How is finn mutated

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Sign me up. Already have a WordPress. Log in now. This sparks a battle between Finn and CB. Finn is doing it in self-defense, CB for FP, and FP is excited over having two guys fighting over her, even if she knows Finn is defending himself. But there is a twist: CB has actually been a spy for Princess Bubblegum, who plans to kill Finn and any remaining humans, as well as kill the King of Ooo who is actually the High King of Ooo , thus plunging Ooo into civil war.

PB's ultimate goal is absolute rule of Ooo with an iron fist, then launch an invasion of the neighboring continents on Earth. And thus launched is a major story arc that will see Finn lose his right arm, the Human Rebellion, and the revelation that not only is Fionna real, but is Finn's long-lost twin sister.

And thus, the entire series would be turned on its head and forever changed. It would still have comedy, but it would also be highly dramatic and full of more violence and deaths than before, which may necessetate moving the show to Adult Swim or Toonami. When this is revealed, Finn and FP realize what has happened. The thing they had was destroyed by outside forces conspiring to conquer Ooo.

They call off their petty feud, reconcile, and begin a massive sword fight with PB, who eventually cuts off Finn's right arm. Before the final blow is struck, a massive army made up entirely of humans approaches the Candy Kingdom. Leading the charge is none other than Fionna herself, and the army is comprised of infantry, tanks, mobile rocket launchers, jets, helicopters, bombers, and even EV As yes, they're being piloted by Shinji, Asuka, and Rei, none of whom are messed up anymore.

The rescue mission leaves every Candy Person except Princess Bubblegum and a few male clones dead. Alot more awesomeness occurs after that, but the edit lock just expired, so I gotta amscray. After he inevitably kills Gumbald, Finn is left to himself, as he makes a memorial for Huntress Wizard. The last episode will deal with Finn finally finding true love.

He learns that Marceline and PB are headed off on a world tour while Lemongrab 3 is left in charge , and Canyon is dead, one of Gumbald's thousands of victims. He breaks down crying, wondering if he is forever destined to be alone in the world, or if he is perhaps gay yes, they will say the word "gay" on television.

But, just as it looks like he's about to resign himself to eternal single-ness, he hears noise coming from the direction of the Fire Kingdom. Heading over to see what's going on, he sees angry mobs descending on the palace. Getting a Flame Shield from Flambo, he finds that the people are trying to overthrow Flame Princess for her total honesty laws, and leading the charge is Flame King, who has become discontent with being King of the Chipmunks, even killing Bun Bun.

Finn enters the throne room and puts himself between FP and the mob. Heated words are exchanged, until Flame King lets slip his big secret: FP isn't his daughter. She was originally a human who he kidnapped from a family of mages after his wife died and no other dame would marry him. His ultimate goal was to make FP as angry as possible from being locked up in a lamp, then unleash her on the world to lead his armies to the total conquest of the planet.

Learning this, Finn and FP both attack him, easily defeating him, before FP delivers the killing blow. The mob swarms them, though, but Finn manages to make a path, and they escape, while the Fire People fight amongst themselves over who should be the new king.

Outside the kingdom, FP starts ripping off her royal garb in fury, including the gem on her forehead. Certain that this was the source of her power, she and Finn go to find LSP, who uses her lumps to counteract the fire magic that had seeped into F Ps blood. In " Another Way " and " King Worm ", he demonstrates a fear of clowns.

Also, in "King Worm," he shows a fear of Bubblegum calling him too young. In both "King Worm" and " Ocean of Fear ", Finn has an unexplained phobia of the ocean, or thalassophobia, despite the fact that he can effortlessly come into contact with any other body of water.

Finn's fears change in " Billy's Bucket List ," after he destroys the Fear Feaster , a manifestation of his fears, with his grass sword while attempting to go into the ocean to fulfill Billy's wish. The Fear Feaster's death seems to have eliminated all of Finn's fears, or at least his fear of the ocean.

Despite being mischievous from time to time, Finn is a very kind-hearted person. It's shown multiple times that he shows clear concern for others, even for those who have willingly hurt him, such as in " The Enchiridion ," he returned the dollar to the giant note that this was the very same giant who ate his beloved brother Jake and even kept insisting that he was dead.

