Fcvs accepted which states

If you are a physician or working in the healthcare field, you have probably heard of the FCVS. It is a quick and easy way for physicians to consolidate important professional information into a single location.

The Federation Credentials Verification Service, or FCVS, serves as a lifetime repository for all of your primary-source verified credentials such as identity and medical education. The information and documents you provide can be used to apply for a state medical license, hospital privileges, employment, and professional memberships.

The FCVS is a service offered by the Federation of State Medical Boards, an organization representing the 70 state medical and osteopathic regulatory boards within the United States and its territories. To get started, you will need to submit the following forms:. The turnaround time for an initial FCVS application to be completed and reach a state medical board varies. Here at Barton, we will make sure it is expedited as quickly as possible, with the FSMB stating that the wait time averages from six to 10 weeks.

If you have an existing FCVS application and need to add another state, FSMB anticipates four to six weeks for the application to reach the medical board. The FCVS process can be a long one, but the Barton Associates licensing department strives to ensure your licensing process goes as smoothly as possible. We will work with you and FCVS to secure a speedy turnaround time, and a smooth transition into the start of your locum tenens assignment.

It can be confusing to navigate through a licensure process alone, but we are here to help every step of the way! Born and raised in Peabody, she joined Barton in November Julie graduated magna cum laude with a degree in media studies, journalism and digital arts from Saint Michael's College in Chances are you have chosen the locum tenens career path because of its flexible nature.

One of the major things holding providers back is not having the appropriate state license. As you kno Want to get a new locum tenens dentist license? Here are the top states where you can get a dentist locum tenens state license in under two months! This is often frustrating considering the purpose of the FCVS is to avoid these types of inconveniences. You should consider the nuances of each state in which you intend to hold a medical license before deciding if setting up an FCVS profile is worth the time and effort.

For example, California is a state that accepts an FCVS profile but will still require their state-specific forms to be sent to the medical school and postgraduate training program s , making use of the FCVS pointless for physicians.

This type of information is not always readily accessible to physicians online, but our licensing specialists are extremely familiar with the intricacies of the FCVS and can help you determine if it is an appropriate resource for your individual situation. Call us to determine if the FCVS is right for you. The FCVS is typically useful and can be a help to busy physicians who can benefit from a lifetime portfolio of primary-source verified credentials for state medical licensure , hospital privileges, provider networks and employment and professional memberships.

Populating your FCVS profile can be frustrating and time-consuming, but we can help. As a client of MLG, your dedicated licensing specialist can help set up your FCVS profile and ensure your profile information remains updated. Call How MLG Can Help With FCVS Profiles The FCVS is typically useful and can be a help to busy physicians who can benefit from a lifetime portfolio of primary-source verified credentials for state medical licensure , hospital privileges, provider networks and employment and professional memberships.


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