Dragons dogma seeking salvation where is mason

You will make use of the Salvation badge Mason entrusted you to uncover new leads into the cult's motives. The map will now have new red markers. Patrol the streets of Gran Soren, speaking to all of them. Baden, near the Arsmith's Alehouse tells you that he did not expect the Arisen to share the Salvation's ideals.

Amity, nearby, has more information, about a meeting that will take place. A guard named Ser Sairus, on one of the streets behind the inn, has more details about the gathering. He tells you it will take place down in the catacombs. You now need to search the Catacombs. The entrance to the Catacombs is actually outside Gran Soren, a bit to the northwest. Travel there. Enter the Catacombs. Light your lantern. Explore these tunnels. There is a locked gate, you have to go around.

There are rats in this dungeons, as well as lots of undead. Holy damage is good against these. Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password? Don't have an account? Sign up for free! What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Yes i checked the slums. User Info: BakedGhost. User Info: Shamus I had the same problem.

Then I just gave up on the quest cause I couldn't find him. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Global Achievements. I have seen a posting on here before with the exact same position for the marker and someone not being able to find him but there was no resolution. Side note: I accidentally went into the catacombs forgetting I had this quest and overheard one or two lines of dialogue from the cultists before turning around and leaving.

Not sure if that has affected this quest in any way. After getting the token from Mason, find the marked NPCs and talk to them to learn more about the cult. By talking to Ser Sarius, the location of the Catacombs will be revealed. Head to the marked location in the map and enter the Catacombs. This is a pretty straightforward dungeon so don't be afraid to check every nook and cranny as you won't get lost at all.

Follow the straightforward path until you find a door with a lever. Pull the lever down to open that door and enter the next path. Follow it until you reach the lift.


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