Between and , poultry witnessed an all time high growth of 7 percent a year. Pig population has increased from 10 million in to 14 million in Growth in pig population, however, has decelerated sharply since , due to lack of widespread demand for pork Birthal and Taneja Livestock sector provides a variety of food and non-food products.
The major livestock products are milk, meat, wool and eggs Table 2. India is the largest producer of milk in the world with an annual production of Table 2. FAOSTATS for Meat production Milk production is continuously increasing since the initiation of Operation Flood in the early seventies on account of improved technological changes and creation of market linkages between rural producers and urban consumers through the network of dairy cooperatives Ravishankar and Birthal ; Birthal and Taneja Yet the productivity is low as compared to many other countries and the world average.
Buffalo and cow are important milch species with a share of 55 and 43 percent respectively in total milk output, and goats account for the rest. The milk production grew at a rate of 4. Growth in total milk production, however, declined marginally from 5. The growth in meat production has been faster as compared to milk production. Total meat production in the country has increased from 0.
The meat production structure however changed drastically during s; monogastrics poultry and pigs , especially poultry, emerged as the most important meat supplier with significant share of 27 percent in It may be noted that growth in meat production has largely been driven by the increase in number of animals slaughtered as the yield growth was negligible in case of almost all the species.
Recent trends, however, indicate improvements in meat yield of cattle, buffalo and sheep, and a decline in meat yield of goat and pig Birthal and Taneja Egg production in the country has increased from During , egg production has increased at the rate of 5.
Genetic improvement efforts have contributed substantially to this. About two third of the total egg production in the country, come from improved layers.
Clearly, there is considerable scope for increasing egg production through substitution of indigenous layers with the improved layers. The average yield of eggs in India is higher than the world average and average yield in developing countries but it is slightly lower than the average yield in developed countries.
Wool production in India has increased from Annual growth in wool production was 1. Domestically produced wool is poorly suited to garment production and fine wool is generally imported from Australia World Bank The wool and hair produced in India mostly with a diameter greater than 30 microns is used for furnishings, carpets and industrial fabrics.
The production level of wool in the country is much lower than the existing demand in the wool processing industry. This gap is more critical in case of fine wool with a diameter of less than 25 microns. The gross domestic product from agriculture sector has increased significantly; its share in GDP has declined from Livestock contributes nearly 25 percent to the gross value of agricultural output, and it has been increasingly consistently.
In fact, the growth in livestock sector has always remained higher than the growth in crop sector. Though in absolute terms, value of output of various livestock products increased during to and to , the annual growth has decelerated during to for almost all the products Table 3.
The annual growth in pork, poultry meat and eggs is higher than the growth in milk and meat from other animals. Table 3. Value of output from livestock sector in India Commodity Value, Rs. The major share of livestock output comes from food based products, which constitutes Milk and milk products have contributed Table 4. The contribution of meat and meat products has increased from However, the composition of meat output has been changing significantly towards poultry sector.
Livestock products account for about one-fifth of the global trade of agricultural products. India, however, does not have a significant presence in global livestock trade. India shares only 0. The global market for animal based foods has been expanding rapidly Birthal and Taneja Trends in India's exports and imports of livestock products for the last two decades are shown in figure 1.
Figure 1. India was a net importer of livestock products during s. This sector now holds good export potential as its exports exceeded total imports significantly. The situation turned around during early s due to increasing exports of meat and meat products and significant decline in imports of milk and milk products. The process of trade liberalization and the efforts made by the government in recent times have certainly boosted the country's exports of livestock products to newer heights, which is clearly visible from the increasing surplus of livestock trade earnings in recent years Figure 1.
Figure 2 shows the share of livestock trade in total agricultural trade in the country over last two and half decades. Figure 2. Share of livestock products in agricultural trade In , livestock products accounted for 3. Share of livestock imports during pre-liberalization period was quite fluctuating with increasing trends but after liberalization it has drastically come down. The share of livestock exports during pre-liberalization period was steady which has significantly increased during post liberalization period.
Interestingly, the share of livestock products in agricultural exports almost doubled since , while that in import fell drastically from The exports of meat and meat products, dairy products and eggs registered a remarkable increase during this period.
These accounted for The export of live animals grew until mids and thereafter declined gradually. There was wide fluctuation in export of hides, skin and animal fats. Table 5. For expanding the global market domain, more attention is required to improve the quality and hygiene of livestock products. Table 6. This sharp decline in milk import may be attributed to sustained increase in domestic supply.
Meat imports in India are meager and only highly processed meat products are imported in the country. These trends in meat imports are not because of any restrictive policy but because a large portion of meat consumers are very particular about the process of meat production followed i. Therefore, though India is considered to be potential market for chicken legs from USA, the consumer behaviour favouring fresh and Halal meat will not accept much of these product inflows. During s, wool and hair emerged as the main item of livestock sector imports.
Their share in total imports of livestock products increased to around India mainly imports apparel wool, as the domestically produced wool is unsuited for apparel manufacturing. The imports of hides and skins increased substantially to meet the growing demand of domestic industry.