Furthermore, he shows clear contempt for anything that is done out of immoral reasons and a consistent drive for righteousness—to "do the right thing. Finn, like his brother Jake, is also afraid of unknown vampires, as shown in " The Empress Eyes " when he hears Ice King breaking twigs.

Thinking that it was a vampire, he starts throwing vampire hunting sticks into thin air. Finn is also shown as willing to sacrifice himself in order to save others, as seen in the episode " James. Though, He was knocked out and Princess Bubblegum convinced James to be the sacrifice instead. Despite his age and appearance, Finn seems to be quite strong and athletic; he can be seen wrestling full-grown Marauders , the large grass ogre Donny , and a general variety of monsters and creatures several times his size.

Finn is also capable of lifting up Princess Bubblegum, as shown in " Mortal Recoil " when he picks her up and puts her in her bed, and capable of lifting up Marceline as seen in " Daddy's Little Monster. Lastly, in " Dad's Dungeon ," when Finn stabs the Evil Monster in the eye, he is able to lift it up slightly off the ground and flip it into the pit. Being the size it is, the giant Evil Monster should have weighed at least several tons, thus showing Finn's strength.

Finn is also agile as he can jump very high and even make his arms and legs bend in inhuman ways, as during the Science Dance and when he uses "spaghetti limbs" waving his arms and legs, which Jake can also do.

In " The New Frontier ," it is shown that Finn can make fire using friction from his hands. Finn can also endure high temperatures, as seen in " Jake Suit " as he allows Jake to dip his head in lava, and also in " Rattleballs ", when he sits in a mini-barbecue.

This may be because he is already accustomed to heat from his relationship with Flame Princess. Also, in " The Lich ", he is able to break the Enchiridion on his knee without any sign of pain, demonstrating considerable strength and resilience. He even tries to teach Jake how to tolerate pain in "Jake Suit," when he says, "just pretend like every bruise is a hickey from the universe.

Finn has obtained immunity to electricity thanks to magic spring water in " Flute Spell ". This ability seems to have stuck with him as we see him display the weakness of electricity in " Preboot " against a giant electric eel and again in " The Light Cloud " against the Great Guardian. Finn has the ability to mentally fight psychic abilities.

The first time he shows this during the Lich's attempt to control his mind. The second time was against Goliad , as he was constantly able to manipulate his own thoughts in order to avoid revealing the plan to defeat her, allowing Princess Bubblegum to create Stormo. Finn can focus for a very long time as shown in " Still " when he spends hours telepathically summoning an Astral Beast.

Finn also has the ability to read and write, and he can also do simple math. Finn is proficient in several forms of combat, including hand-to-hand, magic, and swordsmanship.

When using hand-to-hand combat, he is an aggressive fighter, combining some forms of martial arts or his amazing swordsmanship skills.

Finn prefers overpowering his opponents, but he is also quick enough to understand an opponent's weakness or using his environment to win a fight. He also received training from the old gumball robot Rattleballs which dramatically improved his sword skills and his reflexes to greater levels. Besides combat, Finn displays many other impressive abilities in handicrafts. He has some origami skills, as shown in " Ricardio the Heart Guy ," in which he makes Princess Bubblegum a paper crane, as well as in " Marceline's Closet ," in which he makes a paper airplane.

Finn enjoys singing; after swallowing a tiny computer, he gains the ability to Auto-tune his voice on command, although he can sing without it as well. Apparently, Finn can also play the flute, as seen in " Prisoners of Love ," where he plays a short lick before javelin-throwing it at Ice King. Unfortunately, the flute falls apart before it could hit him.

Because of this, Finn is not seen playing the flute until " The Lich " as Farmworld Finn and near the climax of "Finn the Human" when he shoves it into Tromo 's nose. Jake even imitates his footprints and said: "I'm Finn the Human, and I stink at viola.

In the episode " Go With Me ," Finn is seen playing the lute. In " Daddy's Little Monster ," he is seen playing the tambourine. Finn can also spit very long distances, as he demonstrates in " Evicted! In " Dungeon ," one of the trials that Jake says Finn would have breezed through is a spitting competition against a goblin-like creature.

