How does dirk strider die

All events aforementioned ultimately lead to accomplishing the latter. The political drama provides ample distraction to those who could intervene save for Alternate Calliope , whom is easily aware of his meddling , and bringing Terezi home appears to be crucial in his plan—albeit for yet undisclosed reasons—as he coerces her to accompany him.

Over time, he also coerces Rose based on her increasing realization of her own Ultimate Self and his understanding of such power. Through Dirk, she is able to safely transcend with mechanical applications, as he bestows her the title of "Rosebot. Meanwhile, Jake is forced by Dirk to submit all feelings to himself, eventually becoming brainwashed after intense, repetitive mental coercion, although Dirk laments this was unintentional. This allows Dirk to garner a spacecraft for departing off-world permanently, both to flee from Alternate Calliope's influence and to seek a planet suitable for housing the next Sburb.

He leaves without anyone able to stop him before it is too late. Shortly after John selects candy, he zaps back into canon to retrieve Gamzee Makara , appearing in the scene where Dave and Dirk are embracing after their intense heart-to-heart. John sneaks over to the fridge, not wanting to interrupt the moment. Dirk notices him as he touches the fridge, but doesn't say anything and turns back around.

After John brings Gamzee to Earth C , present-day Dirk feels that something is very different in the timeline, and has an intense psychosomatic reaction. After collapsing against a wall, he calls Jane , ordering her to cancel her presidential bid. She expresses concern for his uncharacteristic behavior, but he brushes off her questions and hangs up.

He then texts Jake to cancel their television stunts and blocks him. Dirk makes an appearance at the end of the comic, after Jane's extensive sleuthing throughout what appears to be her house. A meaningful death would, of course, be quick. You made certain that the rope was long enough for the velocity of your fall to immediately decapitate you. It slices through the air with a vicious whipping sound, unspooling in even, silk-smooth rotations.

Just as your epiphany occured at sunset, your death must occur at sunrise to complete the ouroboros of symbological harmonic resonance that is your personal arc. It is the very last moment of narratively consequential action that will happen in this whole, barren world.

The few carapacians unfortunate enough to have left their homes this early in the morning will remember this moment forever, but in reality, it lasts only half a second. The noise your cervical spine makes when it sunders is indescribably gruesome.

Many of the bystanders who witness your death will later attempt to recount it, but there really are no words that can adequately express the sound someone makes when they die. First, there is the literal termination of organic processes, which is to say, the destruction of the meat. Then follows the dissolution of the ego. And you have quite the ego to dissolve, one that has flown so high above the forest that not only can it no longer see the trees, it cannot even conceive of the trees as material substance with objective meaning.

Yours is a singularity of narcissism—an endlessly recursive existence so dense that it has no choice but to sprawl out much further than the boundaries of its person in any given universe or timeline.

Once cut off from that, you become unbearably dispensable. Post-scratch Kids. Maid of Life. Rogue of Void. Prince of Heart.

Page of Hope. Jane Crocker. Roxy Lalonde. Jake English. Maid of Time. Page of Breath. Mage of Doom. Knight of Blood. Aradia Megido. Tavros Nitram. Sollux Captor. Karkat Vantas. Rogue of Heart. Sylph of Space. Seer of Mind. Thief of Light. Nepeta Leijon. Kanaya Maryam. Terezi Pyrope. Vriska Serket. Heir of Void.

Bard of Rage. Prince of Hope. Witch of Life. Equius Zahhak. Gamzee Makara. Eridan Ampora. Feferi Peixes. Witch of Time. Rogue of Breath. Heir of Doom. Seer of Blood. Damara Megido. Rufioh Nitram. Mituna Captor. Mage of Heart. Maid of Space. Knight of Mind. Sylph of Light. Meulin Leijon. Porrim Maryam. Latula Pyrope. Aranea Serket. Page of Void. Prince of Rage. Bard of Hope. Thief of Life. Horuss Zahhak. Kurloz Makara. Cronus Ampora. Meenah Peixes.

Muse of Space. Terezi, despite feeling that way, refuses to allow herself to be seen as completely hopeless and gets mad at the author for reading into her like that. Of course, Dirk tells her that she can put an act on her whole life, and never be happy.

Terezi… agrees with him, insofar as we know. Despite her challenge, she gives up on living with the Earth kids, joining the villain to create a new sburb session. However, Roxy was thinking about her and trying to get through to her. But Terezi chooses isolation, leaving the planet for a new, more canonically relevant adventure. This scene does make it seem utterly hopeless for Terezi, especially when Callie says later that while John may theoretically be revived, he will never be relevant again.

And we see Terezi recieving the messages for this!!!! Terezi in the Epilogue is also doing some goofy shit. Terezi continues to live in defiance of the comic. Both in the epilogue, and across homestuck? I get the impression the reason other characters have been able to move on from this stuff while Terezi gets dragged back into hopelessness is because of meta reasons.

If things calmed down for her maybe she would be a less interesting or funny character. Like Vriska, and John! Except instead of dying or being sucked into a new world she just continues being a bitter protagonist.

Getting continuously trodden down, throwing away her own chances of happiness. Not being able to get over anything. Therefore, Homestuck fails to bring a light at the end of the tunnel for Terezi Pyrope, even after all of these years of going into this theme. If you were personally invested in her getting better, you might be hurt by her presentation. After all, Terezi would rather be tragicomic than plain tragic.

To cap off this post I wanted to do a character that did not have a direct depiction of depressive suicide, but still related back to suicidal themes and did, ultimately, kind of kill himself. Dave in the Candy timeline. Dave goes through a lot of shit in his timeline. Things go from bad to worse for Dave. Dave… does not appear suicidally depressed following this. But he is a very repressed man. He takes it without a second thought. In the Meat! But I think that this would count as a mixed representation.

JUST like Terezi, Dave has given up on his new world and decided to go run away for adventures elsewhere. DIRK: Hopeless depiction of character dealing with suicidal depression, when their depiction was previously more hopeful. JOHN: Excellent representation of character overcoming suicidal depression, best in the comic by far.

But what bits of there ARE end up being very powerful, in particular Candy! John who is the focus of this theme. The story tries to mitigate this with self awareness that it is, in fact, a story.

Dirk is hyper aware of his status as a fictional character. Dirk was getting over this. He lost all of his individuality. So, Dirk is the most critical failure of this theme. Dave is in a weird place. The lesson to be learnt here is that…. If they are like Dirk or Terezi you might be feeling depressed yourself at the end. In this case Hussie gave hopeless endings to characters. What do you think? Do you believe the epilogue team wrote a good representation of characters coming to terms with depressive suicide, or suicidal tendencies?

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