How long hair transplants last

Ten months compared to a lifetime of hair is nothing, and the months will soon pass. The reason for taking the donor hair from these sections of the scalp is because they are DHT resistant. The medical term for DHT is Dihydrotesterone.

So, by removing hair follicles from the back and side of your scalp, it prevents the androgen hormones from acting and causing hair loss, due to them being DHT resistant.

As FUE uses your natural hair, your hair will begin to regrow as usual, and the final results will speak for themselves. So, to answer the question again — does an FUE hair transplant last forever, yes, it does. We would love to send you occasional news updates and information about our services. Submitting your details here tells us that you agree to our Privacy Policy and wish to join our mailing list. Anywhere from days to 3 weeks after the procedure, your transplanted follicles will shed.

If you are a Hair Doctor patient, this will be no cause for panic, because we will have prepared you for it. You can expect dormant shock to last longer or shorter depending on the area. The crown typically stays in dormant shock the longest, whereas the hairline tends to grow in first.

This is when it gets exciting. Right around the beginning of Month 4, your hair will finally start growing in. At first, it may come in thin and curly. Your transplant areas might look patchy at this stage, as different follicles will still be at different growth stages in their cycle. Knowing what to expect makes all the difference. This is the most exciting stage for most patients.

You can expect to see fast growth from the fourth month onwards. Your hair will fill in nicely and you will see a big difference to before. At the end of this phase we check in with our patients again.

What happens in this stage is more subtle. Your hair will grow in thicker, with the transplanted hair finally growing at the rate of normal hair, cm per month. As you can see, you need about 4 months of patience to see any meaningful results from your hair transplant, and give or take 6 months for those results to look good. We hope that we have helped you understand exactly what to expect from a hair transplant.

We know we have an excellent team that consistently delivers excellent results. But we also know that setting the wrong expectations can doom any effort. We also provide aftercare service to ensure things continue to progress healthily.

For more information on our hair transplants, or the answer to how long does a hair transplant last , feel free to contact our call centre on Longevita offer private, yet affordable medical procedures in top rated accredited facilities based in Turkey.

Longevita London Limited. Registered in England and Wales: What Is Shock Loss? About Longevita Longevita offer private, yet affordable medical procedures in top rated accredited facilities based in Turkey.

Terms and Conditions. He has also completed the prestigious, sub-specialty training in the Hair Transplant program in FUE and FUT treatments and is skilled in the most modern hair restoration techniques. Learn More. Free Video Consultation. What is a hair transplant? Follicular Unit Extraction FUE In this method of hair transplant , the surgeon will extract individual follicles from the donor area using a microneedle. How long does hair transplant last?

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