In " Burning Low ," Finn is shown to be able to spit water incredibly high into the air. He also handles his sword with his right hand, suggesting he may be ambidextrous , able to use both hands with equal skill.

Finn is able to cook, although he leaves this task mostly to Jake. Finn and Jake gain magical abilities in the episode " Wizard ," but they never use those abilities in any other episode. Pendleton Ward later revealed on his Spring that all of the magic that Finn and Jake gained in that episode was contained in their robes, which were destroyed. In " Daddy's Little Monster ," for the first time, he becomes an antagonist by wearing the Nightosphere amulet , although it is only temporary.

In " The Tower " Finn gains a new mental arm with the ability to interact with the physical world. His emotions seem to cause this, along with the ability of telekinesis.

Since it was linked with his emotions, it exploded into a huge arm of spikes when he confronted his "dad," and disappeared when Finn's animosity abated.

Finn is twelve years old at the start of the series and progressively grows older relative to the passing of time in real life. Finn is shown going through puberty throughout the series. This is seen whenever when he screams as his voice cracks.

Finn's voice is noticeably deeper at fourteen than it was at age thirteen as a result of his voice actor aging. Episodes with early production codes have Finn with a very childlike voice such as " The Enchiridion! In an interview in early at the end of season three , Pendleton Ward stated that Finn was fourteen. Finn was later confirmed to be fifteen years old in the second half of Season Five, according to Adam Muto.

In " The Comet ," he is revealed to be sixteen years old. Finally, in " Seventeen ," he turns seventeen years old. By the time period of " Together Again ", many decades after the main series, Finn has become an elderly man with a long white beard. At this age, Finn dies presumably of old age and he transcends into the 37th Dead World. This is Finn Mertens' alternate universe form. He came into existence because of the wish that Prismo granted normal-universe Finn in the episode " Finn the Human ," and he was also in " Jake the Dog.

He was later the bearer of the Ice King's crown after using it to save his family from the Destiny Gang. In the episode " Puhoy ", Finn travels to a realm full of pillows which he cannot escape, and eventually starts a new life, becoming an adult and elder. Elder Finn loses his right arm and replaces it with a prosthetic limb that is seemingly made of quilting material.

In the episode " Dungeon Train ", Finn observes a possible future scenario where he doesn't leave the Dungeon Train , and keeps fighting the train's denizens. Finn is initially content with this outcome, until he sees that Jake stayed with him all those years, trying in vain to get Finn to leave with him.

In " The Vault ," along with Shoko, a few other of Finn's past lives are shown. As the first past life that Finn witnessed during his trance, he saw himself as a blue comet. This was later revealed to be a Catalyst Comet. The second past incarnation that Finn saw in the episode was his past life as a butterfly.

He appears to have had blue wings with purple spots. This is again in " Come Along With Me ", when he and Fern are battling each other in their dream state. Finn also briefly assumes this form in " Together Again " after Mr. Fox tells him he can look like any past version of himself. The next incarnation that Finn saw before being cut off by Jake was a Giant, Pink, and glowing glob. It is unknown exactly what this creature is, though Finn describes it as a "doo-doo in another dimension".

It bears some resemblance to the Mother Gum. He briefly assumes this form in "Together Again" after Mr. Fox tells Finn that he can look like any past version of himself. In " The Vault ," it is revealed that the strange, amorphous, ghost that has seemingly been haunting him is Shoko, his former self in a past life, who was horribly mutated before her death. Finn completes her final wish by returning Princess Bubblegum the amulet that Shoko had stolen from her in the past, putting her spirit to rest.

In the episode " Go With Me ," Finn is shown wearing a "lute suit" provided by his friend, Jake, in his attempt to convince Princess Bubblegum to go to the movies with him. It is also shown later in the episode when he tries to get Marceline to go to the movies with him.

He is not a real wizard; he only enters the Wizard Battle to prevent Princess Bubblegum from potentially having to kiss the Ice King on the lips as the prize for winning the battle. He wears a blue eye mask, an electric-green hood, and a large red robe.


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