How does one claim category membership

What is the APS Life member category? How does one become an APS Fellow? Can APS assist me if I have been recently unemployed? All prices are listed and must be paid in U. However, they may be deducted as ordinary and necessary business expenses. Members should consult their tax advisors for further guidance. Note that a charitable gift made at the time of renewal a gift separate from and in addition to your membership dues IS tax deductible.

APS does not accept partial payments. Lobbying expenses do not apply to unit memberships. APS collects demographic data to better understand our membership composition and participation in activities. We may also provide you with information about relevant APS programs.

We will only report on anonymized data in aggregate, and will never share this information with outside parties. Your data will not be used to make any decisions related to your APS activities.

Your APS account number may be found in a number of places. If you already have setup an APS username and password, you can get your member number online. The number is also printed in the upper left corner of your APS membership invoices and on the first line of any APS renewal email.

In addition, your number is located on the second line of your APS News mailing label. All APS account numbers begin with either the first two letters of your last name or the number "6". Please allow weeks for postal mailings to reflect any changes.

APS units are subgroups within the Society which provide opportunities for members to interact with colleagues with similar interests and to keep abreast of new developments in their specialized fields. APS Units - A complete listing, including websites and unit descriptions. Yes - APS units may be added online. Sample membership terms are July 1, thru June 30, and November 1, thru October 31, Generally, if your membership term has lapsed, you may reinstate online at my.

You may provide a tax deductible contribution to APS by checking off a contribution level on your paper renewal invoice or on-line renewal form. The date will be entered on a new claim when the claim is saved. Caller Name. Name of the person making the claim. The caller's name may be different from the name of member on the membership card.

Claim Status. The status codes in the list are hard coded and cannot be changed. Claim Origin. Select from the list of values, the origin i. You must have user permission to administer claims. Category of the claim. Claim types are set up in membership claim types configuration. They may be used for reporting purposes. For new claims, you are prompted to select the name from the Profile search screen.

For existing claims, select the ellipsis button to display the Profile screen for the member. The caller's name associated with the claim may be different from the membership name. The membership program with which this claim is associated.

Select the down arrow to choose from a list of the membership numbers for the member identified in the Name field. The list of values shows all membership numbers and the associated membership types for this member.

Select the down arrow and choose either Approve, Reject or None for the claim action. Card Level. Joined Date. Expiration Date. See "Limited Adjustments" heading below for more information. ORS Booking Number. Central booking number for the reservation associated with this claim. Enter the date or use the calendar tool to select the date.

Caller Information. In the text area you may enter details related to this call that may help to resolve the claim. Reply By Date. If a reply has been promised to the caller by a certain date, enter the date here or select the date using the calendar tool. Add any comments about this claim or steps taken to resolve the claim. The notes area at the bottom of the screen stores a chronology of events related to resolving the claim.

The first entry is, by default, the opening of the claim. Thereafter, each time some measure is taken to resolve the claim, a note may be added by selecting the New button. A standard activity type may also be associated with the note e. Each new note and activity is added to the list with a sequence number.

The name column identifies the person who entered the note or activity. To see an entire comment and related activity details, highlight your choice and select the View button. Select an adjustment code and enter values for award points and tier points adjustments. The values you enter must fall between the upper and lower thresholds.

The adjustment code. Select the down arrow and select an adjustment code from the list of values. The selected adjustment code's Award, Stay, Nights, and Revenue thresholds will display. Base Points. Enter a value for the base award points adjustment.

Bonus Points. Enter a value for the bonus award points adjustment. Misc Points. Enter a value for the miscellaneous award points adjustment. Total Points. Enter a value for the total award points adjustment. Base Stay. Enter a value for the tier base stay points adjustment. Bonus Stay. Enter a value for the tier bonus stay points adjustment. Enter a value for the total tier stay points adjustment. Base Nights. Enter a value for the tier base nights points adjustment.

Bonus Nights. Enter a value for the tier bonus nights points adjustment. Enter a value for the total tier nights points adjustment. Base Revenue. Enter a value for the tier base revenue points adjustment. Bonus Revenue. Enter a value for the tier bonus revenue points adjustment.

Enter a value for the total tier revenue points adjustment. All Trx. Select this button to view the current member's transactions.

You can also view the transactions flagged as exceptions if the Membership Exceptions parameter is enabled. See below - Viewing Transactions and Making Adjustments. To narrow down transactions, click the Search button. Select this button to save your changes to the claim. Select this button to add comments to the claim. The Claim Activity screen opens. These comments appear in the grid at the bottom of the membership claim screen. The comment type that you choose here appears in the Activity column.

Select this button to view the selected comment. While working in the membership claims screen to resolve a claim, select the All Trx button to view a complete list of award points transactions and adjustments for the current member. The Transaction screen shows each membership transaction and all related information. The Green rows indicate that points have not been calculated, either because an exception was found and has not yet been resolved, or because of the batch processing date not having yet been met.

To view the actual membership transaction, select the View button. The Membership Transaction screen view-only appears. Member Card No. Select a property or the entire ORS database for the member's transactions for which you want to search. Exception Filter.

It displays various exceptions filters you can select. Select from the LOV the type of exceptions for which you want to search, such as:. Enter the arrival date of the member's stay for which you want to search. PMS reservation number associated with the stay.

Transaction record type, for example, Stay or Adjustment to Stay. See Membership Points Transactions for details. Arrival date for the stay. Departure date for the stay. ORS booking for the stay. Card Number. Membership card ID number. Membership type. Membership level at the time of the transaction. Transaction Date. The date when the points were calculated.

This may differ from the guest's check out date. The Membership Type screen sets the Delay in Days from the time the guest stay ends when the guest checks out to the time the points are actually calculated.

The minimum delay is 3 days; this allows the stay record to be adjusted at the PMS level before points are calculated. Points Calculated. A Yes in this column means that the points have been calculated. Once points have been calculated, only adjustments can be made.


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