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