The import of animal fats was one of the important livestock items during with a significant share of Crop production continues to be the main source of employment in rural India.
Table 7. Though the share of agricultural sector in gross domestic product has declined over time, the proportion of workers engaged in it has declined marginally from On the other hand, share of non-crop activities livestock, fishing, forestry, agricultural services, etc has been witnessing a downward trend.
Their share declined from 11 percent in to 8 percent in Most of the decline in employment in non-crop activities is due to a faster decline in the employment in livestock sector. Livestock sector engaged about 8. This however declined to 4. The female Cattle Cows population is increased by There is a decline of 6 per cent in the total Indigenous both descript and non-descript Cattle population.
However, the pace of decline of the Indigenous Cattle population during is much lesser as compared to which was about 9 per cent. The total buffaloes in the country are The total mulch animals in-milk and dry in cows and buffaloes is The total sheep in the country is The Goat population in the country in is The total Pigs in the country is 9. The total Mithun in the country is 3. The total number of Yak in the country is 58, in , which decreased by The total Poultry in the country is The total Backyard Poultry in the country is The global market for animal-based food has been expanding rapidly.
This sector now holds good export potential as its exports exceeded total imports significantly. The situation turned around during the early s due to increasing exports of meat and meat products and a significant decline in imports of milk and milk products. The process of trade liberalization and the efforts made by the government in recent times have certainly boosted the country's exports of livestock products to newer heights, which is visible from the increasing surplus of livestock trade earnings in recent years.
Improving the productivity of farm animals is one of the major challenges. The average annual milk yield of Indian cattle is kg which is only about 50 per cent of the global average. Reducing greenhouse gases through mitigation and adaptation strategies will be a major challenge. Crossbreeding of indigenous species with exotic stocks to enhance the genetic potential of different species has been successful only to a limited extent.
Limited Artificial Insemination services owing to a deficiency in quality germplasm, infrastructure and technical manpower coupled with poor conception rate following artificial insemination have been the major impediments.
After more than three decades of crossbreeding, the crossbred population is only The sector will also come under significant adjustment pressure to the emerging market forces. Though globalization will create avenues for increased participation in international trade, stringent food safety, and quality norms would be required. The livestock sector did not receive the policy and financial attention it deserved. The sector received only about 12 per cent of the total public expenditure on agriculture and allied sectors, which is disproportionately lesser than its contribution to agricultural GDP.
The sector has been neglected by financial institutions. The institutional mechanisms to protect animals against risk are not strong enough. Currently, only 6 per cent of the animal heads excluding poultry are provided insurance cover. Livestock extension has remained grossly neglected in the past. Only about 5 per cent of the farm households in India access information on livestock technology. India has a rich heritage of rearing livestock.
It is home to number of breeds of cattle, small ruminants, fowl, pigs and equine species among others. The diversity of breeds itself is a certain risk mitigation characteristic; as animals are bred to fulfill a wide array of characteristics.
Some of the selection criteria considered in the traditional breeding systems include the ability of the animals a to withstand heat and humidity to resist diseases c to cope with feed stress d to walk and graze forages e to utilize a range of forages and f survive for longer periods.
Across India, these breeds are icons of the inter-generational wisdom of the pastoral and livestock rearing communities.
This special knowledge of pastoral and livestock rearing communities across the country on characteristics of different breeds has been phenomenal. For centuries, these communities have been involved in studying and identifying breeds capable of withstanding harsh environment and suitable to their local agro-ecological conditions which enhanced the resilience of their food systems.
Thus, they have been responsible for developing and conserving domestic animal diversity with important genetic traits. Ironically, in the last 70 years, almost nothing has been spent by the government on conserving desi cattle.
Indigenous breeds are icons of intergenerational wisdom of the pastoral and livestock rearing communities. However, the impact of milk marketing network has to be recognized. It has played a significant role in the rural economy. Sale of milk does help family farms to get regular income, though not high profits. The average milk yield increase from Desi cattle has been 1. This has been possible without incentivizing them.
Even in drought, some of these animals survive — thus, can be managed with the limited feed and forage available. Invariably, the sale of animals provides distress income. Traditionally, cattle rearing in India is not just confined to milk production alone. Cattle have always played a significant role in sustaining the agriculture production system by providing vital inputs like manure and draught power.
The cattle depended on agriculture for feed through agricultural residues and fodder. The symbiotic relationship between these two production systems is the foundation of rural livelihoods. Also, that is the reason we have well defined draught breeds in the country.
Another key aspect of the traditional livestock rearing system is the institutional mechanisms that they sustain. Livestock keepers and pastoralists have nurtured a number of key institutions in rural societies for centuries. Institutions like gual cowherd , gochar the village grazing ground and godda the village bull , and the mechanisms for access, extraction, monitoring , sanctioning and the governance of these resource systems, are critical not just for the livestock production system but also for the entire rural livelihoods.
Cattle have always played a significant role in sustaining agriculture production system by providing vital inputs like manure and draught power.