How long is apple picking season

The soft flesh breaks down when cooked so they are excellent for sauce but when baking should be mixed with a more dense apple such as Fuji. Sweet with hint of tartness. Cortlands tend to stay whiter longer when cut so are excellent in salads.

Also can be used for sauces and baking. It is an extremely firm apple and stores well. Honeycrisp is great for salads and baking. Same super sweet taste and crisp texture as a Fuji apple. Liberty apples are juicy with a sweet tart flavor. Great for baking because their flavor holds up even at high temperatures. We still have Honeycrisp apples available in our farm store!

Late September through October while supplies last. Red Delicious. October while supplies last. September through October while supplies last. Mid to Late October while supplies last. Northern Spy. Buy Tickets. Following CDC guidelines, masks are optional for people who are fully vaccinated. Get an E-Gift card. Join our newsletter. Color alone is not a good indicator of ripeness. Farmers use a variety of methods to determine fruit ripeness including days from bloom, seed color, and starch index.

Trust your farmer to determine the best apples for picking on the day you visit. Unlike other fruits, like peaches, apples stop ripening once they are picked so you want to make sure they are picked at the right time. Apple season is around the month of September. Check out the lists below for an overview of which apples ripen in which month. So when is the overall season for apples? Fresh apples are available from late July through to November.

Different varieties are grown in different regions, and the varieties grown in one region will have a range of maturity dates. In terms of apple season, Fall is also the best time to plant new apple trees! Summer-ripening apples are ready in late July, August, and early September. Fall-ripening apples are generally picked in September and October. Fall apples generally do store well, and we are therefore more used to seeing fall varieties in the grocery store. Here are some classic fall apple varieties:.

Late season apples, or winter apples, are ready at the end of apple season. These apples typically are large and are often good keepers, storing for months at a time. Here are some popular winter apple varieties:. Apples are picked by hand, even in commercial orchards. Others roll the apple upwards first and then twist. We were also taught just to gently turn apples upside down.

The stem should separate from the branch easily if the apples are mature. Treat fruit gently. Apples bruise easily.


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